Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 22

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The power of The Lord is necessary for the Gentiles to bless all people with the gospel. Israel will be gathered by their coming to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior. Children raised during the millennium will grow as 'calves in a stall' unto righteousness, that is without sin or temptations that are so prevalent today.

8. What is the marvelous work the Lord will do in the latter days? What is so nourishing about understanding the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father?
"The marvelous work is the restoration of the church and the gospel with all the power and authority, keys and blessings which pertain to this great work for the salvation of the children of men." -- Joseph Fielding Smith
"The fruit of keeping covenants is the companionship of the Holy Ghost and an increase in the power to love. That happens because of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to change our very natures." - Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1996

10-12. What great responsibility do you have in this great work of The Lord? What blessings are you promised in doing this work?
"Sometimes we are tempted to let our lives be governed more by conveniences than by covenant. It is not always convenient to live gospel standards and stand up for truth and testify of the Restoration. It usually is not convenient to share the gospel with others. It isn't always convenient to respond to a calling in the Church, especially one that stretches our abilities. Opportunities to serve others in meaningful ways, as we have covenanted to do, rarely come at convenient times. But there is no spiritual power in living by convenience. The power comes as we keep our covenants. As we look at the lives of these early Saints, we see that their covenants were the primary force in their lives. Their example and testimony were powerful enough to influence generation after generation of their children." --M Russell Nelson, GC, April 1999

13-19. How is it possible that fire can destroy the wicked and at the same time save the righteous?
22. Why do the righteous need not fear?
24-31. What will the millennium be like?
24. What does it mean 'as calves in a stall'?
28-31. What did Nephi want you to learn from what he wrote?

1 Nephi 21

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord loves us and He will NEVER forget us. The Lord promised to restore the gospel and gather Israel in the last days.

1. Who was called before He was born?
"Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of Heaven before this world was. I suppose I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council." - Joseph Smith

2. Whose words cut to the hearts of the wicked like a sharp sword? Whose life is unblemished like a polished shaft?
"I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against religious bigotry, priestcraft,... lying editors, suborned judges and jurors,... backed by mobs, blasphemes, licentious and corrupt men and women - all he'll knocking off a corner here and a corn there. Thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty." --Joseph Smith

14. When The Lord could not bless Israel (Zion) because of her disobedience, what did the people feel had happened? How does sin distance us from The Lord? Have you ever felt like The Lord has forgotten you? How does this verse give you hope and confidence in God? What experiences have you had that have helped you know that The Lord has NOT for gotten you?
15-16. How is God's love like the love of a mother? Does your mother love you because you were always easy to care for and because you always do the right things? Does she love you because you give back more to her than she gave? How well do you love your mother? Can you even begin to understand the depth of love that she feels for you? In what ways might the love of The Lord be greater even than the love of a
16. What did The Lord say would always remind Him of His people? What helps you remember the Savior throughout your day?
"Christ will not forget the children he has redeemed or the covenant he has made with them for salvation in Zion. The painful reminders of His watch care and covenant are the marks of the Roman nails graven in the palms of his hands." -Jeffrey R Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, p. 84

20-23. What do you think that The Lord expects you to do for those around you who do no have the gospel?

1 Nephi 20

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord invites those who have been disobedient to repent and return to Him.

1. What are the waters of Judah? Why was The Lord unhappy with Israel? Have you ever done something that was not consistent with the covenants you have made or with the standards of the church? How did you feel about your decision?
"Isaiah says that the house of Jacob has come forth out of the waters of Judah, a statement of great interest to Latter-day Saints in view of the fact that his words as recorded on the brass plates added the phrase 'or out of the waters of baptism', thus preserving in purity an Old Testament text about baptism." --Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine

