Friday, November 29, 2013

Moroni 9

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

We are to labor diligently in God's service even if those we serve do not respond positively. If we are faithful in Jesus Christ, He can lift us up even when difficulties and wickedness surround us.

1. What assurance did Moroni receive from his father at this time? How can you tell that Mormon had some serious concerns about the wickedness upon the land? What does the word grievous mean in this context?
3-5. What discouraging circumstances existed among the Lamanites?
3. Who is the source of the anger that exists upon the face of the land? What happens to a people who choose to allow anger to dominate their choices? How can you overcome feelings of anger?
4. Have you ever tried to help someone that rejected your efforts? How might some people respond when their good intentions are repeatedly rejected by those they are trying to help? Ponder  why Mormon continued to labor among the Nephites even though they had hardened their hearts toward the word of God and rejected the prophets efforts to help them?
5. What happens to a people that loses their love one towards another? Why are the fruits of revenge and blood a key indicator to the spiritual levels that exist in our society?
6. How do you minister to people whose hearts are not open? Why is it even important to do so? How keenly do you feel your responsibility to minister even to those who have hardened their hearts?
"In light of these teachings, it would seem to be most unwise to rely upon the doctrine of the so-called second chance and wait until after death to perform our good works. I am acquainted with the doctrine that those who have no opportunity to hear and receive the gospel in this life will have that opportunity in the world to come, and in rejoice in it... However, it does not teach... That those who have the gospel taught to them here will be able to make up their loss if they choose to wait for the next life to obey it. I would not advise anyone to take that chance. As I understand the scriptures, taking such a hazard would be fatal." - Marion G Romney, GC, April 1954
"Striving to exert the power of good example by living gospel principles, maintaining proper standards, and holding firm to righteous ideals, while not always easy, will reward us in this life and in the eternal worlds to come... Honesty, integrity, uprightness, morality, observance of the Word of Wisdom, and all the revelations concerning ideal behaviour should be exemplified in our own lives, and we will then become proper examples to follow. Does our pattern of life incorporate these basic qualities that permit us to say with assurance to our loved ones and friends, and those home we serve, 'Come follow me, and do the things you have seen me do.'" -Delbert L Stapely, GC, April 1969

9-10. What is most precious above all things? Why is charity and virtue valued so highly by God and His people?
"Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God. What would the world be like if virtue - a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards, including chastity - were reinstated in our society as a most highly prized value?" -Elaine S Dalton, GC, April 2013 
"In order to be virtuous and remain virtuous, you must be true to your divine identity and establish patterns of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. These standards are eternal, and they do not change. They have been tight by prophets of God. In a world filled with relative truth, The Lords standards are absolute. They are given to each of us to keep us on the path leading back to the presence of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ." -Elaine S Dalton, GC, April, 2009 

"Chastity and virtue are 'most dear and precious above all things', more valuable than rubies or diamonds, than herds and flocks, than good and silver, or than automobiles and land. But sadly, in many cases they are on sale at the cheapest prices... The lack of chastity, fidelity, and virtue... Causes rivers of tears to flow, breaks numerous homes, deprives and frustrates armies of innocent children. Loss of virtue... Has toppled many nations and civilizations." -Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1979

10. Why is it never wise to act out of a spirit of our doing another... macho and bravery etc? How is this attitude a form of pride? How can it bring upon a person great evil and condemnation?
"Imitation men being imitated; these 'macho' visions of life, so pitifully empty, can lead only to tragedy?" -Marion D Hanks, GC, October 1990

