Saturday, February 28, 2015

Alma 7

Jesus Christ suffered to save us from sin and death and to help us through the challenges of mortality. By living the principles of the gospel, you follow the path to the kingdom of God.

1-6. How was Alma's joy over the people in Gideon different from the joy he felt over the people of Zarahemla?
7. According to Alma what was the one thing which was of more importance than anything else that was to come? Why do you think that the coming of the Savior was the most important event of all time?
8. Would the Savior come in the lifetime of these people?
9. What did Alma say the people must do to prepare for the coming of the Savior? If the Savior would not come in their lifetime, why did they need to prepare for His coming? What do you need to do to prepare for His coming... for the time that you will stand before Him face to face? Why do you think that Alma was able to spend more time teaching the people of Gideon about the Savior and less time teaching about repentance? Why do you think Alma would tell a people who already believed and had strong faith that they needed to repent?  What can you do to make sure you can receive the most important messages the Lord can send to you through his servants?
11-12. How can Jesus help you with your pains and sicknesses? What did Jesus do about the fact that you will someday die? What is the difference between sicknesses and infirmities? What can the Savior do about areas of your life where you feel weak and inadequate? Are there any trials, problems or challenges you face that are not covered under the four categories of pains and sicknesses, death, infirmities, and sins?
11-13. Why was the coming of Christ the most important event in all of human history? How can your understanding of these verses help you when you face challenges? When has the Atonement helped you or someone you know in one of the ways mentioned in these verses? What will you do to rely on the Atonement as you face challenges? How can those who are unclean because of spiritual sin become spiritually clean again?
"The Atonement is not just for sinners." - Bruce C Hafen, Ensign, April 1990
"Are you battling a demon of addiction - tobacco or drugs or gambling, or the pernicious contemporary plague of pornography? ... Are you confused with gender identity or searching for self-esteem? Do you - or someone you love - face disease or depression or death? Whatever other steps you may need to take to resolve these concerns, come FIRST to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Trust in heaven's promises... This reliance upon the merciful nature of God is the very center of the gospel Christ taught. I testify that the Savior's Atonement lifts from us not only the burden of our sins but also the burden of our disappointments and sorrows, our heartaches and our despair. From the beginning, trust in such help was to give us both a reason and a way to improve, an incentive to lay down our burdens and take up our salvation." - Jeffrey R Holland, General Conference, April 2006
"Can we, even in the depths of disease, tell [Jesus] anything at all about suffering? In ways we cannot comprehend, our sicknesses and infirmities were borne by Him even before they were born by us. The very weight of our combined sins caused Him to descend below all. We have never been, nor will we be, in depths such as He has known. Thus His atonement made perfect His empathy and His mercy and His capacity to succor us, for which we can be everlastingly grateful as He tutors us in our trials." - Neal A Maxwell, Even As I Am, p. 116
"The Savior... will help us carry our burdens. Some injuries are so hurtful and deep that they cannot be healed without help from a higher power and hope for perfect justice and restitution in the next life. Since the Savior has suffered anything and everything that we could ever feel or experience, He can help the weak to become stronger. He has personally experienced all of it. He understands our pain and will walk with us even in our darkest hours." - James E Faust, GC, October 2001 
"There is not one vexation, anxiety, or suffering unfamiliar to Him. Though He is without sin yet knows He each and every one of our griefs that He might be able to help us." - Keith B McMullin, GC, April 1999 
14-16. What things must you do in order for the Atonement to have power in your life? What blessings come to you through the Atonement as you do your part?
19.Alma wanted to help the people of Gideon stay on the path which leads to the kingdom of God. What things do you need to do to stay on this path? (See verses 14-16, 22-24)
19-21. What is the path of righteousness? What are some of the characteristics of this path that would help you describe it to someone else? What things can you do better to walk this path?
21. Why is it important to keep yourself spiritually clean?
"We are to live and labor so as to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, and he will not dwell in unholy tabernacles." - George F Richards, GC, October 1944
23-25. What things can you do to keep yourself spiritually clean? How can these attributes help you avoid pride?
"To open the windows of heaven, we must conform our will to God's will. Diligent, enduring obedience to God's laws is the key that opens the windows of heaven. Obedience enables us to be receptive to the mind and will of the Lord.... the willing and obedient are those who receive the blessings of revelation through the open windows of heaven." - Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, October 1995
"The antidote for pride is humility - meekness, submissiveness. It is the broken heart and contrite spirit.... God will have a humble people. Either we can choose to be humble or we can be compelled to be humble.... Let us choose to be humble." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1989 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Alma 6

