Monday, June 9, 2014

Mosiah 22

 (Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-16. What is the advantage of counselling together? How did counselling together as a people help them come up with an escape plan? What is the advantage of counselling with those you trust before getting involved with something? Why would counselling with your parents, bishop, or other church leaders be important?
2. Have you ever had a problem in which you felt completely incapable of resolving? How does the story of Limhi's people help you trust more fully in gods ability to deliver?
3. How did the position of trust which Gideon held with the king help to resolve the problem that the people were unable to solve? How might this have been different if the king did not trust Gideon? What attributes and actions do you have and enlist in that will help others trust you? Why is it so important to be honest and filled with integrity in every thing that you do, in everything that you say, and even in everything that you think?
4-9. How did the knowledge that Gideon had of the Lamanites activities become a blessing to the people and a way for them to be delivered from bondage? Why is it so important to listen to the ideas of others? When another person gives you advice or counsel, does that mean you are required to do what they suggested, or do you act in your best interest after exerting yourself in much prayer and then act after having considered their council? Why is it vital that you receive your answers, and your own direction from the Lord rather than allowing yourself to be influenced by the opinions and ideas of others – even when others are well-meaning?
10-14. Why is the Lord sometimes slow to come you your rescue? (Read D&C 101:8-9) How did the Lord finally rescue Limhi's people? What invaluable lessons can you learn while you wait for the Lord to perform miracles of deliverance in your life? How important is it for you to receive these lessons and learn the principles which they teach? How can this waiting period be a blessing to you in your spiritual development?
11. Who did the Lord provide to lead them to safety? Who do you have that will leave you to safety?
14.  How did King Mosiah greet them? How is this story like your own escape from the world and into the arms of the Savior?

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