Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Nephi 25

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Jesus Christ quotes Malachi's prophecy that Elijah would return prior to the second coming. As our hearts are turned to our fathers, we are helping to prepare the earth for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

1. The word route refers to ancestors, and branch refers to posterity. If you consider the composition of a family to be made of roots and branches what does the sealing power do to complete and bind?
"In order to understand this passage of scripture, four root read progenitors or ancestors and for branch read posterity or children. Unless, then, through obedience to the laws of God you can qualify yourself to go to the temple and have your family sealed to you, you will live forever separately and singly in an unmarried state. It seems to me that would be a very lonesome type of existence-to live without the warming influence of family life among those you love, who in turn love you. " -- Theodore M Burton, Ensign, July 1972 
2. Calves that grow up in the stall is a symbol for children who are protected, cared for, and have all things necessary for them as they grow up. How do you feel about this promise for the millennial reign of the Savior?
3. When you consider the refining process, particularly that done by fire, you wouldn't ever consider the ashes to be part of the finished product. Why does this verse compare the wicked to ashes that are walked upon by the righteous?
4. How much of Israel was required to live by the statutes and judgments of the Lord? How many exceptions were there? In our day do we expect to have exceptions to the rule for ourselves? Why is it risky to expect to have an exception made for our behavior? How does what you know about the nature of God help you understand this principle?
5. What did Elijah do to help prepare the earth for the Lord's second coming?
6. What do you think the statement that he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers means? How does knowing that the word turn means to bind or seal, change what you interpret from this verse? Why do you think that the promise of Elijah's return is found in every book of scripture?
"Precisely on that day in 1836 when Elijah's appearance took place, Jews throughout the world were engaged in the celebration of the Passover. Since the time of Malachi, four centuries before Christ's mortal birth, Jews worldwide have awaited Elijah's coming at Passover with anxious anticipation. Elijah came, but not to Jewish homes; he came rather to a temple of the Saints and to his legal administrator on earth, a descendant of Joseph and Ephraim. There is Elijah bestowed keys of inestimable worth. " --Robert L Millet, Ensign, March 1998 "Elijah brought the keys of sealing powers-that power which seals a man to a woman and seals their posterity to them endlessly, that which seals their forefathers two and them all the way back to Adam. This is the power and order that Elijah revealed-that same order of priesthood which God gave to Adam and to all the ancient patriarchs which followed after him. " --Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, August 1985

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