Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Parable of the Gems

The following story is taken off the LDS Seminary and Institute website:

There was a young woman who dreamed she was walking along a quiet and secluded beach. She was searching for gems in the sand.

As the young women knelt down the tiny grains of sand glittered invitingly in the sunlight.

She began raking her finger slowly through the warm surface of the sand.

Before long she noticed a colorful Gem sparkling in the sand and picked it up.

Not wanting to lose it she carefully stuck it in her pocket for safekeeping.

Eagerly returning to her search she quickly discovered more gems resting just beneath the surface of the sand.

But the young woman wondered if they were gems hidden deeper in the sand.

Determined she began to dig.

With effort time and patience...

She was rewarded again and again with breathtaking jewels.

Each time she found a new gem, the young women held it under the sunlight and studied it carefully.

She turned each one over in her fingers exploring it's many shapes and facets

She thoughtfully and patiently examined the gems she had found

The young woman began to appreciate the unique qualities and characteristics of each one.

Feelings of attachment to her new found treasures began to grow within her.

 After searching for a while the young women gathered her gems together and held them up to the sunlight.

She was filled with awe as the light dance off the gems in a rainbow of colors.

As the young woman sat appreciating the beauty of the gems

She looked up and saw her father approaching

Smiling warmly he said, "I've been watching you dig in the sand. What did you find?"

The young woman eagerly displayed the handful of gems.

Her father then asked, "Now what will you do with your treasures?"

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