11-20. What causes a people to become 'strong in their perversion'? What indicators are there that can help us to avoid such a terrible state?
"Gross sins arise ominously and steadily out of the swamp of self-indulgence and self-pity. But the smaller sins breed there too, like insects in the mud, including coarse language... A few hedonists actually glory in their shame, and there is even a greediness in their uncleanness. Sadly, too, a few envy the wicked... Ironically in all their eagerness to experience certain things, hedonists become desensitized. People who wrongly celebrate their capacity to feel finally reach a point where they lose much of their capacity to feel!... such individuals become 'past feeling'. When people proceed 'without principle', erelong they will be 'without civilization,' 'without mercy,' and 'past feeling'. Such individuals do not experience real joy, such as being quietly and deeply grateful to a generous God, or of helping to restore those who 'droop in sin'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1995
"(Those) for whom the revelations and translations are so pertinent includes those who, in the familiar phrase, are living 'lives of quiet desperation'. They have now been joined by those living lives of noisy, slurping indulgence, wrongly celebrating their capacity to feel so that they finally lose their capacity to feel and become 'past feeling'. Hence they lick their particular platters in a desperate search for more sensations. Such individuals, however, are still not a majority but a 'lesser part' of the people." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2003

12. He  is it possible that a people can embrace a state of complete wickedness in just a few years? Can a person choose to embrace righteousness just as quickly?

20. Why must we absolutely guard against becoming 'past feeling'?
"The drumbeat of desensitization deadens the tastebuds of the soul by responding illegitimately to the legitimate need for belonging and for love, as predators and victims sadly become 'past feeling'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2001 "Craving power and the spotlight sucks out the spiritual oxygen leaving some 'past feeling'. -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2000 

"Lasciviousness wrongly celebrates the capacity to feel, so that people lose their capacity to feel!... Do we really expect those presently 'past feeling' to fashion an acceptable future? Gross sin not only dulls the feelings, it also impairs the intellect." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1993 
"Take away regard for the seenth commandment, and behold the current celebration of sex, the secular religion with its own liturgy of lust and supporting music. Its theology focuses on 'self.' Its hereafter is 'now.' Its chief ritual is 'sensation' - though, ironically, it finally desensitizes its obsessed adherents, who become 'past feeling'. Thus, in all its various expressions, selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1990 

"How tragic to reach the point where the Spirit must withdraw, and we become unable to sense or feel right from wrong. If we continue to lose skirmishes in the battle with Satan, the ultimate chains with which he grasps us will be as awful as the scriptures indicate." -Marvin J Ashton, GC, October 1977

21-22. Why does Mormon indicate that he can recommend his son, Moroni to God? What does it mean to be recommended unto God? Could the prophet or even your father recommend you unto God? What things might you improve in to ensure that he could do this without fear of being smitten for the recommendation?
"Our sons need to be encouraged in their righteous endeavors. If their sons strayed, stalwart Book of Mormon fathers still continued to teach them. Lehi exhorted two wayward sons with 'all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken to his words.' He preached to them and bade them keep the commandments of God." -Ezra Taft Benson, GC, October 1985

23-24. What indicators did Mormon see that would ultimately cause the destruction of his people?
25. How can the Savior uplift us when there is trouble and wickedness all around us? How can you be happy during times of challenge and struggle? How does a hope in Christ help you to be lifted by him? Review your testimony of the Savior, how strongly do you KNOW Him? How can an awareness of the spiritual conditions existing in the world help us to prepare ourselves spiritually and keep us in remembrance of the things of God? How can remembering the Savior and His Atonement help you when you are in difficulty or surrounded by wickedness?
"We can be troubled on every side, but nothing can really separate us from the love of Christ' worldly anxieties are not part of being 'anxiously engaged'." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 2002 
"We must not allow the things of the world to blinker our vision of the eternal destination. Nor must we permit the 'voices in the world' to lead us off course. Rather, we must allow the hope of Christ's glory and of eternal life to rest in our minds forever. We must reaffirm the goal that matters most and press toward it 'looking forward with an eye of faith.'" -Carlos E Asay, GC, April  1996 

"TheAtonement working in our lives will produce in us the love and tenderness we need, And by remembering Him and His gift, which we promise to do as we take te sacrament each week, we can put a light of hope in our faces which those we love need so much to see." --Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1986 
"Christ in our lives is not meant to grieve us or weigh us down unto death because we have been imperfect. Through him we may be lifted up by accepting his gifts and his mercy and long-suffering. These blessings we must seek to keep in our minds always... They who would follow him and be the manner of person he is will, as he did, lift up the repentant who suffer and sorrow for sin, and bless them with love and forgiveness." -Marion D Hanks, GC, April 1973

26. What is grace? How does the grace of God bless your life? Think of one way you can be more faithful in Christ when you are surrounded by wickedness or difficult circumstances?

