Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 10

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

God reveals truth to all those who seek diligently receive the mysteries of God.

1.what did Nephi do to prepare us to be able to understand his record?
"Up to now Nephi had been summarizing the experiences of his father and abridging the record of Lehi. Now Nephi began an account of his own reign and ministry, which, of course, necessitated that a few more details of the teachings of Lehi and the doings of Laman and Lemuel be included." - Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L Millet, Doctrinal commentary on the Book of Mormon, 1:62

4-6. Why do we need a Redeemer?
Imagine being trapped in a pit... "This was precisely the condition that Adam placed himself and his posterity in, when he partook of the forbidden fruit. All being together in the pit, none could gain the surface and relieve the others. The pit was banishment from the presence of The Lord and temporal death, the dissolution of the body. And all being subject to death, none could provide the means of escape. Therefore, in his infinite mercy, the Father heard the cries of his children and sent his Only Begotten Son, who was not subject to death nor to sin, to provide the means of escape. This he did through his infinite atonement and the everlasting gospel." - Doctrines of Salvation 1:27
"Imagine... that your sins have pulled you into the bottom of a deep pit. From a cliff high above, The Lord tosses a rope to you - the rope of mercy. In order for the rope to be of any help, you must tie it around you and fasten it with the knot of repentance. This is the only way to be pulled free of sin. In a very real way, repentance is one of the gifts we give to our Savior when we 'offer a sacrifice unto The Lord [our] God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit'. Through repentance, we may 'come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need'. Nephi taught: 'For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.' The grace of Jesus Christ makes up for our deficiencies when we are striving with all of our hearts to obey. Then we are promised that we will receive grace for grace unto salvation." -Ted E Brewerton, Ensign, December 1994
"Just as a man does not really desire food until he is hungry, so he does not desire the salvation of Christ until he understands and accepts the doctrine of the Fall and its effect upon all mankind. And no other book in the world explains this vital doctrine nearly as well as the Book of Mormon." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April, 1987

14. What does it mean to be grafted in to the tree or the house of Israel? How are you as a member of the Church helping to gather scattered Israel?
17-19. What did Nephi desire to know? How do you think your desires affect your ability to receive revelation? What do you desire to know from The Lord? What are several things Nephi believed in that led to revelation? How do you think these beliefs might affect your ability to receive revelation today? Do you believe what The Lord has revealed to you? When have you felt God answered your prayers or felt promptings from the Spirit while you were diligently seeking help or guidance from The Lord? What is one way you can more diligently seek inspiration from The Lord?
17. What did Nephi feel after hearing about his fathers vision? What can you do with your ears, your eyes, and your heart to be able to see, to hear, and to feel messages from your Heavenly Father?
19. What are the mysteries of God? How are the mysteries of God revealed to you? What do you think it means to diligently seek the mysteries of God?
"The term mysteries of God as used in the Book of Mormon denotes the saving principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are termed mysteries because they are unavailable to the natural man, not because they are mysterious or difficult to understand. They must be revealed from God through faith and obedience. They are  designed to lead God's children to eternal life. 'A mystery is a truth that cannot be known except through divine revelation - a sacred secret.'" -Hyrum M Smith and Janne M Sjodahl, The Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, p. 141

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