Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mosiah 26

 (Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

To develop and maintain a testimony, you need to feast on the word of God, pray in faith, and obey the Lord's commandments. The Lord will forgive those who repent in the sincerity of their hearts. Bishops and branch presidents represent the Lord in helping you repent and game forgiveness. Confession of your sins leads to forgiveness. You must forgive others to receive the Lord's forgiveness. As you read parent and live righteously, you can also have peace and prosper.

1-39. This chapter contains an account of a group of people who did not do what they needed to do to nurture their testimonies. As a result, their faith in God never developed, and they led many church members into sin and error. What does this chapter teach you about developing and strengthening your testimony?
1-39. What is the most difficult problem youth face? What is the most difficult problem you believe parents face? What would you guess is the most difficult problem the prophet faces? What is the first step you take when trying to solve your problems? What other steps do you take? What have your parents or the prophets taught you about solving problems?
"The major reason for the world's troubles today is that men are not seeking to know the will of the Lord and then to do it. Rather do they seek to solve their problems in their own wisdom and in their own way. The Lord, in the first section of the doctrine and covenants, … pointed this out and marked it as one of the causes of the calamities which he foresaw coming upon the inhabitants of the earth. Listen to this ringing declaration: 'They have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant; the seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walk it's in his own way.'" – Marion G Romney, GC, April 1983
"If you want the blessing, don't just kneeled down and pray about it. Prepare yourselves in every conceivable way you can in order to make yourselves worthy to receive the blessings you seek." Harold B Lee, The Teachings of Harold B Lee [1996]
"The most important thing you can do is to learn to talk to God. Talk to him as you would talk to your father, for he is your father, and he wants you to talk to him. He wants you to cultivate ears to listen, when he gives you the impressions of the spirit to tell you what to do. If you learn to give heed to the sudden ideas which come to your mind, you will find those things coming through in the very hour of your need. If you will cultivate an ear to hear these promptings, you will have learned to walk by the spirit of revelation." – Harold B Lee, Teachings of Harold B Lee [1996]
Pattern for Solving Problems

1-10.  What problem did Alma face? What caused the wickedness in the rising generation? What did Alma feel as a result of this problem? What causes a similar problems in your day? How concerned do you think parents and priesthood leaders are about these problems? Why?
1. How would you describe your testimony today? In what ways would you like your testimony to grow?
"The use of the church are hungry for things of the spirit; they are eager to learn the Gospel, and they want it straight, undiluted,… You do not need to disguise religious truths with a cloak of worldly things; you can bring these truths to them openly." – J Reuben Clark Junior, The Chartered Course of the Church in Education, rev. ed. [pamphlet, 1994]
1-2. What choice did many of the rising generation make?
1-6. What should you do if you feel your heart getting hard and your understanding and faith wavering? (See 1 Nephi 2:16)
3. Why do you think people on belief hinders their ability to understand the word of God?
3-4, 6. What did the rising generation refused to do because of their unbelief? What were the effects of their unbelief? What do you need to do to develop and maintain a testimony? What practices are identified in the quote below that will help you nourish your testimony? How have these practices influenced your testimony?
"Testimony requires the nurturing by the prayer of faith, the hungering for the word of God in the Scriptures, and the obedience to the truth we have received. There is danger in neglecting prayer. There is danger to our testimony in only casual study and reading of the Scriptures. They are necessary nutrients for our testimony.… Feeding on the word of God, heartfelt prayer, and obedience to the Lord's commandments must be applied evenly and continually for your testimony to grow and prosper." – Henry B Eyring, GC, April 2011

5-6. How did the unbelieving youth influence some members of the church? In your experience, why is it important to have a believing attitude as you pray, read the Scriptures, and strive to obey the commandments? What experiences have you had when faced for prayer, scripture reading, or obedience to the commandments has strengthened your testimony?
6. It became expedient that those who committed sin, that were in the church, should be admonished by the church. What do you think this means?
7-39. Why is it important for you to know that priesthood leaders seek and receive the Lord's guidance when helping those who have sinned?
11-12. What did Alma do to try to solve his problems? Why might it have been helpful to consult with Mosiah? Read Doctrine and Covenants 9:7-8. How do these verses related to Alma's action?
"Let us not to suppose that a few feeble prayers will be sufficient to call down God's aid. It will take more then halfhearted supplication to save us." – Mark E Peterson, GC, April 1968