Moroni 8

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Repentance and baptism is necessary for all who would come unto Christ. Little children are saved through the atonement of Jesus Christ. God is perfectly just in His dealings with His children. Through faithful obedience to the commandments, we can receive the Holy Ghost, which prepares us to dwell with God.

1-3. How did Mormon feel about his son? Did Moroni reciprocate those feelings? What did Mormon specifically pray for in his prayers concerning his son? How would you feel to know that one of your parents prayed for you in such a manner? Who else was mindful of Moroni besides Mormon? How can this knowledge strengthen and comfort both Mormon and Moroni? How often did Mormon think and pray about Moroni? How do you think that made Moroni feel? What did Mormon especially pray would happen in Moroni's life?
"First Mormon reaffirmed his love for Moron I, and then he taught him. When our children first know they are loved, they are more likely to listen and be taught. Our children will be more able to survive the challenges that will come to them when they know and understand that keeping God's commandments can bring them peace and joy in their lives and enable them to walk up rightly.… May God bless us as parents to teach our children to walk up rightly before the Lord." – Ruth B Wright, GC, April 1994

4-5. Mormon wishes to address an issue or a disputation that he has heard of. Why do you suppose that he wished to address this issue and without being first asked for counsel and advice? How do you feel when you see others contending over a doctrine or principle? Do you need all the details of the conflict to be able to offer sound advice? If you are in a conflict, are you able to recognize and act upon sound advice coming from a parent or leader?

6. What responsibility or assignment did Mormon give to his son? Why was Moroni willing to dedicate his time doing what his father asked him to do?
"True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. Preoccupation with unworthy behavior can lead to unworthy behavior. That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel." – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1986

7. What did Mormon do immediately upon learning of the disputations that his son had to deal with? How can turning to the Lord help us overcome the disputations and challenges we face? Why is the word 'immediately' a key word in this process?
8-26. What do these verses teach us about the power of the Atonement? How should these things affect the way we deal with little children? What impact should these teachings have on those of us who have been baptized?

8. Who did the Savior specifically come into the world for? Do doctors treat healthy people or people who are ill?
9. How does the Lord feel about the baptism of little children?
10. Who is accountable and capable of committing sin? Why does the Lord encourage us to become as little children?
"Because they cannot sin, they have no need of repentance, by the baptism. Adam's original transgression has no claim as a result of the atonement of Jesus Christ.… Because all children who died before the age of accountability are pure, innocent, and wholly sin-free, they are saved in a celestial kingdom of heaven." – Merlin R Lybbert, GC, April 1994

11. Why do little children not need baptism?  What is the purpose of baptism?
"For our turning to the Lord to be complete, it must include nothing less than a covenant of obedience to him. We often speak of this covenant as the baptismal covenant since it is witnessed by being baptized in water.… Without this covenant, repentance remains incomplete and the remission of sins unattained." – D Todd Christofferson, GC, October 2011

12. How does the principle that little children do not need baptism show us that God is fair? That He loves and respects each of his children wanting and desiring to give them equal opportunity to come unto him?
"Remember the atonement of Christ. Do not despair or count as forever lost those who have fallen to the temptations of Satan. They will, after the debt is paid to the 'uttermost farthing' and after the healing which attends complete repentance takes place, receive salvation." – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 2004