2. What does it mean to stay yourself upon God?  What were the children of  Israel doing wrong? The Israelites felt that because they were the Lord's covenant people and they lived in the Holy city, God would always protect them. Why is it more important HOW you live than WHERE you live?
3. What are the former things that The Lord declared?
4. Why do you think that Isaiah used the image of an iron neck to describe the children of Israel?
3-4, 8, 18. What phrases in these verses indicate that Israel had not been faithful to The Lord?
3-8. What has The Lord done  to prove to His people who He is?
8-11. How are people, such as the children of Israel like gold when it first comes out of the ground? What sort of refining furnace did The Lord use on Israel? How do afflictions help to refine a person? How does this help explain why The Lord did not destroy Israel when they were unrighteous? Why does knowing this give comfort and hope to you today?
9-11, 14. Though the people had been rebellious in the past, how did The Lord respond to them? Why? 
12, 16. What did The Lord want His covenant people to do?
18-22. How does the world define peace? How does God define peace?
"Though the world may define peace as the absence of conflict, God can give a peace that remains constant even in the midst of conflict." -Scripture Study For Latter-day Saint Families: The Book of Mormon, p. 44

20. What did The Lord say the people must do? Why must the Lords covenant people be clean? Why must they leave the wickedness of spiritual Babylon behind them? What things do you do to ensure that you have fled and are continuing to flee Babylon?

1-22. What does Satan do to try to prevent us from turning back to The Lord when we have made mistakes in our lives?
"[Satan] wants us to feel that we are beyond forgiveness. Satan wants us to think that when we have sinned we have gone past a point of no return - that it is too late to change our course... Christ came to save us. If we have taken a wrong course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ  can give us the assurance that sin is not a point of no return. A safe return is possible if we will follow God's plan for our salvation." -- Dieter F Uchtdorf, GC, April 2007

1 Nephi 19

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you liken the scriptures to yourself and to the situations in your life, spiritual blessings will be yours.

1-24. What has the Lord done and what is he doing to encourage you to come home and live with him again?
7. What are some things that you consider special or sacred? How does it make you feel when someone makes fun of or mocks those things?
8-10. What phrases in these verses teach you about the nature and character of Jesus Christ?  How do these teachings increase your love for the Savior?
9. What things did the Savior suffer? Have there been times in your life when you chose not to retaliate after a wrong was done to you? How did you feel? How does being forgiving bless your life?
13-16. Why were the Israelites hated and scattered?
"Our Israelite forbears were scattered because they rejected the gospel, defiled the priesthood, forsook the church, and departed from the kingdom. They were scattered because they turned from The Lord, worshipped false gods, and walked in all the ways of the heathen nations. They were scattered because they forsook the Abrahamic covenant, trampled under their feet the holy ordinances, and rejected The Lord Jehovah, who is The Lord Jesus, of whom all their prophets testified." -- Bruce R McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, p. 515
23. What can you learn from the words of Isaiah? What does it mean to liken the scriptures to ourselves? 
If to liken means to apply, how would you answer the following questions: If I were in a similar situation, how would I act? Do I act like anyone in this story? Why did The Lord include this scripture s or situation in the scriptures? What can I learn from these verses that can apply to my life?
"Do you read the scriptures..., as though you were writing them, a thousand, two thousand, or five thousand years ago? Do you read them as though you stood in the place of the men who wrote them? If you do not feel thus, it is your privilege to do so, that you may be as familiar with the spirit and meaning of the written word of God as you are with your daily walk and conversation, or as you are with your workmen or with your households." --Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 128

1 Nephi 18

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

In order to accomplish what the Lord commands, we need to seek his help and put forth our own effort. Wickedness brings with it spiritual storms, yet their source is unrecognized by the sinner and in many cases, the sinner goes on sinning in their blindness until the storm becomes so great that they can no longer ignore it. Sin leads to suffering for ourselves and sometimes for others as well. We can look to God and remain faithful during our trials. Prayer can help us find peace during our trials.

