Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Nephi 28

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Jesus Christ grants the desires of his righteous disciples. The Lord blesses us according to our righteous desires. If we inquire of the Lord for understanding, we will receive revelation.

1. What would it be like to be given the opportunity to make a personal request of the Savior? What is the first thing that you think of when you consider the Savior granting a wish from your heart? Do righteous desires fill your heart? What would you ask of Him? What do you think it would be like to be interviewed by the Savior?
2. What did the nine disciples desire?
3. How did Jesus feel about that desire?
4. Why did Jesus repose the question to the remaining three Nephites?
5. Why did they sorrow in their hearts? Was their request selfish? We're they afraid that they might offend their Creator?
6. How was the desire of their hearts communicated to Jesus? Who else had a similar desire?
7. What was the desire of the hearts of the three Nephites? How was their desire even greater than the nine? What blessings would they be granted as a result of this desire? Examine the desires of your heart. Will they result in blessings not just for yourself but also for your fellow men?
8. What does it mean to be translated? How was what the disciples asked for different from what many people would ask for if they had a chance to ask God for whatever they wanted? Why do you think all the disciples, asked for a chance to continue serving, either on earth or with Jesus, instead of wealth or long life or other earthly things? Would you rather serve The Lord than have earthly wealth?
9. If the only source of pain you suffered was from the sins of the world, how high would your pain threshold go? Why do the sins of others cause so much pain?
10. How does unity with and submission to Gods will in our lives bring us a fullness of joy? Can it be obtained any other way? Consider what you find the most joy in. When have you felt blesses by The Lord as you acted on righteous desires? What can you start doing today to nurture righteous desires in your own life so you can qualify for the Lords blessings?
"What we insistently desire, over time, is what we will eventually become and what we will receive in eternity... Righteous desires need to be relentless, therefore, because, said President Brigham Young, the men and women, who desire to obtain seats in the celestial kingdom, will find that they must battle every day." --Neal A Maxwell, GC, Oct 1996

11. Have you had the Holy Ghost bear witness of the Father and his Son to you?
"The mission if the Holy Ghost is to testify of the Father and the Son, to guide us into truth, and to show us all things we should do. This personal line of communication with our Heavenly Father through his Holy Spirit is the source of our testimony of truth, of our knowledge, and of our personal guidance from a loving Heavenly Father. It is an essential feature of His marvelous gospel plan, which allows each on of His children to receive a personal witness of its truth." --Dallin H Oaks, GC, Oct 2010

13. Is it possible to a mortal man to be caught up into the heavens and live? What change must take place in order for this to occur?
"Some mortals have been translated. In this state they are not subject to sorrow or to disease or to death. No longer does blood (the life giving element of our present mortality) flow in their veins... They have power to move and live in both a mortal and an unseen spree. All translated beings undergo another change in their bodies when they gain full immortality. This change I'd the equivalent of a resurrection." --Bruce R McConkie
14. Have you ever had a spiritual experience you simply could not find the words to communicate? How might this be similar to being forbidden to utter or in other words not have the power to utter what you experienced? Why should sacred things be treasured in your heart?
15. What was one reason the disciples needed to go through this change?
16. How would such a spiritual experience help the disciples be more motivated and dedicated to fulfill their calling as apostles?
17. What was the reason the disciples needed to go through this change?
18-22. How did The Lord bless the disciples so that they could carry out their righteous desires? What does this teach you about the Lords willingness to bless you as you live according to your righteous desires?
23. What is conversion? How important is it to be truly and fully converted to The Lord? How converted are you? Could you be more converted?
25. Why are the names of the three Nephites retained by The Lord from the world?
27-32. Are the three Nephites among you? Have you known for a surety that they ministered unto you? Why would The Lord in His wisdom keep that knowledge from the world?
29. How is the desire of these three men being realized in our day?
30. What special privileges do the three Nephites have? Is it possible to see them? How are they like angels?
31. How will the three Nephites help prepare the earth for the coming of the Savior?
33. Consider the scriptures you have. How well do you use them? Will The Lord reveal more scripture if we do not use the scripture that has already been revealed to us?
"Concerning the three that were to tarry, that great works shall be wrought by them before the great day of The Lord shall come. Then he says, that if you had all the Scriptures, you would know that these things would be fulfilled. We would know a great many things if we only had these Scriptures and revelations. They are to be revealed to fill our earth with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the great deep. Not only the records of the ancient inhabitants of this land are to come forth, but the records of those who slept on the eastern hemisphere. The [fullness of the] records of John... we are informed in the Doctrine and Covenants... is to be revealed to the Latter Day Saints." --Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses 16:47

34. What will happen 'at the last day' to those who refuse to believe Christ or His servants?
35. What two things do people do that is like trampling God under their feet? What did Jesus say would have been a better fate for them than to be rejected by God? How are Gods reasons for being angry at those who reject him similar to or different from your reasons for being angry at those who mistreat you? How might the wrath of Gods justice be a demonstration of his loving concern?
"Jesus and His servants are one; to believe in those whom He hath sent is to believe in Him, and to reject His messengers is to reject Him." --Bruce R McConkie
 "We should think of God in terms of His divine attributes, for He is perfect in His love, mercy, and compassion - as well as in His justice. Only then can we begin to understand why His anger is kindled and to appreciate the loving concern which underlies his wrath. Gods love for us is perfect, and His desire for our happiness is so deep that when his anger is kindled this signals much more than we realize. Our God is not preoccupied with other concerns, nor is His ego offended, as are ours. Such narrow views of Him do an injustice to God who is perfect in His justice." --Neal A Maxwell
"Gods anger is kindled not because we have harmed him but because we have harmed ourselves. We are his children and he is perfect father. He does not want us, four instance, to take his name in vain, but this is because of what happens to us when we do. Our profanity cannot diminish from his godhood, his love, his omnipotence, or his omniscience. But our profanity does damage us and can damage us profoundly. " --Neal A Maxwell

36. Who do you normally turn to when you have a question about the gospel? What did Mormon due to find the answer to his question?
37-38. What was the answer to Mormons question? How did receiving this answer satisfy his desire to understand?
"Understanding requires desire and patience. One's faith can be strengthened by… Reading the Scriptures with a happy frame of mind and desire to absorb additional truth… As one reads something which does not for the moment seem to have meaning he can put that item on the shelf and move forward with the reading. In most instances the additional information gained and faith developed seem to provide the background so that the un-understandable item falls naturally into place. If anything seems to counter previous concepts, one can read and study and ponder and pray and wait and usually a clarification comes. " -- Spencer W Kimball

39. How did being translated allow the three Nephites to perform the mission that was the desire of their hearts? What changes did they experience? What blessings were they given? What can we learn about the millennial state of the earth from the things that we are taught about these men?
40. What change do they yet I'll wait after the judgment day of Christ? What is the desire of your heart?

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