Friday, November 29, 2013

Moroni 9

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

We are to labor diligently in God's service even if those we serve do not respond positively. If we are faithful in Jesus Christ, He can lift us up even when difficulties and wickedness surround us.

1. What assurance did Moroni receive from his father at this time? How can you tell that Mormon had some serious concerns about the wickedness upon the land? What does the word grievous mean in this context?
3-5. What discouraging circumstances existed among the Lamanites?
3. Who is the source of the anger that exists upon the face of the land? What happens to a people who choose to allow anger to dominate their choices? How can you overcome feelings of anger?
4. Have you ever tried to help someone that rejected your efforts? How might some people respond when their good intentions are repeatedly rejected by those they are trying to help? Ponder  why Mormon continued to labor among the Nephites even though they had hardened their hearts toward the word of God and rejected the prophets efforts to help them?
5. What happens to a people that loses their love one towards another? Why are the fruits of revenge and blood a key indicator to the spiritual levels that exist in our society?
6. How do you minister to people whose hearts are not open? Why is it even important to do so? How keenly do you feel your responsibility to minister even to those who have hardened their hearts?
"In light of these teachings, it would seem to be most unwise to rely upon the doctrine of the so-called second chance and wait until after death to perform our good works. I am acquainted with the doctrine that those who have no opportunity to hear and receive the gospel in this life will have that opportunity in the world to come, and in rejoice in it... However, it does not teach... That those who have the gospel taught to them here will be able to make up their loss if they choose to wait for the next life to obey it. I would not advise anyone to take that chance. As I understand the scriptures, taking such a hazard would be fatal." - Marion G Romney, GC, April 1954
"Striving to exert the power of good example by living gospel principles, maintaining proper standards, and holding firm to righteous ideals, while not always easy, will reward us in this life and in the eternal worlds to come... Honesty, integrity, uprightness, morality, observance of the Word of Wisdom, and all the revelations concerning ideal behaviour should be exemplified in our own lives, and we will then become proper examples to follow. Does our pattern of life incorporate these basic qualities that permit us to say with assurance to our loved ones and friends, and those home we serve, 'Come follow me, and do the things you have seen me do.'" -Delbert L Stapely, GC, April 1969

9-10. What is most precious above all things? Why is charity and virtue valued so highly by God and His people?
"Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God. What would the world be like if virtue - a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards, including chastity - were reinstated in our society as a most highly prized value?" -Elaine S Dalton, GC, April 2013 
"In order to be virtuous and remain virtuous, you must be true to your divine identity and establish patterns of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. These standards are eternal, and they do not change. They have been tight by prophets of God. In a world filled with relative truth, The Lords standards are absolute. They are given to each of us to keep us on the path leading back to the presence of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ." -Elaine S Dalton, GC, April, 2009 

"Chastity and virtue are 'most dear and precious above all things', more valuable than rubies or diamonds, than herds and flocks, than good and silver, or than automobiles and land. But sadly, in many cases they are on sale at the cheapest prices... The lack of chastity, fidelity, and virtue... Causes rivers of tears to flow, breaks numerous homes, deprives and frustrates armies of innocent children. Loss of virtue... Has toppled many nations and civilizations." -Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1979

10. Why is it never wise to act out of a spirit of our doing another... macho and bravery etc? How is this attitude a form of pride? How can it bring upon a person great evil and condemnation?
"Imitation men being imitated; these 'macho' visions of life, so pitifully empty, can lead only to tragedy?" -Marion D Hanks, GC, October 1990

11-20. What causes a people to become 'strong in their perversion'? What indicators are there that can help us to avoid such a terrible state?
"Gross sins arise ominously and steadily out of the swamp of self-indulgence and self-pity. But the smaller sins breed there too, like insects in the mud, including coarse language... A few hedonists actually glory in their shame, and there is even a greediness in their uncleanness. Sadly, too, a few envy the wicked... Ironically in all their eagerness to experience certain things, hedonists become desensitized. People who wrongly celebrate their capacity to feel finally reach a point where they lose much of their capacity to feel!... such individuals become 'past feeling'. When people proceed 'without principle', erelong they will be 'without civilization,' 'without mercy,' and 'past feeling'. Such individuals do not experience real joy, such as being quietly and deeply grateful to a generous God, or of helping to restore those who 'droop in sin'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1995
"(Those) for whom the revelations and translations are so pertinent includes those who, in the familiar phrase, are living 'lives of quiet desperation'. They have now been joined by those living lives of noisy, slurping indulgence, wrongly celebrating their capacity to feel so that they finally lose their capacity to feel and become 'past feeling'. Hence they lick their particular platters in a desperate search for more sensations. Such individuals, however, are still not a majority but a 'lesser part' of the people." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2003

