Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Nephi 18

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As we partake of the sacrament, we witness to the Father that we are willing to do all That He has commanded. As we partake of the sacrament, we witness into the Father that we will always remember Jesus Christ.

1. Why was it so important that Jesus leave a remembrance of himself for us?
2. Why is personal preparation for the sacrament so important? How does it amplify the sacramental experience?
3. All bread can remind us of the Savior. Why was it so important that the bread and water be blessed?
4. What is it that fills you when you partake of the sacrament?
5. Who is to partake of the sacrament?
6. How often are we to observe the sacrament? How can you always do this?
7. What are we communicating to The Lord when we partake of the sacrament? How sacred is this experience to you?
8. What are some aspects of the Saviors life and ministry that you might remember during the ordinance of the sacrament?
9. How often are you "filled" with the spirit when you partake of the sacrament? How can you ensure that it happens more frequently?
10. What can you do to always remember the Savior during the rest f the week? Why do you think it is important to always remember the Saviors atoning sacrifice for you?
11. How would you feel if the Savior said those words to you?
What are you usually thinking and feeling when the sacrament is administered each week?
How might your thoughts and actions change if the sacrament were administered by the Savior himself?
What are some of the things that make it easier or harder to think about the Savior during the sacrament?
What are some of the things you could do to make it a more spiritual experience?
How do you act differently when you remember the Savior?
How has remembering the Saviors sacrifice during the sacrament helped you feel gratitude for him?

Partaking of the sacrament more worthily and reverently can help bring the Spirit into our lives.
 12. He does partaking of the sacrament worthily and always remembering the Savior help us build upon His rock?
13. He does forgetting the Savior and his atoning sacrifice place weaken our foundation and set us up for destruction?
14. How will you feel at that day that you face the Savior at the judgement bar knowing you kept the commandments? How would you feel if you hadn't?

If we will be watchful and pray always unto the Father, we can resist the templates of Satan. When we are watchful we are spiritually alert, vigilant, or on guard.
15. Why do you think that both watching and praying are essential to resisting temptation?
16. Whose example are we to follow when we pray? How does this affect what we ask for and how we ask it?
17. Why did Jesus first teach a principle to his disciples and then to the people?
18. How has praying helped you resist the temptations of Satan?
19. How often does The Lord expect us to pray? Why do you think The Lord tells us three times to 'pray always'?
20. What is the criteria for having your prayers answered? What can you do to improve your personal prayers?
21. What blessings have you experienced from praying with your family?
22. How does meeting together as a body of Saints help the congregation come unto Christ?
23. How important are prayers in our worship services? What role do they play in worshiping the Lord? In bringing others to Christ?
24. What will you do today or this week to let your light shine so that those who follow you will also be following the Savior?
"Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps you are the light sent baby Heavenly Father to lead another safely home or to be a beacon from a distance to show the way back to the straight and narrow path that leads to renal life?" ( Robert D Hales ) 

25. What is the commandment we are given in this verse? How can we help others come unto Christ?
26. Why does the Savior specifically speak to his disciples? What is he teaching by doing this?
27. How does Christ view the commandments He has been given by His Father? How should we view the commandments we have been given?
28-29. Why is it so very important that we only partake of the sacrament worthily? How do you know if you are worthy?

"Before partaking of this sacrament, our hearts should be pure; our hands should be clean; we should be divested of all enmity toward our associate; we should be at peace with our fellow men; and we should haven in our hearts a desire to do the will of our Father and to keep all of His commandments. If we do this, partaking of the sacrament will be a blessing to us and will renew our spiritual strength." -- George A Smith, CR April 1908

30. How can you minister to those who are struggling with living the gospel?
31. What is the safety net for the Lords people in not allowing the unrepentant the same privileges as those who strive to live the gospel?
32. Should we ever stop ministering to the unrepentant? What promise and hope does this verse give us regarding those we love who stray from gospel paths?
33. If we shun and judge others, how will The Lord feel towards us? What might be the consequences of such actions?
34. How can we reach a level of living where there are no disputations in us?
35. Why does the Savior say he needs to to go the Father for "our sakes"?
36. How would you feel if you had the Savior touch you with his hand (like a hand shake) and speak to you one to one? How might that inspire you to follow Him?
37. How thankful are you that you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost?
38. Why would a cloud shroud the Savior from the multitude? How is this similar to the veil being drawn across our eyes preventing us from physically seeing Him?
39. Why didn't the whole multitude get to see the Savior ascend into heaven?

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