Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 12

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you steadfastly listen to the prophets and follow their counsel you are strengthened to guard against the temptations of the devil and the lure of pride.

1-23. Do you believe that the prophet today sees ahead of his time? Can you think of any examples?
"The Lord has blessed the lives of the Saints thought the Presidents of the Church by enabling these prophets to see ahead of their time. Acting as seers, they have been warned or made aware of future events or challenges long before these appeared on the horizon of human experience." - Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Ensign, October 1997

1-3. How did the growth of the Nephites and Lamanites in the promised land lead to the wars and contentions which Nephi foresaw?
4. What period in the earths history does this verse describe?
5-6. Who visited the Nephites? Which Nephites were privileged to be present when the Savior came? If the Savior were to come tomorrow would you be worthy to be among those who He ministered to?
11-12. How can a people who have seen Christ and had Him minister unto Him fall away in only 200 years?
13-19. What is it about wickedness that is so enticing that people will turn from the light to participate in its darkness? How can you withstand against darkness and temptation?
17. Why do you think that the temptations of the devil are symbolized by mists of darkness? How is giving in to temptation like walking around blindly? Why does Satan desire for us to believe that sin and occupancy in the great and spacious building is so desirable? In truth what is it really like?
"To those of you who are inching your way closer and closer to that great and spacious building, let me make it completely clear that the people in that building have absolutely nothing to offer except instant, short- term gratification inescapably connected to long-term sorrow and suffering. The commandments you observe were not given by a dispassionate God to prevent you from having fun, but by a loving Father in Heaven who wants you to be happy while you are living on this earth as well as in the hereafter." -Glenn L Pace, GC, October 1987

18. Why do you think that a great and spacious building is a good representation of the pride of the world?
19. Why were the Nephites destroyed? How can you guard against pride and avoid the temptations of the devil?

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