13-14. How does a belief that little children need to be baptized indicate that one does not fully understand the gospel of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to be in the gall of bitterness?
15. Why is it considered wicked to believe that God will save one child or person and not another?
16. What effect does perfect love - or Charity - have upon fear?
"We… live in a time when the love of many will wax cold. Fear will therefore increase. Why? Because when men fear, it is because we are not perfect in love. The less love, the more fear – as well as the more war!" – Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1982

17. How do you feel about little children? Do you love them perfectly regardless of their circumstance? How would it be to be filled with the love such as that described by Mormon in this verse?
"All men may have the gift of love, but charity is bestowed upon only upon those who are true followers of Christ." – Gene R Cook, GC, April 2002

18. How does knowing that God is unchangeable and constant help you better understand the doctrine of accountability?
"In this world where nearly everything seems to be changing, His constancy is something on which we can hold fast and be safe, lest we be swept away into uncharted waters." -Thomas S Monson, GC, October 2011

19-20. Why is it wicked to deny the mercies of Christ to others? Do we have the right to decide who can or cannot use the power of the Atonement? How is this kind of behaviour a mockery of the Atonement? What is the purpose of the Atonement - why was it offered and to who?
21. What warning is there given to all those who would mock the gift of the Atonement?
22. How come little children are outside the law? How does this verse help you better understand the age of accountability and the great mercy that The Lord extends to all his children?
"We understand from our doctrine that before the age of accountability a child is not capable of committing sin. During that time, children can commit mistakes, even very serious and damaging ones that must be corrected, but there acts are not accounted as sins." – Dallin H Oaks, Ensign, October 1996
"The Lord said that those who live without law shall be judged without law, and by the same token those who are not privileged to have the blessings in this life that you and I have who are mentally and physically able and strong, they also shall ultimately receive blessings from our Heavenly Father, and through the atonement of Jesus Christ, blessings that are withheld from them through no fault of their own shall not be withheld from them." - Clifford E Young, GC, April 1954

23-24. Who is repentance for? Why is it that repentance is only for those who break a law and come under condemnation for it? Can you break a law that you have no knowledge of? If you do should you be held accountable for it?
25-26. How is baptism a way of showing God that you are ready and willing to obey all His laws? How does this help you receive a remission of your sins?
26. What attributes come with the remission of sins? Why are these qualities important for us to have in order to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? Why do you think that receiving a remission of your sins can lead to meekness and lowliness of heart? How can being meek and lowly of heart invite the Holy Ghost into your life? How will having the Holy Ghost help you prepare to live with God? Mormon taught that if we want to be filled with love that endures, we must pray diligently. Why do you think that diligent prayer is necessary if we want to be filled with love?
27. What will ultimately cause the destruction of the Nephite nation? Why is it so important for us to also guard against pride? What are the results of pride? Compare these results to the results of meekness and lowliness of heart mentioned in the previous verse. Which result would you prefer in your own life?
28. What concern is there when a person or people reach a point where the Spirit has ceased to strive with them? Through what means does the Lord work among his people? If the spirit ceases to strive with us, how likely is the Lord's influence to be felt in our hearts?
29. Why do you think the Nephites chose to reject the great knowledge they once had?

1-30. How can our baptismal covenants be a bigger influence in our lives from day to day?

"When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it will change our lives and will establish our total allegiance to the kingdom of God. When temptations come our way, if we will listen, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we have promised to remember our Savior and obey the commandments of God… By choosing to be in his kingdom, we separate – not isolate – ourselves from the world. Our dress will be modest, our thoughts pure, our language clean. The movies and television we watch, the music we listen to, the books, magazines and newspapers we read will be uplifting. We will choose friends who encourage our internal goals, and we will treat others with kindness. We will shun the vices of immorality, gambling, tobacco, liquor, and illicit drugs. Our Sunday activities will reflect the commandment of God to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. We will follow the example of Jesus Christ in the way we treat others. We will live to be worthy to enter the house of the Lord. We will be examples of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. We will receive a mighty change… in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. We will keep our covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things… all the remainder of our days. We will demonstrate that we are desirous to… become his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort." – Robert D Hales, GC, October 2000

Moroni 7

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

To be blessed for good works, we must do them with real intent of heart. As we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can lay hold upon every good thing. If we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can obtain a hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ to be raised to eternal life. If you live righteously, it is easy to discern between good and evil.