The Church is established for the welfare of all people.

1. How are leaders chosen in the Lord's church?
2. What does the Church do for those who repent?
3. What about those who are proud and refuse to repent?
4-6. What did Church members in Zarahemla do for those who did not know God? How do you think the Church today can bless those who do not know God? How have you been blessed through Church attendance?
5. Who should be allowed to attend church meetings?
6. What is one thing you can think of that you should do at Church meetings? Are you praying for those who know not God?
"The mission of the Church is glorious - to invite all of us to come unto Christ through proclaiming the gospel, perfecting our lives, and redeeming our dead." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, April 1988
"When we are performing the Lord's work, we must do it the Lord's way. I suggest to you that if you prayerfully approach this work and ask your Father in heaven to reveal to you the means by which you might be an instrument in his hands in bringing individuals into the church, the way will be provided for you to do just that." - Gene R Cook, General Conference, April 1976

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Alma 5

When we believe in the word of God and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can experience a mighty change of heart. As you continually experience a change of heart and bring forth works of righteousness, you will be prepared to enter God's kingdom. If you persist in wickedness, you will be unable to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and you cannot be numbered among the righteous. If you follow the voice of the Lord [the Good Shepherd], you will be gathered into His kingdom. You can know for yourself, through the Holy Ghost, that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of mankind.

1. Besides stirring them up to remembrance (Alma 4:19), what else did Alma want to do for the people in Zarahemla? What was the only way he could see to do this? (See Alma 4:19) Why do you think that pure testimony might influence people? What do you know about Italian salad dressing? (It is made of vinegar and oil and in order to taste right it must be stirred or shaken up) When are some times you have been stirred or shaken up spiritually because of the testimony of others? How did it strengthen and bless you? Why is it important to continually shake people up spiritually? How often do you need to be reminded of your duties and responsibilities in the Church?
3-6. How might it have helped Alma's people to hear the account of the bondage, deliverance, and conversion of Alma's father and those who followed him?
3-13. What kinds of lessons can you learn from people who lived before you? Whose examples and experiences have been especially helpful to you? Do you think it is better to learn from your own experiences or from the experiences of those who have lived before you? Why? What part of history did Alma want his people to remember? What lessons did he want them to learn from Alma, Noah, and Abinadi? How has reading about the experiences of those people helped and blessed you?
7. According to this verse, what kind of change had occurred in the lives of Alma's father and his people? What do you think it means to experience a change of heart? What is the difference between a change of heart and a change of clothing or appearance or behavior?
"The heart, which is the organ of life, signifies the real, inward person." - Gerald N Lund, Ensign, October 1986
7-9. According to Alma, what is a change of heart like? How is a change of heart like the descriptions Alma gives? How might a change of heart be seen in a persons actions? How is a change of heart sometimes noticeable in a person's countenance?
"A change of heart is like ... walking out of a deep sleep; being filled with light; being freed from chains; having your soul expand; singing about redeeming love; being born of God; receiving the Lord's image in your countenance." - Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual, p. 248
10. What questions does Alma ask his people? How would you answer those same questions?
11-13. What brought about the mighty change of heart in Alma's father and his followers? What is another way to say that someone has had a mighty change of heart? (See John 3: 3-5) When have you felt a change in your heart as you have sought to live according to the word of God? How would you describe the feelings and actions that accompany a change of heart? How has your heart changed as you have studied the Book of Mormon in your life?
"You may ask, Why doesn't this mighty change happen more quickly with me? ... For most of us, the changes are more gradual and occur over time. Being born again ... is more a process than an event. And engaging in that process is the central purpose of mortality." - D Todd Christofferson, General Conference, April 2008
13-62. How many questions can you find in these verses? Why might Alma have asked the people so many questions? What is the value of thinking about spiritual questions? Do you think Alma wanted them to answer out loud? Why or why not? How can questions be a measure of how strong we are spiritually? What questions are you asked by a priesthood leader that measures your spirituality or worthiness? (Temple recommend...) How can such questions help you evaluate the condition of your heart? Consider Alma's questions to the people as though they were personally directed at you. Analyze and discern the condition of your own heart.