13-14. What words in these verses show that Almaz prayer was more than just halfhearted? Why must you pray with your whole soul in order to receive answers that help you solve your problems?
14. How much effort do you put into prayer? In society we expect things immediately (high speed internet, fast food, speed dial, etc). Are you truly willing to put a concentrated effort into seeking answers to your prayers? What if the answers don't come instantly?
15-18. What did Alma and his people due to return to the Lord? What blessings did the Lord extend to them?
15-20. What did Alma do that caused the Lord to promise him such a great blessing? Did this mean that he was no perfect?
"When the Saints of God chart a course of righteousness, when they game sure testimonies of the truth and divinity of the Lords work, when they keep the Commandments, when they overcome the world, when they put first in their lives the things of God's kingdom: when they do all of these things, and then depart this life – no they have not yet become perfect – they show nonetheless gain eternal life in our father's kingdom; and eventually they shall be perfect as God their Father and Christ His Son are perfect."  – Bruce R McConkie, Ensign, November 1976

21-31. How much confidence and trust did the Savior have in Alma as a priesthood leader? How could having the help of a priesthood leader assist those who struggle with difficult sins or temptations?
23. How would you summarize the Savior's words in this verse? Why do you think it is important for you to realize that the Savior himself paid for your sins?
25-28. Who did Jesus say will not get to go home any more? Where will they have to go instead? What would you be willing to do to make sure Jesus welcomed you home?
29-32. What does the Lord do about your sins when you repent? How often will He forgive you? What are you to do with those who trespass against you and then repent? What will become of you if you choose not to forgive? What are you supposed to do if someone trespasses against you but they are not sorry for what they did? (Read D&V 64:9-11) What did the Lord say about those who refuse to forgive? Whom did the Lord say you must forgive? How would this apply to those who are not sorry for their sins? Why would it be better to forgive even those who are glad they harmed you than to continue to be angry about it? What will anger and contention do to your spiritual progression?
"It is reported that President Brigham Young once said that he who takes offense when no offense was in the tended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense was intended is usually a fool. It was then explained that there are two courses of action to follow when one is bitten by a rattlesnake. One may, in anger, fear, or vengefulness, pursue the creature and kill it. Or he may make full haste to get the venom out of his system. If we pursue the latter course, we will likely survive, but if we attempt to follow the former, we may not be around long enough to finish what we started." – Marion D Hanks, Love, p. 95-96
29. What do you think it means to repent in the sincerity of your heart?
31. Why do you think you must forgive others to receive the Lords of forgiveness? Why do you think the Lord requires you to forgive others? How are repenting and forgiving others connected? (See D&C 64:8-11)

How can you apply the principles listed at the top of this page in bold to your life and to your own efforts to repent of your sins and forgive others?

The essential elements of repentance

Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught about the essential elements of repentance:

“Spencer W. Kimball [gave] a superb guide to forgiveness through repentance. It has helped many find their way back. He [identified] five essential elements of repentance.
Sorrow for sin. Study and ponder to determine how serious the Lord defines your transgression to be. That will bring healing sorrow and remorse. It will also bring a sincere desire for change and a willingness to submit to every requirement for forgiveness. …
Abandonment of sin. This is an unyielding, permanent resolve to not repeat the transgression. By keeping this commitment, the bitter aftertaste of that sin need not be experienced again. …
Confession of sin. You always need to confess your sins to the Lord. If they are serious transgressions, such as immorality, they need to be confessed to a bishop or stake president. Please understand that confession is not repentance. It is an essential step, but is not of itself adequate. Partial confession by mentioning lesser mistakes will not help you resolve a more serious, undisclosed transgression. Essential to forgiveness is a willingness to fully disclose to the Lord and, where necessary, His priesthood judge all that you have done. …
Restitution for sin. You must restore as far as possible all that which is stolen, damaged, or defiled. Willing restitution is concrete evidence to the Lord that you are committed to do all you can to repent.
Obedience to all the commandments. Full obedience brings the complete power of the gospel into your life with strength to focus on the abandonment of specific sins. It includes things you might not initially consider part of repentance, such as attending meetings, paying tithing, giving service, and forgiving others. …
“I would add a sixth step: Recognition of the Savior. Of all the necessary steps to repentance, I testify that the most critically important is for you to have a conviction that forgiveness comes because of the Redeemer. It is essential to know that only on His terms can you be forgiven” (“Finding Forgiveness,” Ensign, May 1995, 76).

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