Monday, March 10, 2014

2 Nephi 6

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord is merciful to those who return to him.

1-18. How do Jacob's teachings help you learn and glorify the name of your God, better understand the covenants you have made with the Lord, and give you reason to rejoice and lift up your head forever?
3. What is anxiety? Why do you think Jacob felt great anxiety for the welfare of his people? Do you think the prophet of the church today feels that way about you? Have you ever felt anxiety for the welfare of another? What emotion is at the root of this kind of anxiety?
6-11. What prophesies do these verses include? How do you know that all things that have been prophesied must surely come to pass? Through whom does the Lord frequently call us back to him? Why is it so important to stand in Zion, being pure in heart, listening to and obeying the voices of the servants of the Lord? What have you heard them counsel you to do recently? What can you do to heed their counsel?
"We cannot say it frequently enough. Turn away from youthful lusts. Stay away from drugs. They can absolutely destroy you. avoid them as you would a terrible disease, for that is what they become. Avoid foul and filthy talk. It can lead to destruction. Be absolutely honest. Dishonesty can corrupt and destroy. Observe the word of wisdom. You cannot smoke; you must not smoke. You must not chew tobacco. You cannot drink liquor… You must rise above these things which beckon with a seductive call. Be prayerful. Call on the Lord in faith, and he will hear your prayers. He loves you. He wishes to bless you. He will do so if you live worthy of His blessing." – Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 1997

7, 13. To wait means to remain strongly attached while staying put, or still, until something unexpected occurs. What does it mean to you to wait upon the Lord? Think of a time when you waited upon the Lord. What blessings followed as you did so?
8-15. Why do you think that the Saviours second coming will be so different from his first coming?
10-11. What will happen to those who reject the Savior? What things can you do in your life to demonstrate that you accept him fully?
14. What does it mean to recover someone or something? How does the Lords willingness to recover Israel a second time show his mercy? How can you emulate the mercy of the Lord in your life towards others?
14-18. According to this chapter how will Israel qualify for the Lord's mercy? Ponder ways you have witnessed the Lord's mercy and willingness to forgive those who return to him. What experiences have you had that help you to know that the Lord is merciful?
17-18. What will happen to those who oppose the Lord? What things do you need to do every day in order to show the Lord and come to know for yourself that you are one of his covenant people?

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