14. What does it mean to have Christ's image in your countenance? What are some ways you can become more like Christ? Who are some people you think most remind you of Jesus Christ? Why would your countenance change as you become more holy?
"Mormonism keeps men and women young and handsome; and where they are full of the Spirit of God, there are none of them but will have a glow upon their countenances; and that is what makes you and me young; for the Spirit of God is with us, and within us." - Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 5:210
15-22. How can you become clean in God's presence?
17-18, 20-25. What reasons do you find in these verses as to why your heart must be changed in preparation for the day of judgement? 
16, 19. What words and phrases did Alma use that describe the condition you would like to be in when you stand before God to be judged? How will experiencing a change of heart now help prepare you to receive a place in the kingdom of heaven?
33-36. What is the Lord inviting you to do? What are the consequences of accepting or rejecting this invitation? What do these verses teach about the Savior?
37-38. In what ways is the Savior the Good Shepherd? How are people like sheep in need of a shepherd? According to these verses, how does the Good Shepherd show His love and concern for the sheep?
"In Jesus' time, the Palestinian shepherd was noted for his protection of his sheep. Unlike modern sheepherders, the shepherd always walked ahead of his flock. He led them. The shepherd knew each of the sheep and usually had a name for each. The sheep knew his voice and trusted him and would not follow a stranger. Thus, when called, the sheep would come to him. (See John 10:14, 16)... Jesus used this common illustration of his day to declare the He was the Good Shepherd, the True Shepherd. Because of His love for His brothers and sisters, He would willingly and voluntarily lay down His life for them." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, April 1988
 41. How can you tell if you are hearkening to the voice of  the Good Shepherd? What are some works that might indicate that a person is following the Good Shepherd?
"When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed... Men [and women] changed for Christ will be captained by Christ ... Their will is swallowed up in His will (See John 5:30) The do always those things that please the Lord. (See John 8:29) Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important they want to live for Him. Enter their homes, and the pictures on their walls, the books on their shelves, the music in the air, the words and acts reveal them as Christians. They stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places (See Mosiah 18:9). They have Christ on their minds, as they look unto Him in every thought. (See D&C 6:36) They have Christ in their hearts as their affections are placed on Him forever. (See Alma 37:36) Almost every week they partake of the sacrament and witness anew to their Eternal Father that they are willing to take upon them the name of His Son, always remember Him, and keep His commandments." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, October 1985
 40. How can you tell a message or thought comes from God?
"In our day, we are bombarded by messages from many sources, both profane and spiritual. How can we determine the ones that are most vital to us? I suggest that we may look at the source of the messages and the motivation behind them. The Lord has given us a guide through the prophet Alma: 'Whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from evil.' We must strive to be worthy so that we do not miss the profound messages that come from God. Ultimately, these messages include the sum total of the gospel of Jesus Christ." - James E Faust, General Conference, April 2004
"President Joseph F Smith taught us: 'Our first enemy we will find within ourselves. It is a good thing to overcome that enemy first and bring ourselves into subjection to the will of the Father, and into strict obedience to the principles of life and salvation which he has given to the world for the salvation of men.' In simple terms, this means that we need to strengthen to good within us and to overcome the temptations of Satan." - James E Faust, General Conference, October 2000
"Since Satan is the author of all evil in the world, it would therefore be essential to realize that he is the influence behind the opposition to the work of God." -James E Faust, General Conference, October 1987
