Saturday, November 24, 2018

Be Not Troubled by Ronald A Rasband

Discussion helps from the November 2018 Ensign

Ronald A. Rasband, “Be Not Troubled”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Elder Rasband’s message highlights several scriptures that can help us dispel any fears we may have about the perilous times we live in. Ask members to search these scriptures for counsel that they could share with someone who is fearful about the future. What else could they share from Elder Rasband’s message? How can fear “[limit] the perspective of God’s children”? Invite members to share how they have learned to overcome their fears and live with faith.

• How can fear limit my perspective? What purpose might fear have as part of my earthly experience?
• When has the Savior helped me overcome fear?
• What are fears I face in this world?
• How is fear dispelled?
• How can I help others overcome their fears?
• What can I do to build the strong foundation necessary to ensure my fears do not overcome me?
• When has the Spirit helped me push away fear and doubt?
• When has standing with the prophet helped me overcome my fears?
• What are some holy places I can stand in? How has the Spirit eased my worries when I stand in Holy places?
• In way ways does the love of God conquer all my fears?
• How can I be active in overcoming fears and troubles?
• What do I love that the Lord loves?
• How do I maintain optimism in a pessimistic world?
• How do I encourage spirituality in myself and others?
• When have I put my fears aside and relied on the Lord?

• What blessings are promised to those who stand in holy places? How can I make the places I stand in holy while surrounded by the wickedness of the world? What are some places in my life that I consider holy?

Some of these question originated from Camille's Chicken Scratch 'n Sniff Site and more study and teaching ideas can be found there.

“‘Holy places’ may have more to do with how one lives than where one lives. If we live worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, then we stand in a holy place. … A holy place is any place where a person enjoys the Spirit of God” (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, 2nd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2001], 196).
 "True disciples love to “stand in holy places”and love to make holy the places where they stand. Wherever they go, they bring the love of the Lord and peace to the hearts of others." (Pure Love: The True Sign of Every True Disciple of Jesus Christ By Elder Massimo De Feo Of the Seventy, General Conference, April 2018)
 “Anywhere you are where the Spirit is present can be a holy place.” (Elaine S. Dalton, “Holy Places in Your Life,” New Era, Jan. 2013, 7; see also D&C 87:8.)
  • D&C 68:6
  • D&C 6:34, 36
  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Philippians 4:13
  • Luke 1:37
  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

The following study page is designed for to help visual learners ponder and explore more deeply the message of feeling peace rather than fear in a troubled world.
STUDY PAGE Be Not Troubled - Ronald A Rasband - General Conference October 2018

Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by Quentin L Cook

Discussion helps from the November 2018 Ensign:

Elder Quentin L. Cook

Members might be interested to hear from each other what their first reactions were when they heard about the changes described in Elder Cook’s message. If a friend of another faith were to ask them why the Church is making these adjustments, what would they say? Encourage them to look for possible answers in Elder Cook’s message. What can we do as individuals and families, and as a quorum or Relief Society, to ensure that the changes accomplish what the Lord intends? As part of this discussion, you could also share insights from President Nelson’s opening remarks that inspire members to “enthusiastically embrace” these changes.

• What can I do as an individual to ensure that the changes to the meeting schedule accomplish what the Lord intends?
•Why do I need a greater connection between gospel instruction in the home and Church?
• How will the new meeting schedule bless my life? How do I honor the Sabbath now? How will my Sabbath day change because of the new meeting schedule? What would the Lord like to see me do with the extra time He has given me?
•How has the Lord prepared His people for this administrative adjustment?
• What can I do to confidently and whole-heartedly embrace the changes announced by President Nelson?
• How will the new curriculum strengthen and bless my family? What can I specifically do to receive this blessing? How can I help the next generation recognize and feel the sacredness of the Sabbath and seek after deeper conversion?
•What does it mean to have a deep and lasting conversion? What can I do now to have this type of conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ?

• How can I make my home a school for spiritual strength and increased faith?
• In what ways do the curriculum changes allow the gospel to be brought to all of Heavenly Father's children on both sides of the veil? What am I doing to contribute to this work? What more can I commit to doing to enlist in the work of salvation for my kindred dead?
• How do prophetic adjustments help me and my family prepare ourselves for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ?
• What does it mean to me to have a deep and lasting conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How does my conversion influence the way I speak and act? What can I do to deepen my conversion to the gospel?
• Why is a deepened conversion essential to me and my family members? How has my conversion helped me more confidently face the views and pressures of the world around me?
• What can I do to focus more specifically on the Savior and the ordinance of the sacrament? How do I see the shortened meeting schedule helping me increase that focus? How can I help children and youth recognize and feel the sacredness of the sacrament each week?

Some of these question originated from Camille's Chicken Scratch 'n Sniff Site and more study and teaching ideas can be found there.

The following study page is designed for to help visual learners ponder and explore more deeply the message of deep and lasting conversion.
Deep and Lasting Conversion - General Conference October 2018 - Quentin Cook