(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)
You receive the Spirit of the Lord and the promise of eternal life by making and keeping the covenant of baptism. Great blessings come to those who keep their baptismal covenants. The Lord can warn the righteous when they are in danger.
MOSIAH 1-7: Preparing for the Covenant
1-16. Think about your baptism. What details do you remember about the experience? How were you prepared for your baptism? What feelings do you recall about your baptism? Ponder what you may appreciate even more about your baptism now than you did when you were baptized.
1. Even though the prophet Abinadi was put to death, in what way did King Noah still face the power and influence of the word of God in his kingdom? How did the repentance of Alma qualify him to preach the gospel of Christ to the people?
2. Who was preaching the gospel to the people part of the repentance process in which, Alma had undergone? How can seeking to do what is right bless your efforts to repent of your mistakes? Why is it necessary for you to take to correct your mistakes? How does the desire to correct mistakes convey to God as well as others the sincerity and depth of your love for God?
3-6. Why were the people taught without the knowledge of the King? How did this allow them to grow and flourish in the Gospel?
7. How do the truth of the gospel make you feel? How does this feeling in your heart help you know that these things come from God?
MOSIAH 8-16: Making the Covenant
8-10. What covenants did the people desire to take upon themselves as they learn more about the redemption of Christ? what covenants have you taken upon your self? How committed are you to maintaining and keeping those covenants? What blessings are yours if you keep your baptismal covenants?
8. How does bearing one another's burdens strengthen you? What are some things you have done to bear another person's burdens? Why do you think Heavenly Father wants you to help others like that? Why is it important to work together in the Church? (See Moses 7:18)
11. What was the desire of the hearts of the people? Why did the prospect of baptism bring such joy into their hearts? How much do you joy in your baptism and membership in the fold of God?
12-16. When have you felt the Lord blessed you with His Spirit as you have kept the promise you made at baptism to serve Him?
12-13. Where did Alma receive the authority to baptize? Why is it necessary to be baptized by someone who has received authority from God to do so?
"We may conclude that Alma held the priesthood before he, with others, became disturbed with King Noah. Whether this is so or not makes no difference because in the Book of Mosiah it is stated definitely that he had authority." -Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 3:203
"There is no question but that Alma held the priesthood and was one ordained after the holy order of God. Thus he would have been baptized previously. Therefore, when Alma baptized himself with Helam that was not a case of Alma baptizing himself, but merely as a token to the Lord of his humility and full repentance." -Joseph Fielding McConkie, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon 2:258
14-15. How does baptism by immersion signify spiritual birth? How would you describe the feeling of being filled by the Spirit? When have you or someone you know experienced this feeling? How does obedience to the commandments of God bless you with tender feelings from the spirit?
14-15. Can a person baptize himself?
"When Alma baptized himself with Helam that was not a case of Alma baptizing himself, but merely as a token [sign] to the Lord of his humility and full repentance." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 3:203
16. What does it mean to be filled with the grace of God? What is grace? Grace for defined as treating another better then they deserve or merit, how does it bless you to be filled with the grace of God? In what ways can you extend grace to others? How have you seen the Lord's promises fulfilled in your life? What do you appreciate about your baptism more now than you did then? How does keeping your covenants show the Lord how you feel about your baptism?
MOSIAH 17-30: Living the Covenant
17-30. How do we become the children of God?
"While children re-enacted the Christmas story, one child held high a star wrapped in aluminium foil, mounted on a broomstick. Later, someone commended the child for his stamina in holding that star so high for such a long period of time. The child, who had spoken no lines, joyfully replied, “I had the most important part in the play. I showed people how to find Jesus.'... we are to help the honest in heart to find Jesus. We don’t wave flags. And generally we don’t carry stars mounted on broomsticks. Instead, as standard-bearers for Jesus the Christ, we willingly and gratefully take His sacred name upon us. We enlist in His cause by covenant." - Russell M Nelson, Ensign, August 1991
17. What comprised the church of Christ? Who had the people made a covenant with at the time of the baptism? How does the act of covenanting with God and Christ signify membership in his church? How important is this covenant to you? How important is your membership in his church? Do your words and actions resonate with these beliefs and treats? Can others tell that you belong to the church of Christ when they observe your words and your actions? In what ways can you make your example, your words and actions, reflect what is in your heart?
18. Hi do you think that, divided the group into groups of 50 to be taught? How does the Lord divide the membership of his church today? How does belonging to a ward bless your life? What opportunities are available to you as a member of a smaller group that may not be available to you if the church were not divided into sub-units? How does this increase your testimony?
19-20. What did Alma teach his priests to preach to their people? Who does the Bishop of your ward receive instruction from? How does this keep the doctrine of Christ uncompromised? What doctrines are you talked at church? How often are you encouraged to strengthen your faith in Christ? How often do you hear the doctrine of repentance? Do you act upon these doctrines when they are taught to you?
21. How did Alma counsel the people of the church to behave one towards another? How did he feel about contention? What did he teach them about being unified in the gospel of Christ? How can this same principle strengthen and bless your family?
22. How did the people become the children of God? Do you behave as a child of God?
23. What significance does the Sabbath day have to you? Why is it holy? How does keeping the Sabbath day holy indicate your level of conversion to God? How is keeping the Sabbath day holy blessed your life?
24. Why were the priests who were set apart to teach the people required to provide for their own temporal needs? How did this make the things that they did to succor and uplift the people more of a service to them than a job? How does serving the Lord in this way bless lives and encourage feelings of love in a group, family, Ward, or community?
25. How often did the children of God gather themselves together to be taught the word of God? Why is it important to gather with others regularly to be taught the gospel of Christ? How does attending church bless your life?
26. What did the priests receive for the work that they did in teaching the people? How did the grace of God help them to magnify their callings? How has the grace of God blessed you in fulfilling the callings you receive? Have you ever felt intimidated or unworthy of calling in the church? When have you felt the Lord magnifying your ability to serve him in the capacity that he has called you to?
27-28. How do these verses remind you of tithing? Is the payment of tithes mandatory or is it a choice you make?
29. What does it mean to walk up rightly before God? How do you impart to others both temporally and spiritually?
30. How special do you think that the place in the forest by the waters of Mormon was to those who came to a knowledge of God there? What the places are special to you because of the spiritual impact they had upon your life?
What have you learned about the importance of making and keeping the baptismal covenant?
"I have noted throughout my life that when people come to fully understand the blessings and the power of their baptismal covenant, whether as new converts or as lifelong members of the Church, great joy comes into their lives and they approach their duties in the kingdom with contagious enthusiasm." - Joseph B Wirthlin, Alma the Elder: A Role Model for Today, in Heros from the Book of Mormon [1995], 84
How often do you think about the covenants you made at baptism? How often do you think about your baptismal covenants as you renew them when you partake of the sacrament? How often should you think about them? When do you usually take time to think about these covenants?
31-33. When the king learned of the people taught by Alma how did he respond?"The Latter-day Saints are a covenant people. From the day of baptism through the spiritual milestones of our lives, we make promises with God and He makes promises with us. He always keeps His promises offered through His authorized servants, but it is the crucial test of our lives to see if we will make and keep our covenants with Him." - Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1996
34-35. How were the people of the Lord blessed by God and protected from the armies of King Noah? How has the Lord protect and blessed you and your family? What do you learn from this story about the Lord's concern for you?
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