1-25. Have you known people who were suffering because of their sins but did not want to change? How much suffering did they endure before they changed their behavior? Who else was affected by their behavior? What finally motivated Laman and Lemuel to repent? What effect did their stubbornness have on the rest of the family?
1-25. How can the voyage to the promised land be seen as a metaphor or symbol of your earth life? How does focusing on earthly interests cause you to forget God? How is what Nephi did for his brothers in verse 10 like what your conscience does for you? What does the compass that no longer worked represent? How can you always ensure that your compass is working?What does Nephi being freed represent? What happened when Nephi prayed? What does this teach you about your journey through life?
1-3. How did Nephi know how to build  ship? What did he do so that The Lord could show him what he needed to do? What is the power or prayer? How did it bless Nephi? What can you learn from Nephi about getting the Lords help during challenging times? Why is it important to both work diligently and seek direction from the Lord? What relationship do you see between Nephi's effort and the help he received from The Lord?
5-8. How do you think the preparations of Lehi and his family helped them when they arrived in the promised land? What can you learn from your physical journey to the promised land that might help you on your spiritual journey to the celestial kingdom? Read D&C 38:30. What great blessing comes to those who are prepared physically and spiritually?
8-25. What are the sources for the hardships we experience?
"In a general sense, our burdens come from three sources. Some burdens of the natural product of the conditions of the world in which we live. Illness, physical disability, hurricanes, and earthquakes come from time to time through no fault of our own… Other burdens are imposed on us by the misconduct of others. Abuse and addiction can make home anything but I home on earth for innocent family members. Send, incorrect traditions, repression, and crying scatter burdened victims along the pathways of life. Even less-serious misdeeds such as gossip and unkindness can cause others genuine suffering. Our mistakes and shortcomings produce many of our problems and can place have you burdens on our own shoulders. The most onerous or difficult burden we impose upon ourselves is the burden of sin. We have all known the remorse and pain which inevitably follow our failure to keep the commandments." – L Whitney Clayton, GC, October 2009

9. What are the most serious things to forget about? What does it mean to forget The Lord? Why do you think Laman and Lemuel so often forgot The Lord? How tempting would it have been for Nephi to have gone along with the others? What happens when a person sincerely remembers The Lord?
"Is the order of things right in our own lives?... Do we have an eternal perspective? Or have we fallen into the trap of investing in the things of this world first and then forgetting The Lord?" -- L Tom Perry, GC, April 1987 

9-11. How does Satan uses dancing, music, or the way we speak to corrupt our hearts and minds? What happens to the Spirit in our lives when we subject ourselves to such forms of behavior? What are the fruits of pride? How can recognize English fruits help you avoid the sin of pride?
11-15. Why do you think that The Lord allowed Nephi to remain tied up for so long instead of freeing him miraculously as He had once before? Where can you always go for help?
"We have come to see how helpless man is when nature goes on a rampage. We are really helpless. There isn't much we can do. We come to realize that… When all is said and done we must put our trust in God and walk in obedience to his commandments. That is the only safety we have." – Gordon B Hinckley, Ensign,February 1999 

15-16. What can you learn from Nephi about responding to trials?
"No matter burdens we face in life as a consequence natural conditions, the misconduct of others, or our own mistakes and shortcomings, we are all children of a loving heavenly father, who sent us to earth as part of his eternal plan for our growth and progress. Our unique individual experiences can help us prepare to return to him. The adversity and afflictions that are ours, however difficult to bear, blast, from heaven's perspective, for but a small moment and then, if we indoor it well, God shall exalt us on high. We must do everything we can to bear our burdens well for however long our small moment carrying them lasts… I know that as we keep the Commandments of God and our covenants, he helps us with our burdens. He strengthens us. When we repent, he forgives us and blesses us with peace of conscience and joy." – L Whitney Clayton, That Your Burdens May be Light, p. 13-14

20. Why is it that only the power of God can soften a hard heart?
20-21. What did Nephi do that reminds you of the Savior? How do the lives of the prophets often remind you of the Savior?

1 Nephi 17

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As long as you try your best to be obedient, the Lord will help you through all your trials. If we keep the commandments the Lord will strengthen and bless us and provide means for us to accomplish that which he has commanded. The Holy Ghost speaks with a still, small voice that we feel more and then we hear. You can receive communication from the Lord through the still, small voice as you seek to be worthy of and pay attention to these gentle promptings.

