Sunday, February 22, 2015

Alma 4

If you set an unrighteous example, your actions can hinder others from accepting the gospel. Your decisions to be humble or proud affect you and others. Fulfilling your spiritual duties may require sacrifice. Bearing pure testimony helps others draw closer to God.

1-5. What evidence do you find that the Nephites had become humble? What brought about the humility of the Nephites? You do not have to endure a tragedy to become humble. In what other way can you become humble?
2. What afflictions were upon the Nephites?
3. What does it mean to mourn? Think of a time in your life when you truly mourned. Think of a time in your life when you were angry. Is it easier to do right when you are sad and sorry or when you are angry? How did the Nephites feel about the terrible battles they had with the Lamanites? What reasons did the Nephites have to mourn? What did they believe was the cause of the mourning? What did they do when they realized that their afflictions were caused by their own disobedience? How might they have behaved differently if they had gotten really angry and blamed the Lamanites for the war? How can taking responsibility for your own behavior increase peace and harmony in your life?

"When we are out for revenge we blame, accuse, and provoke others to wrath and then we blame them for it. Only when we quite seeing each other in such self-justifying ways can lasting, substantial changes take place. In other words, it is not until we quit looking to the other for change, begin to be honest about ourselves, and take responsibility for our own behavior that a change of heart can take place." - C Richard Chidester, Ensign, February 1094

6. What do possessions have to do with this verse? How did the Nephite obtain their material wealth? How do you obtain things of this world? What changed about the Nephites when they became wealthy? What is pride? 
7-8. How did Alma and the other church leaders feel about those changes? Why was the accumulation of material wealth among the Church members a source of affliction for church leaders? What are some problems we have with pride in our society because of our possessions? 
8-9, 12. What are some of the fruits of pride? In what ways does pride influence the way you treat others? How can taking inventory of how you treat others, help you recognize pride in yourself, and if found, root it out of your heart?
10. What warning do you find in this verse? What happens to missionary work when those outside the church observe unrighteousness within? What is a stumbling block? 
11. How did the bad example of church members have a negative influence on those who did not belong to the church? What is the consequence of this iniquity? How can you avoid being a stumbling block to neighbors and friends that are not of your faith?
13-14. Even when the fruits of pride abound around you, what can you do to lift and bless others? What are the most important things in life? What can you do to keep focused on the important things in life?
14. What is a retainer? What does it do? How do you retain a remission of your sins? How does the Atonement of Christ infuse your soul with joy? How do you keep hold of this joy, even amidst affliction?
15. What does the phrase 'the spirit of the Lord did not fail him' mean to you? What can you do to ensure that the Spirit of the Lord is always with you, leading and guiding you even in the most troubled of times?
16-20. What reasons do you find in these verses as to why it was important for Alma to have the Spirit? What reasons have you observed in your own life as to the importance of living such that you can have the Spirit with you always?
16-17. What was the first thing Alma chose to do? What position did he give up? What position would that be like in our government? Why did Alma give us such a high position?
18. What position did Alma retain? Why do you think he chose to be the high priest rather than the chief judge? In which position do you think Alma could do the most good?
19. Why do you think that Alma was not going to try to save his people by implementing better government, better laws, or a stronger military? What does the phrase 'bearing down in pure testimony' suggest about how Alma would teach? When have you heard people bear pure testimony? How have these experiences influenced you? What truths can you learn from Alma's example?
"Alma understood a basic fact of life. There is no way of caring for the problems of mankind unless the great majority of them have been taught and subscribed their lives to a code of conduct which will keep them from falling into sin. The Lord, in the very beginning established for our first earthly parents commandments and covenants which, if observed and obeyed, will keep us from the heartache and waste of unrighteous living. As we consider conditions in the world today, we should be asking the question: 'How can we more effectively prevent the loss resulting from an overwhelming increase in spiritual, emotional, and physical problems now afflicting mankind?' It seems as if we are spending too much of our time and energy in repairing the damage of sin and not enough time in teaching them the Lord's law as a foundation on which they can govern their lives." - L Tom Perry, General Conference, April 1992

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