Saturday, November 24, 2018

Be Not Troubled by Ronald A Rasband

Discussion helps from the November 2018 Ensign

Ronald A. Rasband, “Be Not Troubled”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Elder Rasband’s message highlights several scriptures that can help us dispel any fears we may have about the perilous times we live in. Ask members to search these scriptures for counsel that they could share with someone who is fearful about the future. What else could they share from Elder Rasband’s message? How can fear “[limit] the perspective of God’s children”? Invite members to share how they have learned to overcome their fears and live with faith.

• How can fear limit my perspective? What purpose might fear have as part of my earthly experience?
• When has the Savior helped me overcome fear?
• What are fears I face in this world?
• How is fear dispelled?
• How can I help others overcome their fears?
• What can I do to build the strong foundation necessary to ensure my fears do not overcome me?
• When has the Spirit helped me push away fear and doubt?
• When has standing with the prophet helped me overcome my fears?
• What are some holy places I can stand in? How has the Spirit eased my worries when I stand in Holy places?
• In way ways does the love of God conquer all my fears?
• How can I be active in overcoming fears and troubles?
• What do I love that the Lord loves?
• How do I maintain optimism in a pessimistic world?
• How do I encourage spirituality in myself and others?
• When have I put my fears aside and relied on the Lord?

• What blessings are promised to those who stand in holy places? How can I make the places I stand in holy while surrounded by the wickedness of the world? What are some places in my life that I consider holy?

Some of these question originated from Camille's Chicken Scratch 'n Sniff Site and more study and teaching ideas can be found there.

“‘Holy places’ may have more to do with how one lives than where one lives. If we live worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, then we stand in a holy place. … A holy place is any place where a person enjoys the Spirit of God” (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, 2nd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2001], 196).
 "True disciples love to “stand in holy places”and love to make holy the places where they stand. Wherever they go, they bring the love of the Lord and peace to the hearts of others." (Pure Love: The True Sign of Every True Disciple of Jesus Christ By Elder Massimo De Feo Of the Seventy, General Conference, April 2018)
 “Anywhere you are where the Spirit is present can be a holy place.” (Elaine S. Dalton, “Holy Places in Your Life,” New Era, Jan. 2013, 7; see also D&C 87:8.)
  • D&C 68:6
  • D&C 6:34, 36
  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Philippians 4:13
  • Luke 1:37
  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

The following study page is designed for to help visual learners ponder and explore more deeply the message of feeling peace rather than fear in a troubled world.
STUDY PAGE Be Not Troubled - Ronald A Rasband - General Conference October 2018

Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by Quentin L Cook

Discussion helps from the November 2018 Ensign:

Elder Quentin L. Cook

Members might be interested to hear from each other what their first reactions were when they heard about the changes described in Elder Cook’s message. If a friend of another faith were to ask them why the Church is making these adjustments, what would they say? Encourage them to look for possible answers in Elder Cook’s message. What can we do as individuals and families, and as a quorum or Relief Society, to ensure that the changes accomplish what the Lord intends? As part of this discussion, you could also share insights from President Nelson’s opening remarks that inspire members to “enthusiastically embrace” these changes.

• What can I do as an individual to ensure that the changes to the meeting schedule accomplish what the Lord intends?
•Why do I need a greater connection between gospel instruction in the home and Church?
• How will the new meeting schedule bless my life? How do I honor the Sabbath now? How will my Sabbath day change because of the new meeting schedule? What would the Lord like to see me do with the extra time He has given me?
•How has the Lord prepared His people for this administrative adjustment?
• What can I do to confidently and whole-heartedly embrace the changes announced by President Nelson?
• How will the new curriculum strengthen and bless my family? What can I specifically do to receive this blessing? How can I help the next generation recognize and feel the sacredness of the Sabbath and seek after deeper conversion?
•What does it mean to have a deep and lasting conversion? What can I do now to have this type of conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ?