1–55. What have you learned from this chapter that can help you be more like Nephi and less like Laman and Lemuel?
1-2. What was Nephi's attitude about the hardships he faced as they travelled? Why do you think Nephi felt so blessed in spite of their sufferings?
3. What reason did Nephi give as to why his family was blessed during their journey in the wilderness? How does this principle apply to your life? What do you need to do the Lord can help you with the problems or trials that you face?
7-8. What did the Lord command me fight to do? What may have been difficult about obeying this commandment?
16. What would Laman and Lemuel have to do to have faith like Nephi's?
"The trouble with us today, there are too many of us who put question marks instead of periods after what the Lord says. I want you to think about that. We shouldn't be concerned about why he said something, or whether or not it can be made so. Just trust the Lord." – Harold B Lee, Ensign, January 1973
"Once you start putting question mark's behind the Prophets statements and put exclamation points instead, and do it, the blessings just pour." – Russell M Nelson, Ensign, August 1982

9-11. What impresses you about Nephi's response to this commandment?
17–21. How did Nephi's brothers respond to the commandment Nephi had been given? What can you learn from the responses of Nephi and his brothers to the commandment of the Lord?
23–27. What scripture story did Nephi tell? How is that story like what was happening to Lehi's family?
28–30. How are these verses like what happened to Lehi's family?
31–35. Why does the Lord bless one group of people and destroy another?
36–43. What message do you think me if I wanted Laman and Lemuel to get out of his teachings?
41. What does the word straitened mean? Have you ever felt the Lord straiten you?
Why is it important to be disciplined and corrected?
44–47. Nephi described two different voices the Lord can use to speak to you. Which one would you prefer and why? 
45. In what ways does the Lord try to communicate with you? When have you felt the Lord speak through a still, small voice? What can you do to feel and recognize the still, small voice? What had Nephi's brothers done to become past feeling? How can sin prevent you from feeling the Holy Ghost? What other kinds of things can distract you from feeling the Holy Ghost? How well have you listened to the messages the Lord
has sought to communicate to you recently? Do you have any spiritual dead spots that can prevent you from receiving the still, small voice? What will you do to avoid them or to receive a signal again?
"The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you feel more than you hear. It is described as a still small voice. And probably speak of listening to the whisperings of the Spirit, most often one describes a spiritual prompting by saying, 'I had a feeling…'" – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1994
"Cellular phones are used for much of the communication in our time. Occasionally, however, we find dead spots where the signal coming to the cell phone fails. This can happen when the cell phone user is in a tunnel, canyon or when there is other interference. So it is with divine communication… We often put ourselves in spiritual dead spots – places and situations that block out divine messages. Some of these dead spots include anger, pornography, transgression, selfishness, and other situations that offend the Spirit." – James E Faust, GC, April 2004 
"The scriptures generally use the word voice, which does not exactly fit. These delicates refined communications are not seen with our eyes, nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a voice, it is a voice that one feels, more than one hears." – Boyd K Packer, Ensign, January 1983

48–55. When Laman and Lemuel got angry and try to kill Nephi, what finally convinced them to follow the Lord? How do you teach the hard of heart?

1 Nephi 16

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord will guide you through challenges in your life if you humbly seek and follow His counsel. Even when you are obedient, you will still experience trials. If you do all you can and also seek the Lord's direction, then he will help you through your difficulties.

1-39. Have you ever noticed that when you are in tune with the Spirit it is much easier to deal patiently with things that go wrong in your life? How does The Lord sometimes use adversity to teach important lessons?
1. Why did Nephi's brother feel that he had spoken hard things against them? Why is it sometimes uncomfortable for us to have others correct our work when we know that when our mistakes are shown or pointed out to us, we can learn from it?
2.  Why do the wicked take the truth to be hard?
5. What word or phrase in this verse describes what you should do when a truth cuts you to the very center?
10. How did the Liahona help Lehi's family? What do you have that works as a Liahona or a guide in your life? How do all these gifts give you guidance today? What do you think might happen if you ignore the messages and warnings you are given? 
"Wouldn't you like to have that kind of a ball, each one of you, so that you would always know when you were in error or in the wrong way?… That, my younger brother and, you all have. The Lord gave to every boy, every man, every person, a conscience which tells him every time he starts to go on the wrong path. He is always told if he is listening; but people can, of course, become so used to hearing the messages that they ignore them until finally they do not register anymore." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1976

