Friday, May 22, 2015

Alma 31

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you study the word of God, it will lead you to do what is right. Your daily efforts to pray and keep the Commandments will fortify you against temptation. If you pray and act in faith, the Lord will strengthen you in your trials.

1-2. How did the news that the storm lights were increasing in wickedness affect Alma? How do you feel when you learn that someone close to you is dwindling in faith?
3-4. Why did the Nephites begin to fear because of the Zoramites?
5. What did Alma decide to do to help the Zoramites? Why? In the effort to help people change, why do you think the word of God is more powerful than force or other techniques?
"True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior… That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the Gospel." – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1986

6-7. What did Alma decide to do as a result of his confidence in the power of the word of God? How has your testimony of the Gospel prompted you to act courageously? What would it be like serving a mission among this kind of people?
"The word of God, as found in the Scriptures, in the words of living profits, and in personal revelation, has the power to fortify the Saints and arm them with the spirit so they can resist evil, hold fast to the good, and find joy in this life." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1986

8-11. How would you describe the worship of the Zoramites?
10. What were the Zoramites doing that made them vulnerable to temp Tatian? What can you learn from their failure to continue in prayer and supplication to God daily? When have you seen that daily prayer can help you resist temptation?
"During the past years I have at times being asked by the brethren to meet with repentance members of the church and interview them for the restoration of their temple blessings. This has always been a spiritually moving experience to restore the blessings of those wonderful people who have repented. I have asked some of them the question, 'What happened in your life that caused you to temporarily lose your membership in the church?' With tear-filled eyes they answered: 'I didn't obey the basic principles of the Gospel: prayer, attending church regularly, serving in church and studying the Gospel. I then gave into temptations and lost the guidance of the Holy Spirit.'" – Rulon G Craven, GC April 1996

12-23. What problems do you see with the way the Zoramites or shipped? How often did they worship? What was the tower of Rameumpton used for? What did they do the rest of the week?
15-18. What concerns would you have if you heard someone praying in this manner? What are some of the false doctrines the Zoramites recited in their prayer? What was their attitude toward other people?
19-23. What changes do you think the Zoramites would need to make in order for their worship to be reverent and pleasing to the Lord? How do you worship the Lord? Does it show in your attitude and actions throughout each day? What attitude should you have as you worship? How can you keep that attitude throughout each day?
"Worship often includes actions, but true worship always involves a particular attitude of mind. The attitude of worship evil Oaks the deepest feelings of allegiance, adoration, and off. Worship combines love and reverence in a state of devotion that draws our spirits closer to God." Dallin H Oaks, GC, Pure in Heart [1988], 125

24-25. What attitudes and behaviors are observed by Alma that accompanied the Zoramites apostasy?
26-35. What was the focus of the Zoramites prayer? What was the focus of Alma's prayer in these verses? What elements of Alma's prayer would you like to incorporate into your personal prayers? What can you learn from these verses about prayer?
31, 33. What are some of the differences between Alma's prayer and the Zoramites prayer? Who did Alma primarily pray for? What does this teach you about the Zoramites? What does this teach you about Alma? When Alma prays for strength to bear the afflictions which come up on him because of the iniquities of the people, how does this illustrate his understanding of the plan a salvation? In what ways have you suffered affliction or adversity due to the iniquities or poor choices of others? Have others suffered because of your poor choices? What can you do to overcome those weaknesses in your life that have caused suffering to yourself and others?
36-38. What blessings came to Alma and his companions because of their prayers and actions?

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