Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mosiah 25

 (Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

By studying the records of God's dealings with others, you can feel you and gratitude for the goodness of God. Church members strengthen each other as they gather together to listen to the prophets declare the word of God. God calls leaders to direct His Church today. The organization of the Church ensures that all members can receive the truth. As we take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and live accordingly, the Lord will pour out His Spirit upon us.

1-24. How have you seen the goodness of God in your life? What blessings have you realized from belonging to the true Church of Jesus Christ? 
1-4. What sacrifices have members of the Church made to attend conferences where a prophet or apostle will be speaking? What sacrifices have you made to attend and hear the words of a prophet or apostle as he teaches the gospel of Christ? What motivates people to make these kinds of sacrifices? What blessings can come when members of the Church gather together? (see D&C 6:32).
“I was assigned to preside over a regional conference in La Paz, Bolivia. Some members came from small towns and villages far away, showing great sacrifice and commitment to attend the meetings. Prior to the priesthood leadership training session, I greeted the brethren as they gathered. I noticed that one older brother’s shirt was a different color from the middle of his chest down; the upper portion was white, while the lower part was brownish-red. He and three of his companions, all Melchizedek Priesthood holders, had traveled for many hours, walking most of the way and fording two rivers where the brownish-red water came up to their chests. They had flagged down a truck and stood in the back of it for the last two hours of their journey. Their sacrifice and their attitude about it made me feel extremely humble. One of these faithful men said to me: ‘Elder Ballard, you are one of the Lord’s Apostles. My brethren and I would do whatever was required to be taught by you.’” -M Russell, Ballard, “The Law of Sacrifice,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 11–12
1-11. Consider the following principles and ask yourself how you can benefit from identifying these important truths gleaned from the records King Mosiah had read to his people? What additional principles do you find in these records? How can these truths be valuable in guiding your choices today?
  • Zeniff's story illustrates how obedience and faith can preserve freedom.
  • Noah shows that wickedness leads to bondage.
  • Limhi demonstrates how repentance and humility bring deliverance.
  • Abinadi proves that the words of the prophets are true.
  • Alma illustrates the power of patience and faith.
5-6. How does hearing or reading about other people's experiences that illustrate the goodness and power of God in their lives strengthen you?
7-11. How did King Mosiah's people respond as they listened to the accounts of God's dealings with the people of Limhi and Alma? Have you had an experience where learning of God's goodness to others helped you feel joy or gratitude? What might be some long-term effects if you regularly studied experiences of God's goodness in His dealings with others - whether in the scriptures or other sources?
12. Who did not want to be called by the name of their fathers and why? What name did they want instead? What does that name tell you about what they believed and how they wanted to live? What other name have you, as a member of the Church, taken upon yourself? What does that name say about what you believe and how you want to live?
14-16. What did Alma teach the people? Why is it important to continually teach repentance and faith in God? How is what Alma taught an appropriate summary of the experiences of Limhi's people as well as Alma's followers? Why do you think Alma's words would have been important for the people to hear after they heard the history of Zeniff's people?
"The main body of the Nephites, under the second King Mosiah, was still intact in the land of Zarahemla. The reference stating that Alma was the founder of their church has reference only to the refugees who were fleeing from the land of the Nephites' first inheritance. In course of time they found their way back to the main  body of the Church and Alma was consecrated as the high priest over the Church in all the lands occupied by the Nephites." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. [1957-66], 3:39-40
14-18. How is committing sin like being in  bondage? What principles and actions lead to an escape from sin? What did Alma teach the people to do? What did he teach them to remember? Why is it important to remember who delivers you from bondage? What did the people then want to do? What is one thing you can do each week to help you remember the Savior? How does taking the sacrament help you to remember your baptism and your escape from sin?
21. How does the Church among the Nephites resemble the Church today?
23-24. How were the people blessed as a result of being baptized and joining the Church of God? In what ways has the Lord blessed you through your membership in the Church? How can remembering that you have taken upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ make a difference in your thoughts and the daily choices you make?
24. What does it feel like to have the Lord pour out his Spirit upon you? In what ways does your participation in the Church of Jesus Christ help you to feel the Spirit? What can you do to increase your faithfulness and righteous actions so that you can feel even closer to the Spirit?
"The gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the right to receive the Holy Ghost as a constant companion, is obtained only on condition of faith in Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the laying on of hands by authorized servants endowed with the Melchizedek Priesthood. It is a most precious gift available only to worthy members of the Lord's Church. ... It is the source of testimony and spiritual gifts. It enlightens minds, fills our souls with joy, teaches us all things, and brings forgotten knowledge to our remembrance. The Holy Ghost also will show unto [us] all things what [we] should do'." - Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, April 2003

24. What were Mosiah's people called? What did the Lord bless them with? What did the people do to receive those great blessings? Read Doctrine and Covenants 41:1 What does the Lord want to give you? What does he say you must do to receive those blessings? Why will some people be cursed instead? What do you think it means to 'hear' him? What specific blessings are you grateful to your Father in Heaven for?

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