"The same Lord provided a Liahona to Lehi provides for you and for me today a rare and valuable gift to give direction to our lives, to mark the hazards to our safety, and to chart the way, even safe passage – not to the promised land, but to our heavenly home. The gift to which I refer is known as your patriarchal blessing. Every where the member of the church is entitled to receive such a precious and priceless treasure… your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life's dangers… Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way" – Thomas S Monson, GC, October 1986
"The words of Christ can be a personal Liahona for each of us, showing us the way. Let us not be slothful because of the easiness of the way. Let us in faith take the words of Christ into our minds and into our hearts as they are recorded in sacred scripture and as they are uttered by living Prophets, seers, and revelators. Let us with faith and diligence feast upon the words of Christ, for the words of Christ will be our spiritual Liahona telling us all things what we should do." – W Rolfe Kerr, GC, April 2004

"As we strive to align our attitudes and actions with righteousness, then the Holy Ghost becomes for us today what the Liahona was for Lehi and his family in their day. The very factors that caused the Liahona to work for Lehi will likewise invite the Holy Ghost into our lives. And the very factors that caused the Liahona not to work anciently will likewise cause us to withdraw ourselves from the Holy Ghost today." – David A Bednar, GC, April 2006

20. Why is murmuring a common reaction to hardship and hunger? Does complaining help to solve problems? How does Nephi's non-complaining, productive example help you face difficult situations?
23. Why do you think that Nephi asked his father where to go to find food instead of simply asking God himself?
26–29. What was required for the Lord to guide Lehi's family through the Liahona?
29. How does the Liahona show you that by small means the Lord can bring about great things?
39. Why does the Lord chasten you from time to time? How does the Lord expect you to receive his chastening?

1 Nephi 15

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If we seek he Lord through His Spirit when we are discouraged He will strengthen us so much that we can be a cause for good EVERY day! If we inquire of thenLord in faith and obey His commandments, then we will be prepared to receive greater revelation and guidance from Him. The Lord keeps his promises and remembers his covenants with his children. He desires all of his children to receive the blessings of the everlasting gospel. Studying and following the word of God daily strengthens us against Satan's temptations.

1-11. What is the relationship between the effort you put into an activity and the results that follow? Of what quality was the effort put forth by Laman and Lemuel to understand their father's words? Of what quality was Nephi's effort? What efforts are you making to receive answers and guidance from The Lord?
3. Why was it difficult for Laman and Lemuel to understand the teachings of their father?
"Laman and Lemuel's own lack of character kept them from understanding the perfect character of God!... [They] did not realize either that a loving God will inevitably be a tutoring Father, who wants His children to be truly happy and to come home." -- Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1999
"Pride is a damning sin in the true sense of the word. It limits or stops progression. The proud are not easily taught. They won't change their minds to accept truths, because to do so implies they have been wrong.... Pride adversely affects all our relationships... Our degree of pride determine how we treat our God and our brothers and sisters." -- Ezra Taft benson, GC, April 1989

5-6. Why was it difficult for Nephi to come back from such a spiritual experience to find his brothers arguing over the teachings of their father? What did he do in order to minister and teach his brethren? How was Nephi feeling at this time? Why is it so important to seek the strength of The Lord through the spirit when you are feeling discouraged?
8. How can the question Nephi asked his brothers in this verse be a guiding principle in receiving answers and understanding for the things that trouble you? 
11. What can you do to obtain answers to your life's questions from The Lord? What must you do in order to be taught and guided by The Lord? His have your efforts to learn spiritual truths and seek the Lord's guidance affected your ability to feel the Spirit and understand the gospel?
13. What is grafting? How does the person truly become a member of the house of Israel? What can you do to help others hear and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ?
14. What will scattered Israel understand in the latter days?

24. How is the word of God like an iron rod? What promise does Nephi make to those who hold to the iron rod? How are temptations like fiery darts? What power do you find in the word of God? Why is it vital to hold to the word of God through daily scripture study, prayer, and listening to inspired leaders? What experience related to your personal scripture study has helped you to know that you receive daily strength against Satan's temptations as you study the Scriptures?
"Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other… There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!" – Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1987
"Not only will the word of God lead us to the fruit which is desirable above all others, but in the Word of God and through it we can find the power to resist temptation, the power to thwart the work of Satan and his emissaries." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1986

