Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Nephi 17

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As long as you try your best to be obedient, the Lord will help you through all your trials. If we keep the commandments the Lord will strengthen and bless us and provide means for us to accomplish that which he has commanded. The Holy Ghost speaks with a still, small voice that we feel more and then we hear. You can receive communication from the Lord through the still, small voice as you seek to be worthy of and pay attention to these gentle promptings.

1–55. What have you learned from this chapter that can help you be more like Nephi and less like Laman and Lemuel?
1-2. What was Nephi's attitude about the hardships he faced as they travelled? Why do you think Nephi felt so blessed in spite of their sufferings?
3. What reason did Nephi give as to why his family was blessed during their journey in the wilderness? How does this principle apply to your life? What do you need to do the Lord can help you with the problems or trials that you face?
7-8. What did the Lord command me fight to do? What may have been difficult about obeying this commandment?
16. What would Laman and Lemuel have to do to have faith like Nephi's?
"The trouble with us today, there are too many of us who put question marks instead of periods after what the Lord says. I want you to think about that. We shouldn't be concerned about why he said something, or whether or not it can be made so. Just trust the Lord." – Harold B Lee, Ensign, January 1973
"Once you start putting question mark's behind the Prophets statements and put exclamation points instead, and do it, the blessings just pour." – Russell M Nelson, Ensign, August 1982

9-11. What impresses you about Nephi's response to this commandment?
17–21. How did Nephi's brothers respond to the commandment Nephi had been given? What can you learn from the responses of Nephi and his brothers to the commandment of the Lord?
23–27. What scripture story did Nephi tell? How is that story like what was happening to Lehi's family?
28–30. How are these verses like what happened to Lehi's family?
31–35. Why does the Lord bless one group of people and destroy another?
36–43. What message do you think me if I wanted Laman and Lemuel to get out of his teachings?
41. What does the word straitened mean? Have you ever felt the Lord straiten you?
Why is it important to be disciplined and corrected?
44–47. Nephi described two different voices the Lord can use to speak to you. Which one would you prefer and why? 
45. In what ways does the Lord try to communicate with you? When have you felt the Lord speak through a still, small voice? What can you do to feel and recognize the still, small voice? What had Nephi's brothers done to become past feeling? How can sin prevent you from feeling the Holy Ghost? What other kinds of things can distract you from feeling the Holy Ghost? How well have you listened to the messages the Lord
has sought to communicate to you recently? Do you have any spiritual dead spots that can prevent you from receiving the still, small voice? What will you do to avoid them or to receive a signal again?
"The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you feel more than you hear. It is described as a still small voice. And probably speak of listening to the whisperings of the Spirit, most often one describes a spiritual prompting by saying, 'I had a feeling…'" – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1994
"Cellular phones are used for much of the communication in our time. Occasionally, however, we find dead spots where the signal coming to the cell phone fails. This can happen when the cell phone user is in a tunnel, canyon or when there is other interference. So it is with divine communication… We often put ourselves in spiritual dead spots – places and situations that block out divine messages. Some of these dead spots include anger, pornography, transgression, selfishness, and other situations that offend the Spirit." – James E Faust, GC, April 2004 
"The scriptures generally use the word voice, which does not exactly fit. These delicates refined communications are not seen with our eyes, nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a voice, it is a voice that one feels, more than one hears." – Boyd K Packer, Ensign, January 1983

48–55. When Laman and Lemuel got angry and try to kill Nephi, what finally convinced them to follow the Lord? How do you teach the hard of heart?

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