Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ether 10

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-2. How does remembering the works of the Lord in the lives of those who have gone before us help us and strengthen us to continue in righteousness? What does the act of remembering what the Lord has done do for you?
3. What are the consequences of rebellion?
4. How were the people blessed by The Lord through a righteous king?
5. What sins were supported by the work of the people through the form of heavy taxes?
6. Why were the working people treated as criminals and thrown into jail when they refused to support wickedness through the payment of taxes? What kind of leaders do you support through the payment of tax money?
7. How the the wicked acts of a person in leadership positions afflict the people in his or her jurisdiction?
8. What will almost always be the outcome of this type of leadership? Review the history of your country in your mind... Has there ever been a time when the people rose up in rebellion against something that was not right?
9-10. Why do those who are victorious in a war often set themselves up in positions of power over those who they have conquered? What tactics are most often used to gain the favour of the people by their leaders?
11. What held Morianton back from being an even better leader and ruler over the people? Are there things in your life that cut you off from the presence of The Lord? What are they? What can you do to remove those things from your life?
12-13. Morianton ruled the people according to their desires... Yet he did not have the Spirit of The Lord assisting him in his decisions... Why do suppose that his successor did not choose to walk in righteousness as a King?
14. What do you think Kim and his brother had in common? How did it affect their choices?
15-16. What did Levi fight against? How can you fight against injustice and wickedness? Why is it important to take a stand when rights and freedoms are at stake?
17-22. What blessings did the people receive at the hand of The Lord as a result of their righteousness and the righteousness of their leaders?
22-27. Why is industry a common characteristic of the righteous? How industrious are you? How is your work ethic. Could you have a better work ethic... One that would please The Lord more and bring greater joy and satisfaction into your life?
28. How do you know that The Lord delights to bless you?
29-30. Why must we constantly stand guard against evil? What does captivity to the devil look like in our society today? Do you or anyone you know live in a form of captivity?
31-32. How hard is it to overthrow an unrighteousness ruler? How hard is it to overthrow the influence of Satan in your life?
33-34. When secret combinations begin to appear... Why is it imperative that we fight against them?

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