When we believe in the word of God and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can experience a mighty change of heart. As you continually experience a change of heart and bring forth works of righteousness, you will be prepared to enter God's kingdom. If you persist in wickedness, you will be unable to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and you cannot be numbered among the righteous. If you follow the voice of the Lord [the Good Shepherd], you will be gathered into His kingdom. You can know for yourself, through the Holy Ghost, that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of mankind.
1. Besides stirring them up to remembrance (Alma 4:19), what else did Alma want to do for the people in Zarahemla? What was the only way he could see to do this? (See Alma 4:19) Why do you think that pure testimony might influence people? What do you know about Italian salad dressing? (It is made of vinegar and oil and in order to taste right it must be stirred or shaken up) When are some times you have been stirred or shaken up spiritually because of the testimony of others? How did it strengthen and bless you? Why is it important to continually shake people up spiritually? How often do you need to be reminded of your duties and responsibilities in the Church?
3-6. How might it have helped Alma's people to hear the account of the bondage, deliverance, and conversion of Alma's father and those who followed him?
3-13. What kinds of lessons can you learn from people who lived before you? Whose examples and experiences have been especially helpful to you? Do you think it is better to learn from your own experiences or from the experiences of those who have lived before you? Why? What part of history did Alma want his people to remember? What lessons did he want them to learn from Alma, Noah, and Abinadi? How has reading about the experiences of those people helped and blessed you?
7. According to this verse, what kind of change had occurred in the lives of Alma's father and his people? What do you think it means to experience a change of heart? What is the difference between a change of heart and a change of clothing or appearance or behavior?
"The heart, which is the organ of life, signifies the real, inward person." - Gerald N Lund, Ensign, October 1986
7-9. According to Alma, what is a change of heart like? How is a change of heart like the descriptions Alma gives? How might a change of heart be seen in a persons actions? How is a change of heart sometimes noticeable in a person's countenance?
10. What questions does Alma ask his people? How would you answer those same questions?"A change of heart is like ... walking out of a deep sleep; being filled with light; being freed from chains; having your soul expand; singing about redeeming love; being born of God; receiving the Lord's image in your countenance." - Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual, p. 248
11-13. What brought about the mighty change of heart in Alma's father and his followers? What is another way to say that someone has had a mighty change of heart? (See John 3: 3-5) When have you felt a change in your heart as you have sought to live according to the word of God? How would you describe the feelings and actions that accompany a change of heart? How has your heart changed as you have studied the Book of Mormon in your life?
"You may ask, Why doesn't this mighty change happen more quickly with me? ... For most of us, the changes are more gradual and occur over time. Being born again ... is more a process than an event. And engaging in that process is the central purpose of mortality." - D Todd Christofferson, General Conference, April 2008
13-62. How many questions can you find in these verses? Why might Alma have asked the people so many questions? What is the value of thinking about spiritual questions? Do you think Alma wanted them to answer out loud? Why or why not? How can questions be a measure of how strong we are spiritually? What questions are you asked by a priesthood leader that measures your spirituality or worthiness? (Temple recommend...) How can such questions help you evaluate the condition of your heart? Consider Alma's questions to the people as though they were personally directed at you. Analyze and discern the condition of your own heart.
14. What does it mean to have Christ's image in your countenance? What are some ways you can become more like Christ? Who are some people you think most remind you of Jesus Christ? Why would your countenance change as you become more holy?
15-22. How can you become clean in God's presence?"Mormonism keeps men and women young and handsome; and where they are full of the Spirit of God, there are none of them but will have a glow upon their countenances; and that is what makes you and me young; for the Spirit of God is with us, and within us." - Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 5:210
17-18, 20-25. What reasons do you find in these verses as to why your heart must be changed in preparation for the day of judgement?
16, 19. What words and phrases did Alma use that describe the condition you would like to be in when you stand before God to be judged? How will experiencing a change of heart now help prepare you to receive a place in the kingdom of heaven?
33-36. What is the Lord inviting you to do? What are the consequences of accepting or rejecting this invitation? What do these verses teach about the Savior?
37-38. In what ways is the Savior the Good Shepherd? How are people like sheep in need of a shepherd? According to these verses, how does the Good Shepherd show His love and concern for the sheep?
