(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)
The Lord can bless
us with assurances as we follow his inspiration. We can comfort and strengthen
others when we express our faith in God. As we search the Scriptures we can be
filled with the Spirit of The Lord and receive the strength and faith to keep
his commandments.
1. How did Nephi's parents feel when they saw their sons
returning from Jerusalem? How are you received by your parents when you return
home for a visit?
"The depth of love of
parents for their children cannot be measured. It is like no other
relationship. It exceeds concern for life itself…" – James E Faust
2-3. What concerns did Sariah express to Lehi concerning
her son's journey back to Jerusalem? How do you think your mother would feel if
you were long overdue from a dangerous assignment?
"Sariah, the wife of Lehi,
had the wrenching experience of leaving their home and their possessions to
travel in the wilderness. We are not told of the trials she may have
experienced; but going on foot, living in tents, and cooking over an open fire
could have been devastating after their comfortable life in Jerusalem." –
Barbara B Smith, GC, October 1982
4-6. How do you respond to criticism? How did Lehi
respond to the criticism of his wife in these verses? What can you learn from
Lehi about how to respond to criticism? What impresses you about how Lehi
responded to Sariah's concerns? How do Lehi's words show the faith and courage
gained from the revelations God had given him? What effect did Lehi's testimony
have upon Sariah?
7-8. What happened to turn Sariah's worrying and doubt
into a strong testimony that the Lord had commanded her husband and protected
her sons in verse eight?
"From trustworthy evidence,
rightly interpreted, true faith will spring." – James E Talmage, Articles
of Faith, p. 91
"Their circumstances did
not change; they still slept in tents. But she had JOY and COMFORT in the
knowledge that the Lord was guiding them. In that light she could carry-on and
meet further difficulties as they came." – Barbara B Smith, GC, October
9. What did they do to show there in minutes gratitude to
the Lord for delivering their sons and bringing the scriptures? How often do
you recognize the hand of the Lord in your life? What do you do to show Him the
depth of your gratitude for the blessings you receive?
10. What is the difference between reading and searching
the scriptures? Nephi and his brothers had a risked their lives, sacrificed
their family riches, traveled far, and been divinely protected in their journey
to obtain the brass plates. If you were a member of Lehi's family, how would
their efforts have influenced your attitude about studying what was on the
brass plates? Why do you think it was important for Lehi's family to take this
information with them to the promised land?
11-16. What teachings were found on the breastplates?
What value and blessing was this record to be to the descendants of Lehi's
"The value of the brass
plates to the Nephites cannot be overestimated. By means of them they were able
to preserve the language, most of the civilization, and the religious knowledge
of the people from whence they came." – Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine,
p. 103
14-16. How important is it for you to know of the
genealogy of your fathers and from where you came? How can this knowledge bless
your life ?
"Over the years as my
thoughts and heart have turned to the lives of my noble ancestors, my
appreciation for them has increased. Learning about my ancestors has not only
turned my heart to them, but has helped me see eternity more clearly. My own
life is rooted not just in the present, but in the lives of my ancestors as
well." – Spencer W Kimball, Ensign, January 1977
14-15. How many times do you find the word preserved or
preserve in these two verses? Who was preserved and how were they preserved?
What insights does this give into what the Lord will do for you?
17. How did studying the brass plates effect Lehi?
"When we want to speak to
God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the Scriptures;
for His words are spoken through His prophets. He will then teach us as we
listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you have not heard his voice speaking
to you lately, return with new eyes and new ears to the scriptures. They are
our spiritual lifeline." – Robert D Hales, GC, October 2006
18-20. What did Lehi prophesy concerning the plates of
brass? How has this prophecy Blessed your life?
21-22. Why were the plates of great worth to Lehi and his
family? What blessings come through searching the scriptures? How might you
improve in your personal study of the Scriptures? How could you be blessed if
you carried your scriptures with you and referred to them frequently in your
journeys today?