Monday, April 6, 2015

Alma 24

If you do all you can to repent, God will take away your guilt and help you remain clean. as you keep your covenants, you can help others become converted.

1-10. What are some reasons people join the church? How can you tell if a person is truly converted to the Lord? How might his or her behavior change? What are some ways you will know if a person's conversion is sincere or not? What are some things members of the Church do that are different from what the world teaches?
6. In this time of strife, what did the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's determine they would not do?
7-10. How grateful we are the people of Ammon, even in the midst of trials? How is this a sign of true conversion? What can you do to better show others that you love the Lord?
7-15. What blessings from the Lord did the people of Ammon recognize in these verses?
9. What was one of the sins the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's had previously committed?
11. What do you think the king meant when he said, "It has been all that we could do… to repent"?
11-13. The Anti-Nephi-Lehi's done with their swords before their conversion? How did their miss use of their swords make them feel? What a commitment were they willing to make as a result of their conversion?
13. Why did the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's refuse to fight in battle?
14-17. Why did the people of Ammon feel they should bury their weapons of war? Why was it significant that they buried their weapons rather than simply promising not to use them again?
15-16, 18. How many times does the word testimony appear in these verses? How did burying their weapons deep in the ground serve as a testimony? 
"In abandoning sin one cannot merely wish for better conditions… He must be certain not only that he has abandoned the sin but that he has changed the situations surrounding the sin. He should avoid the places and conditions and circumstances where the son occurred, for these could most readily breed it again. He must abandon the people with whom the sin was committed. He may not hate the persons involved but he must avoid them and everything associated with the sin." – Spencer W Kimball, the miracle of forgiveness, [1969], 171-72
16-19. What did the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's do to ensure that they would remain clean? What did the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's do to avoid conditions and people that might entice them to resume their former sins? Are there any circumstances in your life that you need to change in order to repent of and forsake a sin that you have been struggling with? What can you do to make this happen?
17. What are some examples of what bins of rebellion that people lightly down or  bury as they become converted to the Lord?
"It takes exactly as long to repent as it takes you to say "I'll change" – and mean it. Of course there will be problems to work out and restitution is to make. You will spend – indeed you had better spend – the rest of your life proving your repentance by it's permanence." – Jeffrey R Holland, New Era, October 1980
18. How did the decision of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's to bury their weapons show their love for their fellow men as well as for God?
19, 27, 30. What principles does Mormon want you to understand from these verses?
20-22. How do you think the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's might have felt after they buried their weapons and then discovered that a Lamanite army was coming to attack them?
20-27. In what ways does conversion increase a person's love for others? How did the unconverted Lamanites react when they saw that the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's would not take up arms against them? How many joined the people of God that day?
23-27. How does this account influence your desire to keep your covenants? What can you do to strengthen your desire and ability to keep the covenants you have made with the Lord?

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