• How can I make my home a school for spiritual strength and increased faith?
• In what ways do the curriculum changes allow the gospel to be brought to all of Heavenly Father's children on both sides of the veil? What am I doing to contribute to this work? What more can I commit to doing to enlist in the work of salvation for my kindred dead?
• How do prophetic adjustments help me and my family prepare ourselves for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ?
• What does it mean to me to have a deep and lasting conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How does my conversion influence the way I speak and act? What can I do to deepen my conversion to the gospel?
• Why is a deepened conversion essential to me and my family members? How has my conversion helped me more confidently face the views and pressures of the world around me?
• What can I do to focus more specifically on the Savior and the ordinance of the sacrament? How do I see the shortened meeting schedule helping me increase that focus? How can I help children and youth recognize and feel the sacredness of the sacrament each week?

Some of these question originated from Camille's Chicken Scratch 'n Sniff Site and more study and teaching ideas can be found there.

The following study page is designed for to help visual learners ponder and explore more deeply the message of deep and lasting conversion.
Deep and Lasting Conversion - General Conference October 2018 - Quentin Cook

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Alma 34

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The infinite and Eternal atonement of Jesus Christ makes salvation possible for all mankind.

8. Who did Jesus Christ perform the atonement for?
9. Who needs the atonement in order to be saved?
11. Who can atone for your sins? Why is Jesus Christ the only person who could atone for the sins of the world? What have you learned so far about the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
"His atonement is infinite – without an end. It was also infinite in that all humankind would be saved from  never-ending death. It was infinite in terms of his immense suffering… It was infinite in scope – it was to be done once and for all. And the mercy of the atonement extends not only to an infinite number of people, but also to an infinite number of worlds created by Him. It was infinite beyond any human scale of measurement or mortal comprehension. Jesus was the only one who could offer such an infinite atonement, since he was born of a mortal mother and an immortal Father. Because of that unique birthright, Jesus was an infinite being." – Russell M Nelson, GC, October 1996
"According to eternal law, that atonement required a personal sacrifice by an immortal being not subject to death. Yet he must die and take up his own body again. The Savior was the only one who could accomplish this. From his mother he inherited power to die. From his Father he obtained power over death." – Russell M Nelson, GC, October 1993

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Types, Shadows, and Symbols of Jesus the Christ

Modern prophets have declared that Jesus Christ“instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice” (Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2000, 2). In addition to the ordinance of the sacrament, the scriptures tell us of many events, circumstances, objects, and people that were intended to remind us of and instruct us regarding the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. This lesson will help students consider some of these scriptural types, shadows, and symbols that point us to the Savior.

Scriptural symbols of Christ
Consider the following:

IDENTIFY the meaning of each sign, think of examples of other easily recognized signs or symbols.
Study and compare 2 Nephi 11:4 and Moses 6:63. LOOK for what these passages have in common and what they teach you about Jesus Christ and the purpose of God’s creations. 
 How would you state a central truth recorded in these scripture passages? 
All things were created to testify of Jesus Christ.
 What are some examples of things that have been “given of God” that are “the typifying of” (2 Nephi 11:4), or symbolic of, Jesus Christ?
All scriptures contain types, shadows, symbols, and similitudes of Jesus Christ. Types, shadows, symbols, and similitudes are representations of greater realities. For example, the Liahona described in the Book of Mormon is a representation of the words of Christ. 
Let's focus on types and imagery found in the Old Testament. Much of this imagery is in the form of people, objects, events, and circumstances. Review the following list of scripture:
Types, Shadows, and Symbols of Jesus the Christ
As you study each set of scripture passages consider the Old Testament symbolism and how it points to Jesus Christ. Record what you discovered in your scripture journal.
 Why do you think all things have been created to represent or to symbolize the Savior?
 What is the value of continually seeking to discover how all things testify of Jesus Christ? 
 We can learn more about Jesus Christ as we come to recognize the imagery, types, and symbols that testify of Him.
 How has something that symbolizes the Savior strengthened your faith in Him?
 What could you do to recognize Christ in the symbols we have been given?
Symbols and images of Christ in gospel covenants and ordinances
Read 2 Nephi 11:2–6 look for those things that Nephi took delight in. MARK what you find.
 What did Nephi delight in?
“the covenants of the Lord” (v. 5): covenants and ordinances are an important part of Jesus Christ’s everlasting gospel. There are many elements of covenants and ordinances that are symbolic and teach about and lead us to Jesus Christ. 
Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“Every divine ordinance or performance ordained of God, every sacrifice, symbolism, and similitude; all that God ever gave to his people—all was ordained and established in such a way as to testify of his Son and center the faith of believing people in him and in the redemption he was foreordained to make” (The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ [1978], 28).

