Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1 Nephi 3

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Persistent obedience qualifies us for the Lord's help in difficult situations. If we will do what The Lord commands, then He will prepare a way for us to accomplish it. The Lord will provide a way for us to accomplish his purposes IF we are faithful and obedient.

1. Do you speak to or with The Lord? How can speaking with The Lord improve your spiritual capacity and your ability to be directed by His Spirit?
2-4. How important are the scriptures to you? How much would you be willing to sacrifice in order to have them with you? How much would you be willing to sacrifice in order for your children and future generations to be able to have them?
5. How do you receive commandments? What feelings and attitudes do you have as the prophet speaks? He do you feel about the hard things that The Lord requires of you? He can you come to better accept His will in your life?
6. Why do you think that The Lord favours the righteous? What can you do to be favored of The Lord?
7. What has been the most difficult challenge of your life? What made it so difficult? What helped you get through it? How does The Lord prepare the way?

"When The Lord commands, do it." - Joseph Smith

8. Why does your obedience to The Lord bring joy to the hearts of your parents?
9. Why did Laman and Lemuel go with Nephi to get the brass plates with Nephi? How were their attitudes about their mission different? How can our attitudes about the commands of The Lord affect our ability to keep His commandments?
10. Who did the brothers consult with in preparation for the task they had been given?
11. By casting lots were the brothers seeking the Lords help to obtain the plates?

"In Nephi's day, casting lots was a customary way of making a choice. By casting lots, Nephi and his brothers were seeking the Lord's guidance in fulfilling the commandment to obtain the brass plates." -Bible Dictionary, 'Lots, Casting of'

14. How was Nephi's response to the first failed attempt different to that of his brothers? In what ways do anger, murmuring and unbelief prevent us from hearing God?
15. Who did Nephi trust in? Who was his partner in accomplishing the command they had been given to obtain the plates of brass?

"Nephi made God his partner. If he failed to get the plates, it meant God had failed. And because God does not fail, it was incumbent upon Nephi to get the plates or lay down his life in the attempt." - Bruce R McConkie, GC, April, 1982

16. According to Nephi, why did Lehi leave all his possessions behind to travel in the wilderness?
17-18. What happens to a society when they reject the words of the prophets? How do you feel about the teachings received through the prophet?
19-20. According to these verses, why did they needed to obtain the brass plates? Why are the scriptures important to you? How do they bless your life and the lives of your family members? How might your life be different if you didn't have the scriptures?
21. How did Nephi's words of faith affect his brothers? How can your words of faith influence others for good? Why does it take courage to share and speak words of faith especially in the face of opposition?
22-23. How is this verse of scripture and example of acting on inspiration? Why is it so important to act on the inspiration you receive? Think of a time when you acted on the direction you received from the Spirit and were blessed for it.
24. How does Nephi's example teach us of the worth and value that the scriptures should be in our lives?

"Nephi's example teaches us that the blessings of the scriptures are far more valuable than property and other worldly things. Pursuing the things of the world can sometimes give us momentary pleasures but not lasting joy and happiness. When we seek after the things of the Spirit, the rewards are eternal and will bring us the satisfaction we seek through this mortal experience." -L Tom Perry, GC, October 2005

25-26. What do these verses teach you about the character of Laban?
27. What do you learn about the protective influence of The Lord over those who are doing His works from this scripture?
28. Do you think at Laman could have treated his younger brothers so terribly if he had not had the support of his brother Lemuel? Have you ever enabled someone in their poor behavior? Whose sin is greater, theirs or yours, or are both equally guilty? Why does the enables actually give the sinner more power to sin an he or she would have had on their own?

"Lemuel made some wrong choices because he yielded to Laman's pressure. He did not do the right thing because he 'knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.' A principle we can draw from this incident is that learning doctrine about how God deals with us will help us to cope with peer pressure." -Walter F Gonzalez, GC, April 1975

29. If you had an angel appear to you and correct some of your poor choices, how would you respond?
29-31. Why did the appearance of an angel to Laman and Lemuel cause a greater change in their hearts? How is it possible that they could murmur immediately after such an experience?

"Easily riled and quick to complain, [Laman and Lemuel] could scarcely remember their last rescue long enough to meet their next difficulty. Instead, lacking gospel perspective, the situational cares of the day, like worry over a broken bow, of all things, dominated the things of eternity." - Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1999 

"First, the MURMURER often lacks the courage to express openly his concerns.... Second, MURMURERS make good conversational cloak holders. Though picking up no stones themselves, they provoke others to do so. Third, while a MURMURER insists on venting his own feelings, he regards any response thereto as hostile... Fourth, MURMURERS have short memories... Strange, isn't it,,, how those with the shortest memories have the longest list of demands! However, with no remembrance of past blessings, there is no perspective about what is really going on." - Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1989

"Those of deep faith do not murmur. They are generously disposed, and they are reluctant to murmur, even while in deep difficulties." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1989

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