41. How can you tell if you are hearkening to the voice of the Good Shepherd? What are some works that might indicate that a person is following the Good Shepherd?"In Jesus' time, the Palestinian shepherd was noted for his protection of his sheep. Unlike modern sheepherders, the shepherd always walked ahead of his flock. He led them. The shepherd knew each of the sheep and usually had a name for each. The sheep knew his voice and trusted him and would not follow a stranger. Thus, when called, the sheep would come to him. (See John 10:14, 16)... Jesus used this common illustration of his day to declare the He was the Good Shepherd, the True Shepherd. Because of His love for His brothers and sisters, He would willingly and voluntarily lay down His life for them." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, April 1988
40. How can you tell a message or thought comes from God?"When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed... Men [and women] changed for Christ will be captained by Christ ... Their will is swallowed up in His will (See John 5:30) The do always those things that please the Lord. (See John 8:29) Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important they want to live for Him. Enter their homes, and the pictures on their walls, the books on their shelves, the music in the air, the words and acts reveal them as Christians. They stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places (See Mosiah 18:9). They have Christ on their minds, as they look unto Him in every thought. (See D&C 6:36) They have Christ in their hearts as their affections are placed on Him forever. (See Alma 37:36) Almost every week they partake of the sacrament and witness anew to their Eternal Father that they are willing to take upon them the name of His Son, always remember Him, and keep His commandments." - Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, October 1985
"In our day, we are bombarded by messages from many sources, both profane and spiritual. How can we determine the ones that are most vital to us? I suggest that we may look at the source of the messages and the motivation behind them. The Lord has given us a guide through the prophet Alma: 'Whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from evil.' We must strive to be worthy so that we do not miss the profound messages that come from God. Ultimately, these messages include the sum total of the gospel of Jesus Christ." - James E Faust, General Conference, April 2004
"President Joseph F Smith taught us: 'Our first enemy we will find within ourselves. It is a good thing to overcome that enemy first and bring ourselves into subjection to the will of the Father, and into strict obedience to the principles of life and salvation which he has given to the world for the salvation of men.' In simple terms, this means that we need to strengthen to good within us and to overcome the temptations of Satan." - James E Faust, General Conference, October 2000
"Since Satan is the author of all evil in the world, it would therefore be essential to realize that he is the influence behind the opposition to the work of God." -James E Faust, General Conference, October 198744-48. What is something you have learned from each of your five senses? Is there a way to know or learn something without using your five senses? What did Alma say was the source of his testimony? What had Alma done in order to receive this witness from the Holy Ghost? How can prayer and fasting help you gain or strengthen your testimony of the gospel? When have you felt that your testimony has been strengthened through prayer or fasting?
45-46. How do you receive a testimony? When have you felt the Holy Ghost witness to you that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the world?"Individual, personal testimony of gospel truth, particularly the divine life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, is essential to our eternal life... In other words, life eternal is predicated upon our own individual, personal knowledge of our Father in Heaven and His Holy Son. Simply knowing about them is not enough. We must have personal, spiritual experiences to anchor us. These come through seeking them in the same intense, single-minded way that a hungry person seeks food." - M Russell Ballard, General Conference, April 1996
"Like Alma of old, each of us ... can know with surety that these things are true. It is our great privilege to know. It is more than a privilege; it is our responsibility to know. It is our enormous loss to not know when such a privilege is given.... We study, we pray, and like Alma of old, we may even fast, and then comes a still, small voice and a throbbing heart. Imagine a personal revelation from God that these things are true. The very thought of it makes my heart throb." - Richard C Edgley, General Conference, April 2005
"That same spirit of revelation - the spirit of conversion, if you will - is available to each of us as we diligently seek for it through fasting, prayer, obedience, and searching the scriptures." - W Mack Lawrence, General Conference, April 1996
"As we desire and seek, we should remember that acquiring a testimony is not a passive thing but a process in which we are expected to do something... We gain or strengthen a testimony by bearing it. Someone even suggested that some testimonies are better gained on the feet bearing them than on the knees praying for them. A personal testimony is fundamental to our faith. Consequently, the things we must do to acquire, strengthen, and retain a testimony are vital to our spiritual life. In addition to those already stated, we need to partake of the sacrament each week to qualify for the precious promise that we will always have his Spirit to be with [us]." - Dallin H Oaks, General Conference, April 2008
47. What is the spirit of prophecy? (See 2 Nephi 25:4)
49-52. What did Alma tell the people they needed to do to prepare to inherit the kingdom of heaven? Why is repentance essential to entering into the kingdom of heaven?
49-52. What did Alma tell the people they needed to do to prepare to inherit the kingdom of heaven? Why is repentance essential to entering into the kingdom of heaven?
"What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow - through our premature death or through His unexpected coming - what would we do today? What confessions would we make" What practices would we discontinue? What accounts would we settle? What forgivenesses would we extend? What testimonies would we bear? If we would do thise things then, why not now? Why not seek peace while peace can be obtained?" - Dallin H Oaks, General Conference, April 2004
53. Imagine a picture of the Savior on the floor? Why would you never step on the picture?
53-56. What attitudes and actions listed in these verses make it difficult to hearken to the voice of the Savior? How are these actions like trampling on the Savior? Why are these things considered wrong?
56-57. What phrase in this verse teaches you how you should respond to evil influences? What can a Latter-day Saint do to stay separate from the wicked? What are some consequences of persisting in wickedness? What would the Lord have you do to better accept His invitation to come unto Him?
58-62. What promised blessings do you find in these verses to those who gather with the Lord and His people? How would you summarize the Lord's promises to those who hearken to His voice? What habits have you developed that help you to hearken to the voice of the Good Shepherd? How have these habits helped you ignore some of the evil influences around you?
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