44-48. What is something you have learned from each of your five senses? Is there a way to know or learn something without using your five senses? What did Alma say was the source of his testimony? What had Alma done in order to receive this witness from the Holy Ghost? How can prayer and fasting help you gain or strengthen your testimony of the gospel? When have you felt that your testimony has been strengthened through prayer or fasting?
"Individual, personal testimony of gospel truth, particularly the divine life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, is essential to our eternal life... In other words, life eternal is predicated upon our own individual, personal knowledge of our Father in Heaven and His Holy Son. Simply knowing about them is not enough. We must have personal, spiritual experiences to anchor us. These come through seeking them in the same intense, single-minded way that a hungry person seeks food." - M Russell Ballard, General Conference, April 1996
45-46. How do you receive a testimony? When have you felt the Holy Ghost witness to you that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the world?
"Like Alma of old, each of us ... can know with surety that these things are true. It is our great privilege to know. It is more than a privilege; it is our responsibility to know. It is our enormous loss to not know when such a privilege is given.... We study, we pray, and like Alma of old, we may even fast, and then comes a still, small voice and a throbbing heart. Imagine a personal revelation from God that these things are true. The very thought of it makes my heart throb." - Richard C Edgley, General Conference, April 2005
 "That same spirit of revelation - the spirit of conversion, if you will - is available to each of us as we diligently seek for it through fasting, prayer, obedience, and searching the scriptures." - W Mack Lawrence, General Conference, April 1996
"As we desire and seek, we should remember that acquiring a testimony is not a passive thing but a process in which we are expected to do something... We gain or strengthen a testimony by bearing it. Someone even suggested that some testimonies are better gained on the feet bearing them than on the knees praying for them. A personal testimony is fundamental to our faith. Consequently, the things we must do to acquire, strengthen, and retain a testimony are vital to our spiritual life. In addition to those already stated, we need to partake of the sacrament each week to qualify for the precious promise that we will always have his Spirit to be with [us]." - Dallin H Oaks, General Conference, April 2008
47. What is the spirit of prophecy? (See 2 Nephi 25:4)
49-52. What did Alma tell the people they needed to do to prepare to inherit the kingdom of heaven? Why is repentance essential to entering into the kingdom of heaven?
"What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow - through our premature death or through His unexpected coming - what would we do today? What confessions would we make" What practices would we discontinue? What accounts would we settle? What forgivenesses would we extend? What testimonies would we bear? If we would do thise things then, why not now? Why not seek peace  while peace can be obtained?" - Dallin H Oaks, General Conference, April 2004
53. Imagine a picture of the Savior on the floor? Why would you never step on the picture?
53-56. What attitudes and actions listed in these verses make it difficult to hearken to the voice of the Savior? How are these actions like trampling on the Savior? Why are these things considered wrong?
56-57. What phrase in this verse teaches you how you should respond to evil influences? What can a Latter-day Saint do to stay separate from the wicked? What are some consequences of persisting in wickedness? What would the Lord have you do to better accept His invitation to come unto Him?
58-62. What promised blessings do you find in these verses to those who gather with the Lord and His people? How would you summarize the Lord's promises to those who hearken to His voice? What habits have you developed that help you to hearken to the voice of the Good Shepherd? How have these habits helped you ignore some of the evil influences around you?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Alma 4

