Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Nephi 22

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The stakes of Zion are a refuge from the storms that threaten us each and every day.

1. Why are there more children of the desolate than the married wife? How does this phrase prophecy of how the Gentiles will flourish in the gospel? What about the Jews?
2. Why do the cords need to be lengthened and the stakes strengthened? How can we as families and as members of the church make our stakes a place of refuge and safety from the storms that surround us?
"The prophets likened latter-day Zion to a great tent encompassing the earth. That tent was supported by cords fastened to stakes. Those stakes, of course, are various geographical organizations spread out over the earth. Presently, Israel is being gathered to the various stakes so Zion...  Stakes are a defence for the Saints from enemies both seen and unseen. The defence is direction provided through priesthood channels that strengthens testimony and promotes family solidarity and individual righteousness."  -- Ezra T Benson

3. What does this verse teach us about the adoption process that happens when the Gentiles join the church? What are the blessings associated with this process?
4. How does living in obedience to the laws and principles of the gospel help us to put our past behind us? Through whom do we do this?
5. How do you feel about the Atonement of your Savior, Jesus Christ?
6. How would you feel had you been once rejected and then come to find great acceptance and love? How do these feelings relate to indulging in sin a d repenting from sinful behaviours? What are the blessings that come as we change our ways?
7. How merciful is The Lord? How merciful are you? What can you do to become more merciful... Especially toward those who hate you?
8. Thinking of repenting, how does this verse make you feel in regards to ow The Lord feels when we sin and more importantly, how He feels when we repent?
9. What important promises does the rainbow represent to you? How does it remind you of the principles of repentance taught in these verses?
10. Mountains and hills are pretty stable and yet we know that they do erode away a little at a time in the elements. What does The Lord teach about The constancy of His kindness, peace and mercy toward us? Will those feelings ever erode toward us? What if we sin? Do you ever allow good feelings toward others to erode? What is the outcome of allowing that to happen? How can you guard against erosion in relationships?
11. What word does this verse use to describe those trapped in sin? What do the beautiful stones represent?
12. How does repentance and following the example of the Savior create as it were riches in our lives? Do you perceive obedience and the predicated blessings as jewels and gems  in your spiritual composition?
13. How do we bless our children with peace? How high is this responsibility on your priority list?
14. Why is it that when we live in righteousness that fear and terror are no longer a part of our lives?
15. What will happen to those who gather against the righteous? Why do you think that many will flee to Zion in the last days? What will we have to do to be worthy to live in Zion?
16-17. As we remember that The Lord is the one who created the elements which are used to create weapons, we can know that those things cannot be used against his work. How is this knowledge a comfort and a blessing to you?
"Compassion and mercy always return and prevail in a most reassuring way. The mountains and the hills may disappear. The water of the great seas may dry up... But the Lords kindness and peace will never be taken from his covenant people. He has sworn with a heavenly oath that he will not be wroth with them forever." -- Jeffrey R Holland

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