Friday, March 14, 2014

2 Nephi 23

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Well the wicked will be punished in the last days, the Lord will watch over and protect His people. Babylon - Satan's kingdom will be destroyed by the Savior, NEVER again to be rebuilt!

BACKGROUND: Isaiah compared the destruction of ancient Babylon to Lucifer's fall from heaven. He spoke of Lucifer as the symbolic king of Babylon, meaning the whole weekend world.

1. What has Babylon come to symbolize for us in our day? (See Bible Dictionary : Babylon) How can we avoid being part of Babylon today?
"To come to Zion, it is not enough for you or me to be somewhat less wicked than others. We are to become not only good but holy men and women. Recalling Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s phrase, let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon (see Neal A. Maxwell, A Wonderful Flood of Light [1990], 47)." - D Todd Christofferson, GC, October 2008

2-4. What are the righteous doing in this verse? Why is the Lord gathering his righteous forces in the last days?
3. How does the Lord feel about those who rejoice in and glorify his name? What can you do to consistently and continually rejoice in and glorify the name of God?
6. What will the wicked in the last days howl and scream when the Lord returns? How will this wicked feel in the presence of the Lord? If you were to stand before the Lord right now how would you feel? Is there anything in your life that you need to change so you can be comfortable and confident in his presents? Make a goal to make that change.
7. In this verse it is described that man's heart shall melt. What is this telling will happen to the courage of the wicked? How does truth and honesty and uprightness give you courage and confidence and make your heart strong?
8. Have you experienced a moment when you're your face turned a flaming red? How did you feel in that moment? How will the wicked feel in the last days when the distractions of the Lord, on them? Why are we required to suffer the consequences of our sins? Is there anyway to get out of that condition? Why or why not?
9. We know that the Lord is a loving and righteous God. Why will the wicked perceive his coming to be cruel and his wrath to be a fierce anger? How do the perceptions of those who do not feel the spirit of God did her from those who do? How can it bless your life to perceive all events and experiences through the Spirit of the Lord?
"Even though the Savior will appear to the entire world, the experiences the righteous have will be very different from the experiences of the wicked." – Scripture Study for Latter-day Saint Families: The Book of Mormon, 76

10. How is embracing wickedness much like the condition of having no sun moon or stars to give one light in their lives? What do he practices do you engage and to ensure that your choices and actions are guided by light?
11. In our day much of what is good is called evil and much of what is evil is called good by those who wish to indulge in it. At that last day, the day of the Lord, how will that proud opinion be brought into humility? What can you do now to seek humility in your life?
12-23. How did Lucifer fall from heaven?
"The full of the king of Babylon is compared to the fall of Lucifer. When the king of Babylon fell, the children of God on earth rejoiced; but when Lucifer, a son of the morning, fell, the heavens wept over him." – The Book of Mormon for Latter Day Saint Families, 126
"Because our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior, Satan became angry and rebelled. There was war in heaven. Satan and his followers fought against Jesus and His followers. In this great rebellion, Satan and all the spirits who followed him were sent away from the presence of God and cast down from heaven. One-third of the spirits in heaven were punished for following Satan: they were denied the right to receive mortal bodies." – Gospel Principles, 18-19

12. What is the worth of a man who survives the desolation of the last days? What does this tell you about the number who will survive those calamities?
14. How were the feelings of those who have been comfortable participating in the activities of Babylon change the that day? Are there any activities of Babylon that you're currently comfortable participating in? What can you do to purge these actions and attitudes from your life that you may feel safe in the Lords arms when he returns?
15-16. What will happen to those who are found to be proud in that day? According to these verses how terrible will they feel when they are found in this condition?
17-19. Will there be anything left of Babylon? How can the utter overthrow of them usher in the great and last dispensation when the Lord himself will reign over the earth? What can you do to ensure that no part of you resides in Babylon?
22. How much time does Babylon have left?

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