If you set an unrighteous example, your actions can hinder others from accepting the gospel. Your decisions to be humble or proud affect you and others. Fulfilling your spiritual duties may require sacrifice. Bearing pure testimony helps others draw closer to God.

1-5. What evidence do you find that the Nephites had become humble? What brought about the humility of the Nephites? You do not have to endure a tragedy to become humble. In what other way can you become humble?
2. What afflictions were upon the Nephites?
3. What does it mean to mourn? Think of a time in your life when you truly mourned. Think of a time in your life when you were angry. Is it easier to do right when you are sad and sorry or when you are angry? How did the Nephites feel about the terrible battles they had with the Lamanites? What reasons did the Nephites have to mourn? What did they believe was the cause of the mourning? What did they do when they realized that their afflictions were caused by their own disobedience? How might they have behaved differently if they had gotten really angry and blamed the Lamanites for the war? How can taking responsibility for your own behavior increase peace and harmony in your life?

"When we are out for revenge we blame, accuse, and provoke others to wrath and then we blame them for it. Only when we quite seeing each other in such self-justifying ways can lasting, substantial changes take place. In other words, it is not until we quit looking to the other for change, begin to be honest about ourselves, and take responsibility for our own behavior that a change of heart can take place." - C Richard Chidester, Ensign, February 1094

6. What do possessions have to do with this verse? How did the Nephite obtain their material wealth? How do you obtain things of this world? What changed about the Nephites when they became wealthy? What is pride? 
7-8. How did Alma and the other church leaders feel about those changes? Why was the accumulation of material wealth among the Church members a source of affliction for church leaders? What are some problems we have with pride in our society because of our possessions? 
8-9, 12. What are some of the fruits of pride? In what ways does pride influence the way you treat others? How can taking inventory of how you treat others, help you recognize pride in yourself, and if found, root it out of your heart?
10. What warning do you find in this verse? What happens to missionary work when those outside the church observe unrighteousness within? What is a stumbling block? 
11. How did the bad example of church members have a negative influence on those who did not belong to the church? What is the consequence of this iniquity? How can you avoid being a stumbling block to neighbors and friends that are not of your faith?
13-14. Even when the fruits of pride abound around you, what can you do to lift and bless others? What are the most important things in life? What can you do to keep focused on the important things in life?
14. What is a retainer? What does it do? How do you retain a remission of your sins? How does the Atonement of Christ infuse your soul with joy? How do you keep hold of this joy, even amidst affliction?
15. What does the phrase 'the spirit of the Lord did not fail him' mean to you? What can you do to ensure that the Spirit of the Lord is always with you, leading and guiding you even in the most troubled of times?
16-20. What reasons do you find in these verses as to why it was important for Alma to have the Spirit? What reasons have you observed in your own life as to the importance of living such that you can have the Spirit with you always?
16-17. What was the first thing Alma chose to do? What position did he give up? What position would that be like in our government? Why did Alma give us such a high position?
18. What position did Alma retain? Why do you think he chose to be the high priest rather than the chief judge? In which position do you think Alma could do the most good?
19. Why do you think that Alma was not going to try to save his people by implementing better government, better laws, or a stronger military? What does the phrase 'bearing down in pure testimony' suggest about how Alma would teach? When have you heard people bear pure testimony? How have these experiences influenced you? What truths can you learn from Alma's example?
"Alma understood a basic fact of life. There is no way of caring for the problems of mankind unless the great majority of them have been taught and subscribed their lives to a code of conduct which will keep them from falling into sin. The Lord, in the very beginning established for our first earthly parents commandments and covenants which, if observed and obeyed, will keep us from the heartache and waste of unrighteous living. As we consider conditions in the world today, we should be asking the question: 'How can we more effectively prevent the loss resulting from an overwhelming increase in spiritual, emotional, and physical problems now afflicting mankind?' It seems as if we are spending too much of our time and energy in repairing the damage of sin and not enough time in teaching them the Lord's law as a foundation on which they can govern their lives." - L Tom Perry, General Conference, April 1992

Alma 3

Those who come out in the open rebellion against God bring negative consequences upon themselves. If you are separated from God, it is because you have separated yourself from him. Through your dress and appearance you can distinguish yourself as a disciple of Jesus Christ. You receive happiness or misery depending on whom you choose to obey.