"The word of God… Has the power to fortify the Saints and arm them with the Spirit so they can resist evil, hold fast to the good, and find joy in this life." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1986
"Success in righteousness, the power to avoid deception and resist temptation, guidance in our daily lives, healing of the soul – these are but a few of the promises the Lord has given to those who will come to his word… However diligent we may be in other areas, certain blessings are to be found only in the Scriptures,only in coming to the word of the Lord and holding fast to it as we make our way through the mists of darkness to the tree of life."  – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1986

26. What did the river that was near the tree of life represent?
32-36. Why were Nephi's brothers troubled by his teachings pertaining to their fathers dream of the tree of life? What does it mean to be clean? What would you like your clothes to look like if you knew you would be meeting the Savior? How would you like your soul to look? What has Jesus Christ done to help you become clean?
1-36. What parts of Lehi's dream and Nephi's interpretation of the dream show God's love and concern for Nephi's brothers? What parts of Lehi's dream and Nephi's interpretation of the dream show God's love and concern for you?

1 Nephi 14

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

No matter how numerous the wicked become, The Lord is more powerful still. As we live righteously and keep our covenants, the power of God will help us triumph over evil.

1-7. What additional meaning do these verses have for us when we realize that we, who have received the gospel in these last days, are the Gentiles referred to in these verses? What promises are given to those who hearken to the word of the Lord and harden not their hearts? 
"We live in these days of the Lord's 'marvellous work and a wonder'. We have been blessed to bring the gospel to our families and our posterity and to assist in preparing for the Second Coming of the Savior... Our responsibility is not trivial; it is not by chance that we are who we are; the keeping of our covenants in these 
days of destiny will be a badge of honor throughout all the eternities." -- Neil L Andersen, GC, april 2009
11-16. How many Saints are there in comparison to those of the church of the devil? How many would fight against the Saints? Why is the number of people supporting the Church of the Lamb few in number? Why is the great and abominable church able to gather together multitudes? What do these verses teach you about surviving in a wicked world?
"While it may be said... that we are but a handful in comparison with ... the world, yet we may be compared with the leaven of which the Savior spoke, which will eventually leaven [or lift] the whole world." -- Joseph Fielding Smith, GC, Oct 1968
"In the last days, happily, the Church will grow extensively, with its membership being 'scattered upon all the face of the earth.' Nevertheless, its dominions will still be comparatively small because of wickedness, which will close the ears of many to the gospel message." -- Neil A Maxwell, GC, April 1988
"The Church would grow much faster now, numerically and spiritually, if it were not for the wickedness of the world. It would also grow much faster if you and I were better by taking up the Christian cross daily. Part of taking up the cross is denying ourselves the lusts and appetites of the flesh." -Neil A Maxwell, GC, April 1987
"The Lord calls upon us to be beacons of righteousness to guide those who seek the safety and blessings of Zion." -- D Todd Christofferson

13.How are the Saints of God going to survive the battle against evil?
"The power or God and the righteousness of the Saints will be the means by which the Church will be spared." --Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1980

14. What kinds of weapons are the Saints armed with? How can the Saints defeat the great and abominable church?
"Every one of us, and our families, can be armed with the power of God as a defence if we will but remain true to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints and let the Spirit be our guide. Trials may come, and we may not understand everything that happens to us or around us. But if we humbly, quietly trust in The Lord, He will give us strength and guidance in every challenge we face. When our only desire is to please Him, we will be blessed with a deep inner peace." -- Bruce D Porter, GC, April 2013
"We are surrounded by challenges on all sides. But with faith in God, we trust the blessings He has promised those who keep His commandments. We have faith in the future, and we are preparing for that future.... We will continue to go forward 'till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done'" --Dallin H Oaks, GC, April 2004

23. What was the book Nephi beheld proceeding out of the mouth of a Jew? What did the angel say about the things that were written in the book?
25. Why was Nephi forbidden to write all the things he saw?
26. Others have seen what Nephi was shown. Where are their writings?
"We have not received, by any means, all of the word of The Lord. I think we have received most of the word of The Lord that is required until the Second Coming. The Lord has given all that people in the world have the spiritual capacity to receive at this time. There is going to be another great dispensation, that is, another great period of enlightenment, when he comes; and at that time he will reveal all things, such as the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. But he will not reveal the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon now, and let us publish it to the world, because what it contains is so far beyond the spiritual capacity of men that it would drive people away from the truth rather than lead them to the truth. Actually, it is an act of mercy for The Lord to limit, to a particular people, the amount of revelation the receive." --Bruce R McConkie, Ensign, June 1980

29-30. What can you do to make better use of the scriptures we have not and get ready for what is to come?

