Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Nephi 15

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If we do not repent, the consequences of our sins will bring deep sadness – especially at the time of judgment.

1. How does the Lord feel about his vineyard? What does his vineyard symbolize?
2. What object in this verse symbolizes divine protection? How can a people that are divinely protected bring forth the wild fruit of apostasy and wickedness?
3-4. What more could the Lord has done to bring forth sweet fruit?
5. Why does the Lord decide to take away the divinely protective wall?
6. Why will he of wow briars and thorns and drought to come upon his beloved then yard? How does opposition help you bring forth sweet fruit?
7. What does the Lord expect his people to do? How does he expect them to act? Why is he so often disappointed? What can you do to bring him joy? Why do you think that some people choose wickedness over righteousness?
8-10. Are there people today who use dishonest or unfair means to gain wealth? What has happened to the productivity of the land because of these sins?
"Joining one house to another refers to building upgrade landed estates by oppressive means." – Donald W Parry, Jay A Parry, Tina M Peterson, Understanding Isaiah, p. 56

8. Knowing that one was to be divided equally so that all could provide for their needs, how does the covetousness in this verse convey a reprehensible evil?
9. What are the fruits of wickedness? Why does righteousness yield blessings and wickedness yield a cursing? Do you prefer a blessing or a cursing?
10. Those who coveted the land and sought to own it all, are now finding that their vast amounts of land yield next to nothing. Why is this phenomenon often the fruit of selfish and covetous behaviors?
11. Can one who is overcome by strong drink recognize God's hand in their lives? Can the wicked who are drunken on the acts of evil they indulge in, acknowledge the power of God in their lives? What is the danger in developing a thirst for the carnal and sensual? Are there people today who are interested only in parties and entertainment?
12. How has the Lord manifest his hand in your life? Has there ever been a time when you failed to recognize inspiration and direction? The Lord's hand was directing Israelites in obvious ways. How is it that they could not at knowledge his power? What can you do to in sure that you acknowledge the Lord's hand in all things in your life? How does a lack of knowledge lead to captivity and bondage?
13. When one is unable to determine or discern the Lord's hand in their lives they are famished. How is the comparison to a famine in this verse a vivid way to describe the children of Israel? Are you in a state of feast or famine?
14. Why is the image of hell expanding used in this verse? What attitudes and actions have you found in this verse that will fill the pits of hell? What can you do to guard against the attitude of rejoicing in riotous living?
15. Who needs to be humbled?
16. How does coming to understand your need and dependence upon the Lord humble you? How does turning to the Lord and seeking his will sanctify you in righteousness?
18. How is an unwillingness to repent of sin like being tied to a cart like beasts to their burdens? Why does unresolved sin continue to follow you around and weigh you down? Do you know people who are tied to their sins like a donkey to a cart because they are too proud to admit that their sinful behavior is wrong?
19. Why do people who are blind to God's dealings with them proudly declare things like: "If God wanted me to know He existed he would be more obvious about his existence"? Why is it so important to understand the principle that we will see ONLY what we choose to see whether its existence is real or imagined? Do you know people who will not believe unless they see some sign or proof that the gospel is true?
20. What change occurs in a person for them to be able to call good things evil and evil things good? What indicators are there that this change is taking place? What can you do to guard against becoming ensnared in this way of thinking? What role does justifying sin play in the development of this attitude?
"The infidelity of our day, and the movies, books, and magazines that glamorize the unfaithful husbands and wives and make them heroes and heroines remind me of this verse." Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1962

21-23. Are the poor ever treated unfairly today because they are poor? Do the wicked ever go free because they are wealthy?
21. What danger is there in depending upon the arm and the learning of the flesh? Why do you need to be dependent upon God? How does your dependence upon your father in heaven bless your life? How does it strengthen your testimony of his existence and love for you?
22. Why do those who depend upon their own learning seek strength in strong drinks and like substances? In truth, how much strength do they actually receive from this source?
23. How does the critical and judgmental communications of the wicked condemn the righteous? Do you need to fear what the wicked can do to your reputation? Who do you seek to please, God or man? Why?
24. What is the saddest thing about this verse? Why does the act of despising The Lord and his word result in the giving up of every good gift? Why would one do this?
25. How does the Lord humble his people? What power does destruction have to bring humility and remembrance of God to our hearts and minds? What does it mean to you that his hand is stretched out still? How is that a blessing and a genuine show of love to you from him?
26. How can you recognize the call of the Lord? How can you, in your own ward and stake, be an ensign to those around you?
27-28. When you align yourself with God how quickly do you seek after spiritual things? How deeply do you desire to be cleansed and purified? How dedicated and devoted are you to this process?
"Since there were neither trains nor airplanes in that day, Isaiah could hardly have mentioned them by name. However, he seems to have described them in unmistakable words. How better could their horses loves me counted like Flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind then in the modern train? How better could there roaring be like a lion than in the roar of the airplane? Trains and airplanes do not stop for night. Therefore, was not Isaiah justified in saying: nine show slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken? With this manner of transportation the Lord can really his onto them from the end of the earth that they shall come with speed swiftly. Indicating that Isaiah must have foreseen the airplane, he stated: who are these that fly as a cloud and as the doves to their windows?" – LeGrande Richards, Israel! Did you know? p. 182

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