4, 13. What did the Amlicites do to distinguish themselves? Whom did the Amlicites want to be distinguished from? How might some people today distinguish themselves from the righteous through their outward appearance?
5-6. How were the Lamanites distinguished from the Nephites?
6-8. Why did the Lord set a mark upon Laman and Lemuel and those who associated with them?
8. Why did God want to keep his people separate from the unbelievers?
9. What happened to those who did mingle his seed with that of the Lamanites?
14-19. How were the markings of the Amlicites a fulfillment of prophecy?
18-19. What phrase in this verse describes the Amlicites actions and attitude to ward God? How did they bring a curse upon themselves? What are some of the ways individuals or groups mark themselves today? What are some ways you can show through your dress and appearance that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ? Is it possible to mark yourself positively as well as negatively in such areas as dress and appearance, language, entertainment, Sabbath observance, and so on? In what ways can you mark yourself more affirmatively as a disciple of Christ?
"Did you ever think that your body is holy? You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin? I promise you that the time will come, if you have tattoos, that you will regret your actions. They cannot be washed off. They are permanent. Only by an expensive and painful process can they be removed. If you are tattooed, then probably for the remainder of your life you will carry it with you. I believe that the time will come when it will be an embarrassment to you. Avoid it. We ... plead with you not to become so disrespectful of the body which the Lord has given you.
"May I mention earrings and rings placed in other parts of the body. These are not manly. They are not attractive. You young men look better without them, and I believe you will feel better without them. As for the young women, you do not need to drape rings up and down your ears. One modest pair of earrings is sufficient. I mention these things because again they concern your bodies. How truly beautiful is a well-groomed young woman who is clean in body and mind. She is the daughter of God in whom her Eternal Father can take pride. How handsome is a young man who is well groomed. He is a son of God, deemed worthy of holding the holy priesthood of God. He does not need tattoos or earrings on or in his body. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve are all united in counseling against these things." - Gordon B Hinckley, Ensign, January 2001
20-27. According to these verses, what reward comes to those who obey the Lord? What consequences come to those who do not follow the Lord? What blessings have you received from the Lord as you have chosen to follow him?
"We are, in a very real way, our own creators. We reap that which we have sown, and we receive our wages of "eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which [we] listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one. For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey"  In other words, we decide by our day-to-day actions what our harvest will be. As with the farms I saw in the Magic Valley of Idaho, it can be a bounteous harvest or it can be a patch of weeds." – John H Vandenburg, GC, October 1968

Alma 2

When we call upon God to help us to have against wickedness, he will strengthen us.

1-7. Why is it important to let your voice be heard? How can doing so bless us as a people? What kind of a man was Amlici? What did Amlici want to do? How did he want to change the government? What did he want to do to the church? What was the outcome of the election? What might have happened if most Nephites had chosen not to get involved?

"In this election year we urge Church members to register to vote, to study the issues and candidates carefully and prayerfully and then vote for those they believe will most nearly carry out their ideas of good government. Latter-day Saints are under special obligation to seek out and then uphold leaders who will act with integrity and are wise, good, and honest." - Gordon B Hinckley, Thomas S Monson, James E Faust, Priesthood Bulletin, 30 August 2002
7-11. How did the Nephites react when they won the election? What did the followers of Amlici do even though they lost the election? How were these people distinguished from each other? Why would you rather be known as a follower of Jesus Christ than a follower of a man like Amlici? Are there people today who make the mistake of forsaking the Savior to follow those who are popular with the world? What is the difference between what the Savior wants for you and what worldly people want for you? What could you do, along with your family, to avoid being deceived by worldly things?
8-18. What did the righteous people do to stand up against wickedness?
9-15. Is war ever necessary? Were the Nephites justified in going to war? Why? What principle given by President McKay were the Amlicites breaking? How might the innocence of the Nephites help them in their coming battles with the Amlicites?
"There are... two conditions which may justify a truly Chistian man to enter - mind you, I say enter, not begin - a war: (1) an attempt to dominate and to deprive another of his free agency, and (2) loyalty to his country. Possibly there is a third, ... defense of a weaker nation that is being unjustly crushed by a strong ruthless one." - David O McKay, Gospel Ideals, p. 287
16. Who was the leader of the Nephite army? What kind of a man was Alma? 
18. Why were the Nephites able to stop Amlici's attempt to become king? Why were there fewer Nephites killed than Amlicites?
21. What did Alma do to keep track of the movement of the Amlicites? How was his vigilance rewarded? (see v. 24)
24. What did Alma's spies discover about the Amlicites? How did the precautions of Alma and the watchfulness of the scouts bless the Nephites? How can caution and watchfulness bless and preserve you in your life?
28. Why do you think it is important to receive strength from God to stand against wickedness rather than having wicked influences removed completely from your life? How can you follow Alma's example when you stand against wickedness? How has the Lord strengthen you as you have faced wickedness? What is one way you can stand against wickedness now?
30. Why were the Nephites victorious even though they were outnumbered? What principles do you learn from Alma that will apply to spiritual battles that you face each day?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Alma 1

