Monday, April 6, 2015

Alma 27

When we are fully converted it to the Lord, we keep the covenants we have made with him.

2-3. How determine where the Anti-Nephi Lehi's to keep the covenant that they had made with the Lord? If you were one of the Anti-Nephi Lehi's, how difficult might it have been for you to keep your covenant and not go to battle to defend yourself and your loved ones?
4-14. Why do missionaries feel so strongly toward those who may have worked with? What feelings do you think converts have towards those who taught them? What do you find in these verses that show of bond between missionaries and converts?
7-8. How willing with the Anti-Nephi-Lehi to do what the Lord wanted them to do? How willing are you to seek and follow the Lords counsel?
11-12. What instruction did Ammon received from the Lord in regards to the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's? How do the Lords words to Ammon help you know of His love and care for those who would follow Him?
16-19. Consider a time when you felt great joy and happiness. What were you doing? What caused the great joy and happiness described in these verses? Compare these feelings with those described in verses 1-2. What does this teach you about what leads to joy and what leads to bitterness and anger? What can you do to feel the joy described in these verses more frequently?
22-24. How did the Nephites say they would help the Aanti-Nephi-Lehi's? Why do you think the Nephites were willing to protect their former enemies? In what way did the Nephites help and assist their brethren, the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's, in keeping the covenant that they had made with the Lord? What can you do to assist your brethren in the Gospel in keeping the covenants that they have made with the Lord?
25-30. How can taking upon yourself the name of Christ make you different? What was the new name that the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's were given? What people were they numbered among? How would you describe their membership in Christ's church? How can you tell they understood there was life after death? Why would they be considered a highly favored people of the Lord? In what ways does this story show her new converts take part in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
27-30. What impresses you most about the people of Ammon? Why? What do you learn from these verses about the relationship between being converted to the Lord and keeping covenants? Who in your life has been an example of this principle?

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