1 Nephi 13

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Book of Mormon and latter-day scriptures restore plain and precious truths that help us know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and help us know how to come unto Him.

1-4. Who are the Gentiles?
4-9. What is the great and abominable church? How can you avoid being deceived by people or organizations that would lead you away from Jesus Christ?
"The titles CHURCH OF THE DEVIL and GREAT AND ABOMINABLE CHURCH are used to identify all organizations of whatever name or nature - whether political, philosophical, educational, economic social, fraternal, civic or religious - which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God... Any church or organization of any kind whatever which satisfies the innate religious longings of man and keeps him from coming to the saving truths of Christ and his gospel is therefore not of God." -Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 138

8-9. What are the desires and motivations of the great and abominable church?
12. Who was the man among the Gentiles?
"It was Christopher Columbus whom he saw, and he observed further that the discoverer was guided by divine power on his journey." - Mark E Peterson

"From my youth onward, I was a seaman and have so continued until this day ... The Lord was well disposed to my desire, and he bestowed upon me courage and understanding; knowledge of seafaring He gave me in abundance, of astronomy likewise... I have studied all books - cosmographies, histories, chronicles, and philosophies, and other arts, for which our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my [enterprise] called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Hoy Ghost inspired me?" - Christopher Columbus

13. Why did Nephi describe for us what he saw in those who would oppose the church of God in our day? How does having a knowledge of your opponents purpose, methods, and strategies hope you prepare to defend yourself against them? Why do you think it is important to know that Satan organizes his forces to lead us away from God and His laws?
14. How were the Lamanites scattered before the Gentiles?
27. What is one way Nephi tells us that the abominable church is perverting the right ways of the Lord? What does it mean to pervert something? What are the negative consequences of turning aside or turning away from the right ways of the Lord?
"I believe the Bible as it read when it came from the pen of the original writers. Ignorant translators, careless transcribers, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors." - Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 327

29. What does this verse suggest as a reason Satan wanted truths taken from the Bible?
34. What will the Lord bring forth because of his mercy?
35-36. What did the Savior say he hid up to come forth to the Gentiles?
36. What did the angel say was written in the record that was hidden?
39. What other books have come forth that testify to the truth of Jesus Christ? How much different should you be from the rest of the world because you have so many plain and precious truths restored to you? How important is it for you to study and apply them into your life?
"These other books are the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the revelations of The Lord to Joseph Smith." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Man His Origin and Destiny, p. 411-412
40-41. How have the plain and precious truths in the book of Mormon and other latter-day scripture's influenced your testimony of Jesus Christ? How have they helped you understand and live His gospel?

1 Nephi 12

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you steadfastly listen to the prophets and follow their counsel you are strengthened to guard against the temptations of the devil and the lure of pride.

1-23. Do you believe that the prophet today sees ahead of his time? Can you think of any examples?
"The Lord has blessed the lives of the Saints thought the Presidents of the Church by enabling these prophets to see ahead of their time. Acting as seers, they have been warned or made aware of future events or challenges long before these appeared on the horizon of human experience." - Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Ensign, October 1997

1-3. How did the growth of the Nephites and Lamanites in the promised land lead to the wars and contentions which Nephi foresaw?
4. What period in the earths history does this verse describe?
5-6. Who visited the Nephites? Which Nephites were privileged to be present when the Savior came? If the Savior were to come tomorrow would you be worthy to be among those who He ministered to?
11-12. How can a people who have seen Christ and had Him minister unto Him fall away in only 200 years?
13-19. What is it about wickedness that is so enticing that people will turn from the light to participate in its darkness? How can you withstand against darkness and temptation?
17. Why do you think that the temptations of the devil are symbolized by mists of darkness? How is giving in to temptation like walking around blindly? Why does Satan desire for us to believe that sin and occupancy in the great and spacious building is so desirable? In truth what is it really like?
"To those of you who are inching your way closer and closer to that great and spacious building, let me make it completely clear that the people in that building have absolutely nothing to offer except instant, short- term gratification inescapably connected to long-term sorrow and suffering. The commandments you observe were not given by a dispassionate God to prevent you from having fun, but by a loving Father in Heaven who wants you to be happy while you are living on this earth as well as in the hereafter." -Glenn L Pace, GC, October 1987

18. Why do you think that a great and spacious building is a good representation of the pride of the world?
19. Why were the Nephites destroyed? How can you guard against pride and avoid the temptations of the devil?