Even when people around you are being disobedient, you can be steadfast and immovable in keeping the Commandments. When you live the gospel, you can have peace in your life, even if you are persecuted.

3. What are some dangers of seeking popularity? What are some dangers of following people just because they are popular? What did Nehor wish to change about the leaders of the Church? What dangers would there be if a church leader was paid to preach?
4. Why were these teachings dangerous? What gospel essentials did the teachings Nehor exclude or ignore? What consequences could come to a person who believes this doctrine? What did Nehor want to change about the doctrine of the church? Why would some people want to believe that doctrine? Do people today teach similar doctrines?
6. How did Nehor's success affect him?
7. What were some of the good things that Gideon did? Why do you think that Gideon was willing to defend the church, even though it meant he might be killed? How can you, like Gideon, stand up for what you know to be true?
12. What is preaching for popularity and money called? What is priestcraft? [See 2 Nephi 26:29] What do you think it means for people to set themselves up for a light into the world? Why is this dangerous? How was Nehor's preaching an example of priestcraft? According to Alma, what would happen if people had priestcraft enforced among them? What do you think it is tempting for people to teach so that others will praise them?
15. What does ignominous mean? Why was the death of Nehor shameful and dishonorable for him? Being a man who sought to be popular among the people, and having swayed many to follow him, what ironies do you see in the ignominity of his death? What differences do you see between the death of Gideon and the death of Nehor?
"Nehor tried to advance his own cause, increase his popularity, and lead a following with his criticisms and flatteries, and came to ignominious death." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, April 1955

16. What are the goals of people who practice priestcraft? Why do you need to be aware of priestcraft, within the church as well as outside the church, in your day? How do you recognize those who practice priestcraft? How do you recognize and guard against the attitudes and actions of priestcraft in your own efforts to teach the Gospel? What opportunities do you have to teach the Gospel?

"Anything you or I do is that knowingly and intentionally draws attention to self – in the messages we present, in the methods we use, or in our personal demeanor – is a form of priestcraft that inhibits the teaching effectiveness of the Holy Ghost." – David A Bednar, Ensign, September 2007
"Focusing on the needs of the students, a gospel teacher will never obscure their view of the Master by standing in the way or by shadowing the lesson with self-promotion or self-interest. This means that a gospel teacher must never indulge in priestcrafts, which are “that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world” A gospel teacher does not preach “to become popular” or “for the sake of riches and honor” He or she follows the marvelous Book of Mormon example in which “the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner” Both will always look to the Master." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 1999

19-33. Have you ever felt persecuted for choosing the right? When have you seen people tease, mock, or persecute those who keep the Commandments of God? Have you ever felt teased, mocked, or persecuted for keeping the Commandments? If so, how did you respond?
20. What do you learn about humility from this verse?
21-24. How did some members respond to persecution? What were the consequences of their actions?
22. What do you learn about pride from this verse?
22, 25. What two ways did the Church members deal with the persecution? Why did some fight with those who persecuted them?
23-24. What is the fruit of pride? What does pride due to relationships? To congregations? To communities?
24. What happens to those who turn to violence?
25-31. What happened to those who were patient in persecution? How did they live despite the persecution? What blessings did they receive? (See also Matthew 5:11-12) What evidence do you see that these Nephites were blessed for the persecution they faced?
25-33. How do these verses describe the righteousness of the members of the Church? How were those who were not members of the Church different? (see verse 32) Can that same contrast be seen today between faithful Church members and those who do not believe? Are we becoming more like the world? In what ways should members of Christ's church be different from the world?