 What is a doctrine or principle taught in this statement? 
We will see symbols of Christ in gospel ordinances if we look for them.
 How can this knowledge be helpful as we participate in gospel ordinances?
Read Romans 6:3–6 and 3 Nephi 18:7, 11 LOOK for symbols that refer to the Savior. 
 What are some ways that gospel covenants or ordinances teach about the Savior and help you to remember Him?
 What is a symbol of the Savior that has great meaning to you?
 How do you ensure that you notice this symbol?
 How has seeing this as a symbol of Christ blessed your life?
WRITE down how you can better recognize types, shadows, and symbols of the Savior in the scriptures, in the ordinances of the gospel, and in your daily life. SELECT a day in the near future on which you will consciously look for images, objects, or events that remind you of the Savior. Try keeping a list of what you find and share your list with a family member or friend.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Parable of the Gems

The following story is taken off the LDS Seminary and Institute website:

There was a young woman who dreamed she was walking along a quiet and secluded beach. She was searching for gems in the sand.

As the young women knelt down the tiny grains of sand glittered invitingly in the sunlight.

She began raking her finger slowly through the warm surface of the sand.

Before long she noticed a colorful Gem sparkling in the sand and picked it up.

Not wanting to lose it she carefully stuck it in her pocket for safekeeping.

Eagerly returning to her search she quickly discovered more gems resting just beneath the surface of the sand.

But the young woman wondered if they were gems hidden deeper in the sand.

Determined she began to dig.

With effort time and patience...

She was rewarded again and again with breathtaking jewels.

Each time she found a new gem, the young women held it under the sunlight and studied it carefully.

She turned each one over in her fingers exploring it's many shapes and facets

She thoughtfully and patiently examined the gems she had found

The young woman began to appreciate the unique qualities and characteristics of each one.

Feelings of attachment to her new found treasures began to grow within her.

 After searching for a while the young women gathered her gems together and held them up to the sunlight.

She was filled with awe as the light dance off the gems in a rainbow of colors.

As the young woman sat appreciating the beauty of the gems

She looked up and saw her father approaching

Smiling warmly he said, "I've been watching you dig in the sand. What did you find?"

The young woman eagerly displayed the handful of gems.

Her father then asked, "Now what will you do with your treasures?"

Friday, September 11, 2015

Scripture Mastery: Moses 7:18

To master this scripture:
1. Ensure that you have this verse marked in your scriptures.
2. Using your journal:

·                     Define any words you may not understand or may need to reveiw.
  • ZION – The pure in heart. The Lord’s people, a specific place or both.
·                     Apply sticker icon and art image. Ponder the meaning behind these symbols and how they relate to this verse.

·                     Research and record supporting scriptures.
  • 4 Nephi 1:15-16
  • Doctrine and Covenants 97:21
  • Doctrine and Covenants 115:5-6
·                     Read and ponder the post-it note quotes. (below)
·                     Check the Basic Doctrines that this scripture teaches.
·                     Ponder this verse. Ask yourself questions like:
  • What does it mean to be of one heart and one mind?
  • Why is caring for the poor and the needy a necessary part of building Zion?
  • What blessings are promised to Zion? (See D&C 97:18-25)
·                     Answer the following question: 'After studying the context and the content of this passage, what do you feel the Lord intended you to learn from this scripture?' Record you answer on page 14 in your journal under Understand.
·                     Ask yourself how you can personalize this verse.
·                     Ponder and record questions that will help you apply the principles taught in this verse more fully into your life.
  • What are some specific things I can do to build Zion?
·                     Answer the following question: 'How can you assist God in His work? How can you help others seek eternal life?' Record your answer on page 12 in your journal under Application.

