Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mosiah 29

Unrighteous leadership can bring contention and thin. It is not common for the voice of the people to choose something that is not right. If the people choose iniquity the judgments of God will come upon them. Each person has a duty to uphold right just laws and leaders.

1-3. Whom did the people want to be their King? What did the sons of Mosiah give up so they could 
Reach to the Lamanites? What are some opportunities young men and young women sacrifice or postpone today so they can serve missions?
5. How did King Mosiah feel about the people he ruled over? How did this feeling influence his decisions I his kingdom?
7, 16-24. What concerns did King Mosiah have in regards to setting the people up with another King?
8, 10. What do the words LET US BE WISE mean to you? How can this phrase help you make good choices in your life?
12. What does King Mosiah teach you about passing judgement in this verse?
14-15. What kind of King was King Mosiah? What do you think it might have been like to live in his kingdom?
25-27  What responsibility did the people have in the new system of government? According to King Mosiah, what benefits would come through making decisions by the voice of the people? What consequences would come if the voice of the people chose iniquity?

"The majority of people aspire to be good and honorable. The Light of Christ, which is distinct from the Holy Ghost, informs their conscience. We know from the scriptures that the Light of Christ is “the Spirit [which] giveth light to every man that cometh into the world.” This light is given “for the sake of the whole world.” President Boyd K. Packer has taught that this is a “source of inspiration, which each of us possesses in common with all other members of the human family.” This is why many will accept moral values even when founded on religious convictions which they do not personally support. " – Quentin L Cook, GC, October 2007
"Alas, gross, individual selfishness is ... acculturated. Then societies ... eventually become without order, without mercy, without love, perverted, and past feeling. Society thereby reflects a grim, cumulative tally which signals a major cultural decline. This happened anciently when a people actually became “weak, because of their transgression." Speaking behaviorally, when what was once the lesser voice of the people becomes more dominant, then the judgments of God and the consequences of foolish selfishness follow." – Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1999

32. What did King Mosiah desire for his people and the land they lived in?
34. What do you think is the meaning of the phrase "that everyman might bear his part"? How might this phrase apply to citizens responsibilities to participate in their local and national governments? Why is it important for both leaders and followers to be accountable for their actions? What can you do to support right just laws and readers?
"For what happens in cultural decline both leaders and followers are really accountable.… It is easy to criticize bad leaders, but we should not give followers a free pass." – Neal A Maxwell, GC, May 1999

41-43. Whom did people choose to be the first Chief Judge? Did he live up to his charge to be a just and righteous leader? What resulted from his leadership?

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