Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mosiah 17

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

You are blessed when you are true to God in ALL circumstances.

1-4. Who believed in Abinadi's words? What courageous thing did he try to do for Abinadi? What was Alma forced to do? Why was it important that he write all the words that Abinadi had spoken? Even though Abinadi only had one convert, how many lives were changed because of his missionary service? What does this teach you about the importance of missionary work and the success of Abinadi's mission to King Noah's people?
1. What was King Noah's immediate response to Abinadi's words of repentance? Why do you suppose that he responded this way? How do you respond when someone councils you to change or repent?
2. How did their own guilt and actions and evil works condemned them in their own hearts? In what way is the feeling of guilt a good thing to feel? How do you respond to feelings of guilt and or shame? Does guilt in your life help you turn from things that would take you away from God?
3. How did the king feel about having one of his own admit to the wickedness of the actions they had indulged in? Why do the wicked so often respond in anger when counselled to change?
4. How did Alma's actions convey the depth of his commitment and conversion to the things that he had been taught by the prophet Abinadi? Why is it important to record the things that touch your heart? How can these writings be a strength to you further down the path of life? How can they bless your posterity?
5-13. What did it cost Abinadi to take the Lord's message to King Noah? What could Abinadi have done to save his own live and why didn't he do it? do you think that today Abinadi wishes he had never gone on a mission? What does it cost most members of the Church today to share the gospel? Do you think that when you see Jesus Christ again you will be glad you took the time, and paid the price, to share the gospel with others?
5. What did Abinadi do that was worthy of being cast into prison? What does the Lord sometimes allow unjust things to happen to his servants and those who seek to follow him?
6-7. How long did it take the king and his priest to find something that they felt they could accuse Abinadi of?
7-10. Which of Abinadi's last words impressed you the most? Why do you think Abinadi's words affected King Noah the way they did? What kind of influence did the priests have on King Noah? How does Abinadi's example help inspire you to be true to God in all circumstances?
"Be strong - in standing for the right. We live in an age of compromise and acquiescence. In situations with which we are daily confronted, we know what is right, but under pressure from our peers and the beguiling voices of those who would persuade us, we capitulate. We compromise. We acquiesce. We give in, and we are ashamed of ourselves... We must cultivate the strength to follow our convictions." - Gordon B Hinckley, GC, October 1992

8. As you read this verse considered the reason given that Abinadi should die. Was the reason the contents of the words he preached or was it his refusal to stroke the Kings vanity? Did the sentence he receive stem from his testimony of Christ more then the vanity of the king and his people? How did Abinadi's testimony of Christ help him stand immovable even in the face of certain death? How does your testimony of Christ bless and strengthen you when you face challenges in your life?
9. What issue did Abinadi address his response to? Why do you think he did not try to defend the portion of his teachings where he taught the king and his priests that Christ would come down and minister to his people? How does Abinadi's willingness to place himself into the hands of wicked people testify strongly to the degree of wickedness that they have embraced? Who will have more to fear at the judgment bar of God?
10. On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you place the degree of faith that the prophet Abinadi exercised? On the same scale where would you place your own degree of faith in Christ? What can you do to strengthen and increase your faith in your Savior? Why does building faith require constant, diligent, and daily effort?
11. How was King Noah motivated by fear? What did his fear almost allow him to do? What kind of conversion does a person have it has been motivated to change due to fear? Why is it better to change and improve yourself based on the feelings of love that you have for God and the feelings that come from the soft whispering and encouragement of the Spirit?
12. What prevented King Noah from releasing Abinadi? What caution do you find in this verse about listening to peer pressure? How can fearing men more than God cause you to be tempted and led astray?
13-14. Have you ever been burned? Where do you think Abinadi received the strength to testify be even as he was suffering death by fire?
15-19. How did the choices of the wicked people reflect the degree to which they would one-day suffer? How do your choices right now reflect what you will face in the future? Why do we often experience the very things that we would wish upon others? What can you learn about life from this fact? How can this knowledge help you to make good choices for yourself and to desire goodness for others? Do you think that Abinadi forgave those who put him to death?
20. How did the martyrdom of the prophet Abinadi seal his testimony as true? How many people do you know that would die for a lie?
20. What has the living prophet recently declared to the world and what should to do about his counsel?

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