Friday, February 27, 2015

Alma 6

The Church is established for the welfare of all people.

1. How are leaders chosen in the Lord's church?
2. What does the Church do for those who repent?
3. What about those who are proud and refuse to repent?
4-6. What did Church members in Zarahemla do for those who did not know God? How do you think the Church today can bless those who do not know God? How have you been blessed through Church attendance?
5. Who should be allowed to attend church meetings?
6. What is one thing you can think of that you should do at Church meetings? Are you praying for those who know not God?
"The mission of the Church is glorious - to invite all of us to come unto Christ through proclaiming the gospel, perfecting our lives, and redeeming our dead." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, April 1988
"When we are performing the Lord's work, we must do it the Lord's way. I suggest to you that if you prayerfully approach this work and ask your Father in heaven to reveal to you the means by which you might be an instrument in his hands in bringing individuals into the church, the way will be provided for you to do just that." - Gene R Cook, General Conference, April 1976

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