12. He  is it possible that a people can embrace a state of complete wickedness in just a few years? Can a person choose to embrace righteousness just as quickly?

20. Why must we absolutely guard against becoming 'past feeling'?
"The drumbeat of desensitization deadens the tastebuds of the soul by responding illegitimately to the legitimate need for belonging and for love, as predators and victims sadly become 'past feeling'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2001 "Craving power and the spotlight sucks out the spiritual oxygen leaving some 'past feeling'. -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2000 

"Lasciviousness wrongly celebrates the capacity to feel, so that people lose their capacity to feel!... Do we really expect those presently 'past feeling' to fashion an acceptable future? Gross sin not only dulls the feelings, it also impairs the intellect." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1993 
"Take away regard for the seenth commandment, and behold the current celebration of sex, the secular religion with its own liturgy of lust and supporting music. Its theology focuses on 'self.' Its hereafter is 'now.' Its chief ritual is 'sensation' - though, ironically, it finally desensitizes its obsessed adherents, who become 'past feeling'. Thus, in all its various expressions, selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1990 

"How tragic to reach the point where the Spirit must withdraw, and we become unable to sense or feel right from wrong. If we continue to lose skirmishes in the battle with Satan, the ultimate chains with which he grasps us will be as awful as the scriptures indicate." -Marvin J Ashton, GC, October 1977

21-22. Why does Mormon indicate that he can recommend his son, Moroni to God? What does it mean to be recommended unto God? Could the prophet or even your father recommend you unto God? What things might you improve in to ensure that he could do this without fear of being smitten for the recommendation?
"Our sons need to be encouraged in their righteous endeavors. If their sons strayed, stalwart Book of Mormon fathers still continued to teach them. Lehi exhorted two wayward sons with 'all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken to his words.' He preached to them and bade them keep the commandments of God." -Ezra Taft Benson, GC, October 1985

23-24. What indicators did Mormon see that would ultimately cause the destruction of his people?
25. How can the Savior uplift us when there is trouble and wickedness all around us? How can you be happy during times of challenge and struggle? How does a hope in Christ help you to be lifted by him? Review your testimony of the Savior, how strongly do you KNOW Him? How can an awareness of the spiritual conditions existing in the world help us to prepare ourselves spiritually and keep us in remembrance of the things of God? How can remembering the Savior and His Atonement help you when you are in difficulty or surrounded by wickedness?
"We can be troubled on every side, but nothing can really separate us from the love of Christ' worldly anxieties are not part of being 'anxiously engaged'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2002 
"We must not allow the things of the world to blinker our vision of the eternal destination. Nor must we permit the 'voices in the world' to lead us off course. Rather, we must allow the hope of Christ's glory and of eternal life to rest in our minds forever. We must reaffirm the goal that matters most and press toward it 'looking forward with an eye of faith.'" -Carlos E Asay, GC, April  1996 

"TheAtonement working in our lives will produce in us the love and tenderness we need, And by remembering Him and His gift, which we promise to do as we take te sacrament each week, we can put a light of hope in our faces which those we love need so much to see." --Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1986 
"Christ in our lives is not meant to grieve us or weigh us down unto death because we have been imperfect. Through him we may be lifted up by accepting his gifts and his mercy and long-suffering. These blessings we must seek to keep in our minds always... They who would follow him and be the manner of person he is will, as he did, lift up the repentant who suffer and sorrow for sin, and bless them with love and forgiveness." -Marion D Hanks, GC, April 1973

26. What is grace? How does the grace of God bless your life? Think of one way you can be more faithful in Christ when you are surrounded by wickedness or difficult circumstances?

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