Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mosiah 12

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If you keep the commandments of God, you shall be saved.

1-8. What happens when you receive a warning but do not heed it? Has there been a time in your life when you were warned not to do something but you disobeyed and did it anyway? What happened when you ignored the warning? How would you describe Abinadi's warning to the people now as compared to in the previous chapter? What principle about the Lord's warnings to His children do you learn from this story? What should you do when the Lord warns you to repent? (See Doctrine and Covenants 19:15-19)
2-7. What challenges and trials are enumerated in these verses? Why does the Lord allow such difficult things to come upon His people? How many of these conditions have you seen in the world or around you? When something bad happens, how can you be strong and get through it? Who is always there to help you? How can knowing that even though God allows challenges to come upon you, He is still there for you, - willing to assist you as you work through the challenges you face - how can this knowledge be a  blessing in your life particularly when you are facing challenges or uncertainty?
8. What is the Lords level of tolerance for wickedness and disobedience? Is there anything you need to do in your own life that will help you maintain a similar tolerance level for evil? How can you maintain the desire in your heart, in which even the very thought of sin pains you and causes you to turn from it? How can this desire be a blessing in your life? How can it bless your family, friends and community?
9-12. What did the people choose not to hear in Abinadi's warnings and prophecies? How does the choice to dwell on positive feelings change your perception and reception of the same message that one who chooses to dwell on negative feelings receives?
13-15. Why were the people unable to see the evil in the actions of their king? What do the people say in these verses that indicates the hardness of their hearts and the pride by which they are lifted up? Where is the Lord in their list of priorities? Where is the Lord in your list of priorities?
15. According to this verse what destination did Noah’s people think they were pursuing? 
16. How did the people respond to Abinadi's message? Why do you think they defended Noah?
17-19. Why do you suppose the priests wanted to question Abinadi? How did Abinadi respond to their questions? How does KNOWING the Lord and acting on the pure desire to do His will give you confidence when you are challenges, criticized or condemned? Why do you suppose that Abinadi was able to withstand all their questions? How familiar do you think Abinadi was with the prophecies given and with the words and works of God? How do you think this knowledge helped him as he faced the wicked priests?
20-24. Why do you think that the priests wanted Abinadi to interpret this scripture? What interpretation do you think the priests had for these scriptural verses?
25-27. How did Abinadi respond to the request of the priests? Why were the priests unable to understand this scripture passage? 
27-37. The priests wanted to question Abinadi, but who asked the most important questions? What do you learn about effective teaching from  Abinadi's questions?
27-37. Have you ever learned something about the gospel that was new to you but didn't FEEL new? Have you ever learned something new that made such perfect sense that it seemed as if you had always known it? Find each question Abinadi asks Noah's priests, note their answers, and identify Abinadi's accusations. What do the accusations have in common? Why is obedience to the gospel principles a key to understanding them? Why is it so important to learn spiritual things in the Lords way?
27. Why do you think Abinadi used the word 'hearts' instead of 'minds' in this verse? What do you think it means to apply our 'hearts to understanding'? What does it mean to apply your heart to understanding? Why is it important to apply your heart as you study and teach the gospel? What kind of learning takes place more through the heart or spirit than the mind? Why is it important to have the Spirit guide you as you try to understand the gospel?
"When your heart tells you things that your mind does not know, then the Spirit is guiding you." - Harold B Lee, The Teachings of Harold B Lee, 509
"The prophet Abinadi explained the role of the feelings that come from God to our hearts. He taught that we cannot understand the scriptures completely unless we apply our heart to understanding." - Walter F Gonzales, GC, October 2012

28-37. Why is it important that you strive to live according to the truths you teach?
33. Why is it important to LIVE the commandments? Why is knowing the way to live not enought to qualify you for salvation?

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