Monday, April 6, 2015

Alma 25

The Lords word to his prophets will always be fulfilled.

1-3. Think of a time when you became angry over something that happened. Did you feel it was your fault or someone else's fault? Did you say something like: he or she made me so angry!? Can someone else really make you angry? Did you have a choice about how to respond to the situation? Why were the Lamanites angry? Who did they believe it was the cause of their feelings? How did they decide to respond to their feelings? Rather than repent or change, what did the Lamanites choose to do? What can you learn from the Lamanites about what to do when you make mistakes in your life?
11-12. What does the phrase 'these words were verified' mean? (See D&C 1:38)
13-14. What impresses you about the Lamanites actions?
13-17. Who can you think of in the Scriptures who made changes for good in their lives? What do you think caused their change? Who made some major changes in these verses? Why did the Lamanites choose to make changes in their lives? How can you tell that their conversion was sincere? How did they feel about the Savior? How did the missionaries who taught them feel about this change? What changes can you think of that the Gospel has made in your life?
17. How was the success of the sons of Mosiah an example of the words of the Lord being verified?

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