Sunday, February 22, 2015

Alma 2

When we call upon God to help us to have against wickedness, he will strengthen us.

1-7. Why is it important to let your voice be heard? How can doing so bless us as a people? What kind of a man was Amlici? What did Amlici want to do? How did he want to change the government? What did he want to do to the church? What was the outcome of the election? What might have happened if most Nephites had chosen not to get involved?

"In this election year we urge Church members to register to vote, to study the issues and candidates carefully and prayerfully and then vote for those they believe will most nearly carry out their ideas of good government. Latter-day Saints are under special obligation to seek out and then uphold leaders who will act with integrity and are wise, good, and honest." - Gordon B Hinckley, Thomas S Monson, James E Faust, Priesthood Bulletin, 30 August 2002
7-11. How did the Nephites react when they won the election? What did the followers of Amlici do even though they lost the election? How were these people distinguished from each other? Why would you rather be known as a follower of Jesus Christ than a follower of a man like Amlici? Are there people today who make the mistake of forsaking the Savior to follow those who are popular with the world? What is the difference between what the Savior wants for you and what worldly people want for you? What could you do, along with your family, to avoid being deceived by worldly things?
8-18. What did the righteous people do to stand up against wickedness?
9-15. Is war ever necessary? Were the Nephites justified in going to war? Why? What principle given by President McKay were the Amlicites breaking? How might the innocence of the Nephites help them in their coming battles with the Amlicites?
"There are... two conditions which may justify a truly Chistian man to enter - mind you, I say enter, not begin - a war: (1) an attempt to dominate and to deprive another of his free agency, and (2) loyalty to his country. Possibly there is a third, ... defense of a weaker nation that is being unjustly crushed by a strong ruthless one." - David O McKay, Gospel Ideals, p. 287
16. Who was the leader of the Nephite army? What kind of a man was Alma? 
18. Why were the Nephites able to stop Amlici's attempt to become king? Why were there fewer Nephites killed than Amlicites?
21. What did Alma do to keep track of the movement of the Amlicites? How was his vigilance rewarded? (see v. 24)
24. What did Alma's spies discover about the Amlicites? How did the precautions of Alma and the watchfulness of the scouts bless the Nephites? How can caution and watchfulness bless and preserve you in your life?
28. Why do you think it is important to receive strength from God to stand against wickedness rather than having wicked influences removed completely from your life? How can you follow Alma's example when you stand against wickedness? How has the Lord strengthen you as you have faced wickedness? What is one way you can stand against wickedness now?
30. Why were the Nephites victorious even though they were outnumbered? What principles do you learn from Alma that will apply to spiritual battles that you face each day?

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