"I lift a warning voice to our people. We have moved too far toward the mainstream." - Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1997

25. How did the steadfast and immovable withstand the prideful actions of those around them? What can you do to bear persecution and affliction without succumbing to pride yourself?

"How do you remain “steadfast and immovable” during a trial of faith? You immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith: you exercise faith in Christ, you pray, you ponder the scriptures, you repent, you keep the commandments, and you serve others." – Neil L Andersen, GC, October 2012

26. In what ways did the priest of God act differently from Nehor? How can the example of the Nephite priests help you avoid priestcraft? How did these priests show their commitment to God? How does your bishop or other priesthood leader compare with the righteous leaders in this chapter? Why are you glad that the prophet doesn't teach you just what the world wants to hear?
27. What are the fruits of humility? How many of these fruits manifest themselves in your life? Are there things you feel prompted to do in your life in order to be more humble?
29-31. In what ways did the Nephites prosper because they endured persecution in a righteous way? What do you learn from these verses?

Mosiah 29

Unrighteous leadership can bring contention and thin. It is not common for the voice of the people to choose something that is not right. If the people choose iniquity the judgments of God will come upon them. Each person has a duty to uphold right just laws and leaders.

1-3. Whom did the people want to be their King? What did the sons of Mosiah give up so they could 
Reach to the Lamanites? What are some opportunities young men and young women sacrifice or postpone today so they can serve missions?
5. How did King Mosiah feel about the people he ruled over? How did this feeling influence his decisions I his kingdom?
7, 16-24. What concerns did King Mosiah have in regards to setting the people up with another King?
8, 10. What do the words LET US BE WISE mean to you? How can this phrase help you make good choices in your life?
12. What does King Mosiah teach you about passing judgement in this verse?
14-15. What kind of King was King Mosiah? What do you think it might have been like to live in his kingdom?
25-27  What responsibility did the people have in the new system of government? According to King Mosiah, what benefits would come through making decisions by the voice of the people? What consequences would come if the voice of the people chose iniquity?

"The majority of people aspire to be good and honorable. The Light of Christ, which is distinct from the Holy Ghost, informs their conscience. We know from the scriptures that the Light of Christ is “the Spirit [which] giveth light to every man that cometh into the world.” This light is given “for the sake of the whole world.” President Boyd K. Packer has taught that this is a “source of inspiration, which each of us possesses in common with all other members of the human family.” This is why many will accept moral values even when founded on religious convictions which they do not personally support. " – Quentin L Cook, GC, October 2007
"Alas, gross, individual selfishness is ... acculturated. Then societies ... eventually become without order, without mercy, without love, perverted, and past feeling. Society thereby reflects a grim, cumulative tally which signals a major cultural decline. This happened anciently when a people actually became “weak, because of their transgression." Speaking behaviorally, when what was once the lesser voice of the people becomes more dominant, then the judgments of God and the consequences of foolish selfishness follow." – Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1999

32. What did King Mosiah desire for his people and the land they lived in?
34. What do you think is the meaning of the phrase "that everyman might bear his part"? How might this phrase apply to citizens responsibilities to participate in their local and national governments? Why is it important for both leaders and followers to be accountable for their actions? What can you do to support right just laws and readers?
"For what happens in cultural decline both leaders and followers are really accountable.… It is easy to criticize bad leaders, but we should not give followers a free pass." – Neal A Maxwell, GC, May 1999

41-43. Whom did people choose to be the first Chief Judge? Did he live up to his charge to be a just and righteous leader? What resulted from his leadership?