Monday, April 6, 2015

Alma 26

You experience joy of you faithfully serve the Lord and his children. The Lord is merciful to all who repent and believe on his name.

Chapter 26. What is a psalm? [See Bible dictionary] what verses in this chapter express praise? Take a few minutes and write a psalm expressing praise for your blessings.
3. What do you think it means for someone to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord? In what ways were Ammon and his fellow missionaries instruments in the hands of God? What did the Lord accomplished through Ammon and his fellow missionaries?
5.  What do the sheaves of wheat represent? What does the sickle represent? Why was that wheat gathered into garners?how can you help new converts not be wasted, meaning how can you help them not fall away from the truth once they have received it?
"Every one of them needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with the good word of God" – Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 1997
6. What blessings are promised those who are faithful? What storms do you face every day? What can you do to ensure that the storms of life do not penetrate your heart?
8-16. Who would be considered the instrument in these verses? Who is really doing the work? Why is the person using the instrument more important than the instrument is self? Which should receive the most praise, the instrument or the user? Why? What work is being done? Why is it important to give credit to the Lord? What would be wrong with boasting in your own strength? What does that tell you about Ammons humility? What are some specific ways you could apply Ammons example in your own life?
12. How does Ammons statement in this verse relate to being an instrument in the Lords hands?
13-16. What reasons does Ammon give for his rejoicing? What principles can you learn from these verses? Why do you think that you experience joy when you are in the service of the Lord?
17-20. What kind of people were Ammon and his brothers before they were converted?
17-21. Define the word justice. Define the word mercy. Which word best describes getting what you deserve? Which word best describes getting better than you deserve? What do you learn in these verses about Heavenly Father's love for his children? What are some of the merciful blessings you have received from God? What do you think you can do to show God your gratitude for his mercy in your life?
22. What four things do you find in this verse that you can do to help bring others to repentance? Why does the Lord require his servants to do these things?
23-25. According to what the Nephites told Ammon his brethren, what were the Lamanites like before they were converted?
23-29 what obstacles did Ammon and his brothers face in their service to the Lord and the Lamanites? Which of these obstacles do you think missionaries my face today? What motivated Ammon and his book fellow missionaries to continue to serve?
31-34. What results were yielded from the labors of Ammon and his brethren among the Lamanites?
35-37. What reasons do you have to rejoice in the goodness of God?
"The Gospel teaches us that relief from torment and guilt can be earned through repentance. Save for those few who defect to perdition after having known a fulness, there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no offense exempted from the promise of complete forgiveness." – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1995
36. What was the focus of Ammons life? What do you think he wanted to do with the rest of his life? Why do you think more people don't feel about doing Gods work the way that Ammon did? How do you feel about doing Gods work?

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