Monday, May 5, 2014

Mosiah 10

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Taking offense, holding on to anger, and refusing to forgive can affect generations.

1-22. In which areas of your life would you like to have more strength and support? Have you ever felt like you were carrying too much and wished you had more ability or strength to handle your challenges?
1-22. What similarities and differences do you see between how Zeniff’s people and the Lamanites approached their battles? What truths can you learn from this comparison?
1-21. How were Zeniff's people blessed because they relied on the strength of the Lord? Do you ever get into troubles or trials where you could use the Lord's strength? Does the Lord love you as much as He loved Zeniff's people? How can you get the Lord to help you in your struggles? When have you felt and enjoyed the Lord's strength in your life?
12-17. Why did the Lamanites hate the Nephites so intensely? Whom does it hurt when you are angry or refuse to forgive? How can a person’s anger affect his or her family, now and in the future? Do you have any feelings of being wronged or feelings of anger toward someone? To whom can you go for help in your efforts to forgive? How can you avoid feelings of offense and anger in the future? What does it feel like to forgive someone and to let go of your feelings of offense or anger? 
“If you feel you have been wronged—by anyone (a family member, a friend, another member of the Church, a Church leader, a business associate) or by anything (the death of a loved one, health problems, a financial reversal, abuse, addictions)—deal with the matter directly and with all the strength you have. … And, without delay, turn to the Lord. Exercise all of the faith you have in Him. Let Him share your burden. Allow His grace to lighten your load. … Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually” - Donald L Hallstrom, GC, April 2010
“If you feel you have been wronged, be ready to forgive. If there is, for some reason, an unpleasant memory, let it go. Where necessary, talk to your bishop; talk to your stake president. To all, but especially to those who some day will be great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, your eternal blessings and those of your posterity are far more important than any prideful reason which would deny you and so many others of such important blessings” - Harold G Hillam, GC, April 2005
12-17. How would you characterize the traditions of the Lamanites? What is the danger of false traditions? How do you traditionally respond when someone offends or mistreats you? What is your traditional reaction when someone asks for help? When it is time for personal or family prayer, scripture study, or family home evening, are you as supportive and pleasant as the Savior would want you to be? What do you usually do when you see someone who is sad or needs a friend?
"Carefully study the scriptures and counsel of the prophets to understand how the Lord wants you to live. Then evaluate each part of your life and make any adjustments needed. Seek help from another you respect who has been able to set aside some deeply held convictions or traditions that are not in harmony with the Lord’s plan. When in doubt, ask yourself, “Is this what the Savior would want me to do?"... I testify that you will remove barriers to happiness and find greater peace as you make your first allegiance your membership in the Church of Jesus Christ, and His teachings the foundation of your life. Where family or national traditions or customs conflict with the teachings of God, set them aside. Where traditions and customs are in harmony with His teachings, they should be cherished and followed to preserve your culture and heritage. There is one heritage that you need never change. It is that heritage that comes from your being a daughter or son of Father in Heaven. For happiness, control your life by that heritage." - Richard G Scott, GC, April 1998

1-22. What does the experience of Zeniff's people with the Lamanites teach you about why the Lord told them to leave originally?

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