1. What subjects are covered in this chapter? Why do you think Moroni chose the words of his father, Mormon, on this particular subject as one of the last addresses to us in the book of Mormon?
2-3. Do you think Mormon would judge you to be a peaceable follower of Christ? Why or why not? What kinds of things could you do to leave no doubt as to whether or not you are a peaceable follower of Christ?
"The only kingdom which interests [the peaceable followers of Christ] is the kingdom of our Lord and Savior which he will establish at his return. Their only hope is to prepare us for that day." – L Tom Perry, GC, October 1989

4-5. Do you think a person can merely pretend to be righteous? Why or why not? How can you confidently identify people who peaceably follow Christ? What characteristics or attributes will you find in them?
"Having received the Spirit of Christ to know good from evil, we should always choose the good. We need not be misled, even though fraud, deception, deceit, and duplicity often seem to be acceptable in our world. Lying, stealing, and cheating are commonplace. Integrity, a firm adherence to the highest moral and ethical standards, is essential to the life of a true Latter Day Saint." – Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, April 1990

6. How is real intent an indicator of righteousness?
"In the balance of the innermost thoughts and feelings lies the real person, to be evil or to be good. God recognizes no sense of good which is but a cloak of how the inner person really feels in opposition thereto." – Alvin R Dyer, GC, April 1965 
"If our works are to be credited for good, they must be done for the right reasons." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 1984 
"We must not only do what is right. We must act for the right reasons. The modern term is good motive. The scriptures often signify this appropriate mental attitude with the words full purpose of heart or real intent. The scriptures make clear that God understands our motives and will judge our actions accordingly." – Dallin H Oaks, Pure in Heart [1988],15 

8. How does God look upon gifts which are given grudgingly?
"Only my voluntarily giving, out of an abundant love for his neighbor, can one develop that charity characterized by Mormon as the pure love of Christ."  – Marion G Romney, GC, October 1981

9. How sincere are your prayers? Do you seek the spirit to guide you as you pray? Do you truly seek to understand and submit to the Lord's will? What are the real intents of your heart? What differences have you noticed when you have done good works with the right intent as opposed to having done something good with a selfish intent?
"Remember that faith and prayer alone are seldom sufficient. Personal effort is usually necessary to accomplish your hearts desire." – Russell M Nelson, GC, October 1990 
"It matters not whether you or I feel like praying, when the time comes to pray, pray. If we do not feel like it, we should pray until we do." – Brigham Young, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young 1997

10. Can a person merely pretend to be righteous?
"Final judgment is not just an evaluation of the sum total of good and evil acts – what we have done. It is an acknowledgment of the final effects of our acts and thoughts – what we have become… We are challenged to move through the process of conversion toward that status and condition called eternal life. This is achieved not just by doing what is right, but by doing it for the right reasons – for the pure love of Christ." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 2000

11. How can we tell that something is evil without actually trying it? Have you ever tried to pretend you were somebody else or try to act in a way that is not really the way you normally are? What eventually happens? What do we learn from this verse about this idea? Although this is bad news for those who live hypocritically, why is it a comforting doctrine to those who sincerely seek to follow Christ? If we find ourselves doing good things but not with real intent of heart, what should we do?

