Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 18

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

In order to accomplish what the Lord commands, we need to seek his help and put forth our own effort. Wickedness brings with it spiritual storms, yet their source is unrecognized by the sinner and in many cases, the sinner goes on sinning in their blindness until the storm becomes so great that they can no longer ignore it. Sin leads to suffering for ourselves and sometimes for others as well. We can look to God and remain faithful during our trials. Prayer can help us find peace during our trials.

1-25. Have you known people who were suffering because of their sins but did not want to change? How much suffering did they endure before they changed their behavior? Who else was affected by their behavior? What finally motivated Laman and Lemuel to repent? What effect did their stubbornness have on the rest of the family?
1-25. How can the voyage to the promised land be seen as a metaphor or symbol of your earth life? How does focusing on earthly interests cause you to forget God? How is what Nephi did for his brothers in verse 10 like what your conscience does for you? What does the compass that no longer worked represent? How can you always ensure that your compass is working?What does Nephi being freed represent? What happened when Nephi prayed? What does this teach you about your journey through life?
1-3. How did Nephi know how to build  ship? What did he do so that The Lord could show him what he needed to do? What is the power or prayer? How did it bless Nephi? What can you learn from Nephi about getting the Lords help during challenging times? Why is it important to both work diligently and seek direction from the Lord? What relationship do you see between Nephi's effort and the help he received from The Lord?
5-8. How do you think the preparations of Lehi and his family helped them when they arrived in the promised land? What can you learn from your physical journey to the promised land that might help you on your spiritual journey to the celestial kingdom? Read D&C 38:30. What great blessing comes to those who are prepared physically and spiritually?
8-25. What are the sources for the hardships we experience?
"In a general sense, our burdens come from three sources. Some burdens of the natural product of the conditions of the world in which we live. Illness, physical disability, hurricanes, and earthquakes come from time to time through no fault of our own… Other burdens are imposed on us by the misconduct of others. Abuse and addiction can make home anything but I home on earth for innocent family members. Send, incorrect traditions, repression, and crying scatter burdened victims along the pathways of life. Even less-serious misdeeds such as gossip and unkindness can cause others genuine suffering. Our mistakes and shortcomings produce many of our problems and can place have you burdens on our own shoulders. The most onerous or difficult burden we impose upon ourselves is the burden of sin. We have all known the remorse and pain which inevitably follow our failure to keep the commandments." – L Whitney Clayton, GC, October 2009

9. What are the most serious things to forget about? What does it mean to forget The Lord? Why do you think Laman and Lemuel so often forgot The Lord? How tempting would it have been for Nephi to have gone along with the others? What happens when a person sincerely remembers The Lord?
"Is the order of things right in our own lives?... Do we have an eternal perspective? Or have we fallen into the trap of investing in the things of this world first and then forgetting The Lord?" -- L Tom Perry, GC, April 1987 

9-11. How does Satan uses dancing, music, or the way we speak to corrupt our hearts and minds? What happens to the Spirit in our lives when we subject ourselves to such forms of behavior? What are the fruits of pride? How can recognize English fruits help you avoid the sin of pride?
11-15. Why do you think that The Lord allowed Nephi to remain tied up for so long instead of freeing him miraculously as He had once before? Where can you always go for help?
"We have come to see how helpless man is when nature goes on a rampage. We are really helpless. There isn't much we can do. We come to realize that… When all is said and done we must put our trust in God and walk in obedience to his commandments. That is the only safety we have." – Gordon B Hinckley, Ensign,February 1999 

15-16. What can you learn from Nephi about responding to trials?
"No matter burdens we face in life as a consequence natural conditions, the misconduct of others, or our own mistakes and shortcomings, we are all children of a loving heavenly father, who sent us to earth as part of his eternal plan for our growth and progress. Our unique individual experiences can help us prepare to return to him. The adversity and afflictions that are ours, however difficult to bear, blast, from heaven's perspective, for but a small moment and then, if we indoor it well, God shall exalt us on high. We must do everything we can to bear our burdens well for however long our small moment carrying them lasts… I know that as we keep the Commandments of God and our covenants, he helps us with our burdens. He strengthens us. When we repent, he forgives us and blesses us with peace of conscience and joy." – L Whitney Clayton, That Your Burdens May be Light, p. 13-14

20. Why is it that only the power of God can soften a hard heart?
20-21. What did Nephi do that reminds you of the Savior? How do the lives of the prophets often remind you of the Savior?

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