3. Memorize the verse and reference

Post it Note Quotes:
Zion is established and flourishes BECAUSE of the God-inspired lives and labors of its citizens. Zion comes not as a gift but BECAUSE virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it. (Keith B McMullin, Oct. 2002)
Zion is people; Zion is the saints of God; Zion is those who have been baptized; Zion is those who have received the Holy Ghost; Zion is those who keep the commandments; Zion is the righteous”
 – Bruce R McConkie, April 1977
Who will dwell in Zion?
“These Are They Who Have Overcome the World—“Who Have Truly Been Born Again!”
- David O. McKay, Cherished Experiences from the Writings of President David O. McKay, [1976], 60

 “Zion is intended to be a place of refuge, a defense from the storm that is to come, from the wrath which shall be poured out upon the entire earth. God help us to be true and to live the gospel and do all in our power to promote righteousness in this great land.”
– President Ezra Taft Benson, Gen. Conf. April 1948

Zion is Zion because of the character, attributes, and faithfulness of her citizens… If we would establish Zion … we must rise to this standard. It will be necessary to become unified in one heart and one mind; to become … a holy people; and to care for the poor and needy with such effectiveness that we eliminate poverty among us.“ – D Todd Christofferson, Ensign, Nov 2008

 “We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. … The time is soon coming, when no man will have any peace but in Zion and her stakes” - Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976]

To build Zion—whether in a city, in our stakes, or in our homes—we must develop the qualities of a Zion people: pure hearts, unity, and unselfishness.
–Church History & Gospel Doctrine Teachers Manual, Lesson 46

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Scripture Mastery: Moses 1:39

To master this scripture:
1. Ensure that you have this verse marked in your scriptures.
2. Using your journal

  • Define any words you may not understand or may need to reveiw.
  • Apply sticker icon and art image. Ponder the meaning behind these symbols and how they relate to this verse.
  • Research and record supporting scriptures.
  • Read and ponder the post-it note quotes.
  • Check the Basic Doctrines that this scripture teaches.
  • Answer the following question: 'After studying the context and the content of this passage, what do you feel the Lord intended you to learn from this scripture?' Record you answer on page 12 in your journal under Understand.
  • Ask yourself how you can personalize this verse.
  • Ponder and record questions that will help you apply the principles taught in this verse more fully into your life. 
  • Answer the following question: 'How can you assist God in His work? How can you help others seek eternal life?' Record your answer on page 12 in your journal under Application.
3. Memorize the verse and reference.

Quotes that support this verse:

 “God Himself is glorified by His work of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. We naturally desire to participate with Him in His work, and in so doing, we ought to recognize that all honest work is the work of God.”
– D Todd Christoffersen, General Conference, October 2010
“We are living for eternity and not merely for the moment.
– President Joseph F Smith,Gospel Doctrine, p. 277

THE UNSELFISHNESS OF GOD”Hence, we see the complete unselfishness of our Father in Heaven. His whole work and glory is to bring eternal life and happiness to his children. Should not our whole purpose in this life, therefore, be made up of righteous service one to another? If not, how  can we ever hope to be as he is?” – Marion G Romney, Ensign, Nov 1981

UNDERSTANDING THE PLAN“… the Father’s desire is to give everyone the opportunity to receive a fullness of joy. Latter-day revelations show that our Heavenly Father created a great plan of happiness for all His children, a very special plan so that we can return to live with Him… Understanding the plan will help people keep the commandments, make better decisions, and have the right motivation.” -Rafael E Pino, Ensign, May 2015