(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)
The scriptures are of great worth. They teach God's commandments, they
tell of His dealings with His children and THEY INVITE THE SPIRIT. Being
obedient is ALWAYS right! When we exercise faith in God and seek to do what He
asks, even when we cannot see the outcome, He will lead us by the influence of
the Holy Ghost.
1. How did Nephi's perspective
of the greatness and might of The Lord help Nephi remain faithful even in the
face of seemingly impossible odds? Why was Nephi not afraid to face Laban a
third time?
2. How did Nephi use his
knowledge of the scriptures to answer the questions of his brothers? What power
did he find written in the scriptures? What could you do to make the scriptures
a more powerful part of your life?
3. How was Nephi's absolute
faith in God a motivating force for not only himself but also for his reluctant
brethren? How can exercising absolute faith in the Lord bless the lives of
those around you? Have you ever felt a need to do something or felt inspired to
do something and yet not immediately known why, when or how it would be done?

4. Why do words spoken in
faith make the wicked resistant? What were Laman and Lemuel lacking that
prevented them from feeling and acting on the direction of the Spirit? Is there
anything in your life that prevents you from feeling inspiration and acting on
the impressions received by the Spirit? If so, what can you do to remove it
from your life?
5. Did Nephi know what he
would face within the walls of Jerusalem? Why was he not overcome with fear?
How did knowing that he was on the Lord's errand help him face the unknown
events he was yet to face help mobilize him on his errand?
6. How did the complete
reliance on the guidance of the Spirit ensure the success of their third
attempt to get the plates?
7-10. What can you learn from the final efforts of
Nephi to obtain the plates that can help you succeed in the challenges you face
or will face in your life? How did Nephi know it was the Spirit of the Lord
that required him to slay Laban and not his own emotions? Do you think this was
the first time Nephi had heard and followed the voice of the Spirit?
10-13. Why was Nephi directed
to take the life of Laban when killing is against the laws of God?
14-17. How do these verses
exemplify the confirmation of the prompting Nephi had received to kill Laban?
How does having a prompting confirmed, help you move forward with confidence?
17-18. Why was Nephi required
to do such a difficult thing? How does Nephi's experience compare to the
experience of Abraham with Isaac?
"Why did
The Lord ask such things of Abraham?... God did not do this for His own sake'
forHe knew by His foreknowledge what Abraham would do' but the purpose was to
impress upon Abraham a lesson, and to enable him to attain unto knowledge that
he could not obtain in any other way. That is why God tries all of us. It is
not for His own knowledge for He knows all things beforehand... But he tries us
for our own good, that we may know ourselves, for it is most important that a
man should know himself. He required Abraham to submit to this trial because he
intended to give him glory, exaltation and honor He intended to make him a king
and a priest, to share with Himself the glory, power and dominion which He
exercised." -George Q Cannon, GC, April 1899
19-27. How did Nephi obtain
the plates of brass from the treasury? What do you notice about Nephi's honesty
with Zoram in these verses? Does he pretend to have been doing the things that
Laban was doing or does he hold true to his purpose for being there? What do
his actions here tell you about his integrity?
30-38. What was the power of
an oath in Nephi's culture? Consider the promises you have made; how committed
have you been to keeping your word? How do you feel about people who never keep
their word? How would our world be different if people kept their promises? Do
you think that by allowing Zoram to come with them, he literally saved Zoram's
life? Why or why not?
rewards of integrity are immeasurable. One is the indescribably inner peace
that comes from knowing we are doing what is right; another is an absence of
guilt and anxiety that accompany sin. Another reward of integrity is the
confidence it can give us in approaching God. ... The consummate reward of
integrity is the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. ... Let us live true
to the trust The Lord has placed in us." -Joseph B Wirthlin, Finding Inner
Peace in Our Lives, (1995), 193-194
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