1 Nephi 11

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The love of God is manifest in the sacrifice of His Son, hence through the powers of the atonement we have the opportunity to have our souls FILLED with JOY. The condescension of Jesus Christ demonstrates God's love for us.

1. What does it take to receive personal revelation? What three things did Nephi do before he received this personal revelation? How can pondering the things you read improve your ability to receive personal revelation?
3. What did Nephi desire? Why do you think he wanted to see the things that his father saw? How was Nephi able to recognize that the dream his father had, had a deeper meaning and was worth investing the time and effort and dedication that it would take for him to learn the meaning of it?
5. Why is it so important to simply believe? What is the opposite of belief? How does doubt weaken the belief that you already have?
"When problems come and questions arise, do not start to question your faith by saying how much you do not have… The true to the faith you do have. Sometimes we act as if an honest declaration of doubt is a higher manifestation of moral courage then is an honest declaration of faith. It is not!… If you and your Family want to be healed, don't let those questions stand in the way of faith working it's miracle." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, April 2013

6. How does this verse testify to us that to believe is enough?
"Hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, April 2013
"The size of your face or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue – it is the integrity you demonstrate to where the faith you do have and the truth you already know." - Jeffrey R Holland, GC, April 2013

16. What does condescension mean?
"Here was Jesus - a member of the Godhead, the Firstborn of the Father, the Creator, Jehovah of the Old Testament - now leaving His divine and holy station; divesting Himself of all that glory and majesty and entering the body of a tiny infant; helpless, completely dependent in His mother and earthly father. That He should not come to the finest of earthly palaces and be swaddled in purple [a sign of royalty] and showered with jewels but should come to a lowly stable is astonishing. Little wonder that the angel should say to Nephi, 'Behold the condescension of God." - Gerald N Lund, Jesus Christ, Key to the Plan of Salvation [1991], 16
"As I understand the definition of CONDESCENSION, it is the act of descending to a lower and less dignified state; of waiving the privileges of one's rank and status; of bestowing honors and favors upon one of lesser stature or status." -Bruce R McConkie, New Era, December 1984
"In effect, The Lord seems to be asking if Nephi understands how close to man God is willing to come, how far he is willing to go to help us, how much he loves us, how much he does and is willing to do for us." - Marion D Hanks, Ensign, July 1981

22. Why is the atonement of Jesus Christ most desirable and joyous? How does your knowledge of the Atonement of Christ make you feel toward your Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ?

26-36. What does the great and spacious building have to do with the crucifixion of Christ and the persecutions of His apostles? Do you know anyone who fights against or makes fun of that which is good? Why do you think they get so angry with those who are trying to keep God's commandments? What can you do to be strong in the face of that kind of criticism?
"It was through pride that Christ was crucified. The Pharisees were wroth because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, which was a threat to their position, and so they plotted His death." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1989 

28-31. How do theses verses show the Savior's love for His people? How do you feel this relates to His love for you today? How does the condescension of Christ affect your feelings and love for Him?
"As the one who was chosen to fulfill the requirements of the Atonement, Jesus Christ condescended... to be tempted, tried, mocked, judged, and crucified, even though He had power and authority to prevent such actions. President John Taylor described the condescension of Christ in these beautiful words: 'it was further necessary that he should descend below all things in order that he might raise others above all things…' Christ's suffering in the garden of Gethsemane epitomizes the most magnificent of all the attributes of Christ. His perfect love. Here we see that he truly loved all of us… The Atonement is an event that enables us to be reconciled to God… In terms of family, it means to be reunited with one another and with God and his Son, Jesus Christ. It means sadness through separation will become happiness through reuniting." – Earl C Tingey, GC, April 2006