Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 6

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

One purpose of the Book of Mormon is to persuade all people to come unto Jesus Christ.

1-3. Why is it important that Nephi saves room on the plates, rather than filling them with the history of his father?
4. What is the true purpose of Nephi's writings? How has the Book of Mormon brought you closer to Christ? How does reading from its pages create in you a desire to emulate your Savior?
5. Who was Nephi trying to please with the things he was writing and why? What theme do Nephi's writings contain? Why has he left out worldly content? How can his example here help us know what is most important for us to fill our lives with? What are you doing to please the Lord? How pleasing to God is your life? How pleasing to the world is your life? What can you do to please God more?

"We must know that what we do is pleasing before God and understand that this knowledge comes to us through sacrifice and obedience. Those who come unto Christ in this way receive a confidence that whispers piece to their souls and that will eventually enable them to lay hold on eternal life." – M Russell Ballard, Ensign, October 1998

6. Why does Nephi consider things of the world to be of no worth? How highly do you value things of the world? How highly do you value things of God? How does understanding Nephi's purpose in writing this record affect the way you study the Book of Mormon?

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