"What we insistently desire, over time, is what we will eventually become and what we will receive in eternity… Do you think that people will obey the truth because it is true, unless they love it? No, they will not. Thus knowing gospel truth and doctrines is profoundly important, but we must also come to love them. When we love them they will move us and help our desires and outward works to become more holy. Each assertion of a righteous desire, each act of service, and each act of worship, however small and incremental, adds to our spiritual momentum… Therefore, declared President Joseph F Smith, the education then of our desires is one of far-reaching importance to our happiness in life." – Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1996 
"The Masters reward in the final judgment will not be based on how long we have labored in the vineyard. We do not obtain our heavenly reward by punching a time clock. What is essential is that our labors in the workplace of the Lord have caused us to become something. For some of us, this requires a longer time than others. What is important in the end is what we have become by our labors... We should never give up hope and loving association with family members and friends whose find qualities evidence the progress toward what a loving father would have them become.… The power of the atonement and the principle of repentance show that we should never give up on loved ones who now seem to be making many wrong choices." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 2000

11-13. What is the source of all good? What is the source of all evil? How can you discern or judge between the two?
"Satan, Lucifer, or the father of lies – call him what you will – is real, the very personification of evil. His motives are in every case malicious… he is eternally opposed to the love of God, the atonement of Jesus Christ, and the work of peace and salvation. He will fight against these whenever and wherever he can. He knows he will be defeated and cast out in the in, but he is determined to take down with him as many others as he possibly can." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, October 2011

14. What kind of judgments are we required to make every day? Why must we judge between good and evil daily? Why is this a good reason to rejoice?
"We can work, study, laugh and have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy many different experiences. These are a wonderful part of life, but they are not central to why we are here. The opportunity to choose good over evil is precisely why we are here." – Neil L Anderson, GC, April 2005

15. How is it possible to judge with a perfect knowledge? What is the difference between righteous judgment and the judgment of the natural man? How do you tell good from evil?
15. If you we outside at dusk, how easy would it be to decide it it were light or dark? What does it mean to you to live in spiritual light? What does it mean to you to live in spiritual darkness? Why would it be easy to tell the difference between good and evil if one is living in spiritual light? What conditions would one be living in if they lived in spiritual dusk? How might one who is living in spiritual dusk, have more difficulty discerning between good and evil? What principle do you learn from this verse.
16. What is the spirit of truth? How do you get the spirit of truth? What is its source? How can it help you judge between good and evil? How can know what the difference between the two give you greater confidence in the choices that you make?
"Each of us must stay in condition to respond to inspiration and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The Lord has a way of pouring your intelligence into our minds to prompt us, to guide us, to teach us, and to warn us. Each son or daughter of God can know the things they need to know instantly. Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation." – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 2013 
"The Holy Ghost and the light of Christ are different from each other. While they are sometimes described in the scriptures with the same words, they are two different and distinct entities… The more we know about the light of Christ, the more we will understand about life and the more we will have a deep love for all mankind… Regardless of whether this inner light, this knowledge of right and wrong, is called the Light of Christ, moral sense, or conscience, it can direct us to moderate our actions – unless, that is, we subdue it or silence it… Every man, woman, and child of every nation, creed, or color – everyone, no matter where they live or what they believe or what they do – has within them the imperishable light of Christ. In this respect all men are created equally. The light of Christ in everyone is a testimony that God is no respecter of persons." – Boyd K Packer, Ensign, April 2005

17. How can you identify evil?
"Everywhere present is the influence of Lucifer and his legions of angels. They tempt you to do those things and say those things and I think those things that would destroy. Resist every impulse that will trouble your spirit." – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 2009 
"There can be counterfeit revelations, promptings from the devil, temptations! As long as you live, in one way or another the adversary will try to lead you astray." – Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1994 
"Satan is irrevocably committed to countering and overcoming the influence of the Spirit of Christ upon men. He is the representative, promoter, and advocate of that opposition in all things… Satan's methods are various, devious, and countless.… By every possible means he seeks to darken the minds of men and then offers them falsehood and deception in the guise of truth. Satan is a skillful imitator, and as genuine gospel truth is given to the world in ever-increasing abundance, so he spreads the counterfeit coin of false doctrine." Marion G Romney, GC, April 1971

18. In the previous two verses you're given instruction for how to judge good from evil. What caution is given in this verse about judging? Why must our judgments be made with the light of Christ? Why is it essential for us to be generous in our judgments of others? