Even when people around you are being disobedient, you can be steadfast and immovable in keeping the Commandments. When you live the gospel, you can have peace in your life, even if you are persecuted.
3. What are some dangers of seeking popularity? What are some dangers of following people just because they are popular? What did Nehor wish to change about the leaders of the Church? What dangers would there be if a church leader was paid to preach?
4. Why were these teachings dangerous? What gospel essentials did the teachings Nehor exclude or ignore? What consequences could come to a person who believes this doctrine? What did Nehor want to change about the doctrine of the church? Why would some people want to believe that doctrine? Do people today teach similar doctrines?
6. How did Nehor's success affect him?
7. What were some of the good things that Gideon did? Why do you think that Gideon was willing to defend the church, even though it meant he might be killed? How can you, like Gideon, stand up for what you know to be true?
12. What is preaching for popularity and money called? What is priestcraft? [See 2 Nephi 26:29] What do you think it means for people to set themselves up for a light into the world? Why is this dangerous? How was Nehor's preaching an example of priestcraft? According to Alma, what would happen if people had priestcraft enforced among them? What do you think it is tempting for people to teach so that others will praise them?
15. What does ignominous mean? Why was the death of Nehor shameful and dishonorable for him? Being a man who sought to be popular among the people, and having swayed many to follow him, what ironies do you see in the ignominity of his death? What differences do you see between the death of Gideon and the death of Nehor?
"Nehor tried to advance his own cause, increase his popularity, and lead a following with his criticisms and flatteries, and came to ignominious death." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, April 1955
16. What are the goals of people who practice priestcraft? Why do you need to be aware of priestcraft, within the church as well as outside the church, in your day? How do you recognize those who practice priestcraft? How do you recognize and guard against the attitudes and actions of priestcraft in your own efforts to teach the Gospel? What opportunities do you have to teach the Gospel?
"Anything you or I do is that knowingly and intentionally draws attention to self – in the messages we present, in the methods we use, or in our personal demeanor – is a form of priestcraft that inhibits the teaching effectiveness of the Holy Ghost." – David A Bednar, Ensign, September 2007
"Focusing on the needs of the students, a gospel teacher will never obscure their view of the Master by standing in the way or by shadowing the lesson with self-promotion or self-interest. This means that a gospel teacher must never indulge in priestcrafts, which are “that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world” A gospel teacher does not preach “to become popular” or “for the sake of riches and honor” He or she follows the marvelous Book of Mormon example in which “the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner” Both will always look to the Master." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 1999
19-33. Have you ever felt persecuted for choosing the right? When have you seen people tease, mock, or persecute those who keep the Commandments of God? Have you ever felt teased, mocked, or persecuted for keeping the Commandments? If so, how did you respond?
20. What do you learn about humility from this verse?
21-24. How did some members respond to persecution? What were the consequences of their actions?
22. What do you learn about pride from this verse?
22, 25. What two ways did the Church members deal with the persecution? Why did some fight with those who persecuted them?
22, 25. What two ways did the Church members deal with the persecution? Why did some fight with those who persecuted them?
23-24. What is the fruit of pride? What does pride due to relationships? To congregations? To communities?
24. What happens to those who turn to violence?
25-31. What happened to those who were patient in persecution? How did they live despite the persecution? What blessings did they receive? (See also Matthew 5:11-12) What evidence do you see that these Nephites were blessed for the persecution they faced?
25-31. What happened to those who were patient in persecution? How did they live despite the persecution? What blessings did they receive? (See also Matthew 5:11-12) What evidence do you see that these Nephites were blessed for the persecution they faced?

"I lift a warning voice to our people. We have moved too far toward the mainstream." - Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1997
25. How did the steadfast and immovable withstand the prideful actions of those around them? What can you do to bear persecution and affliction without succumbing to pride yourself?
"How do you remain “steadfast and immovable” during a trial of faith? You immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith: you exercise faith in Christ, you pray, you ponder the scriptures, you repent, you keep the commandments, and you serve others." – Neil L Andersen, GC, October 2012
26. In what ways did the priest of God act differently from Nehor? How can the example of the Nephite priests help you avoid priestcraft? How did these priests show their commitment to God? How does your bishop or other priesthood leader compare with the righteous leaders in this chapter? Why are you glad that the prophet doesn't teach you just what the world wants to hear?
27. What are the fruits of humility? How many of these fruits manifest themselves in your life? Are there things you feel prompted to do in your life in order to be more humble?
29-31. In what ways did the Nephites prosper because they endured persecution in a righteous way? What do you learn from these verses?
29-31. In what ways did the Nephites prosper because they endured persecution in a righteous way? What do you learn from these verses?
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