Monday, March 10, 2014

2 Nephi 5

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Safety comes from obeying the revelations of God. The wicked separate themselves from the Lord's presence and his blessings through their evil actions. As the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes our way of life, we increase in happiness.

1. What did Nephi do as a direct result of the anger of his brethren?
2. Why did the anger of his brethren towards him, increase rather than subside? In your opinion, were Nephi's prayers answered or ignored? Refer back to 2 Nephi 4:30-35. Who did Nephi pray for The Lord to change? With this perspective do Nephi receive answers to his prayers in verse 1 or not? Explain.
3. What excuses did Laman and Lemuel give for their anger toward Nephi? How much truth was there in these claims? Who was the source of the false ideas they chose to believe about Nephi? What caution should you take if you begin to find yourself looking for excuses to believe something bad or unkind or judgemental about another individual? How can you break away from these destructive patterns of thought?

5-7. What did the Lord do to help Nephi and in answer to his earnest prayers? What is one warning you have received from the Lord, his prophets, or other church leaders? What are you doing to heed that warning? How has heeding that warning helped you in your life, and how will it help you in the future?
"It is not surprising that in the face of tremendous evil and temptation the Lord does not leave us to find our way on our own. In fact, there is more than enough guidance available to each of us if we will listen. You have received the Gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and inspire you. You have the scriptures, parents, church leaders and teachers. You also have the words of the prophets, seers, and revelators who live in our day. There is so much guidance and direction available that you won't make major mistakes in your life unless you consciously ignore the guidance you receive." – Paul V Johnson, GC, October 2005

10. What law did the people of Nephi live by?
11. How were they blessed for living the law of the Lord?
12-17. Why do you suppose that Nephi was so careful to bring the plates of brass and the Liahona? If you had to leave your location quickly what would you want to be sure to have with you? How high on your list of priorities are family records and scriptures? Nephi and his people lived after the manner of happiness (see verse 27), how many of the items on your list will help you to live after this manner?
"Industry, enthusiasm, and hard work lead to an enlightened progress. You have to stay on your feet and keep moving if you're going to have light in your life." – Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 1993

20-25. Why is it so important to have the light of the Gospel in your life? How might it bless you regardless of where you live? What indicators were there that the Lamanites no longer had the light of the Gospel in their lives?
26. What priesthood did the Nephites hold?
"The Nephites officiated by virtue of the Melchizedek priesthood from the days of Lehi to the days of the appearance of our Savior among them. It is true that Nephi consecrated Jacob and Joseph that they should be priests and teachers over the land of the Nephites, but the fact that plural terms priests and teachers were used indicates that this was not a reference to the definite office in the priesthood in either case, but it was a general assignment to teach, direct, and admonish the people. Otherwise the terms priest and teacher would have been given in the singular." – Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 1:124

27. What do you think it means to live after the manner of happiness? What is something you will do to live more fully after the way of happiness?

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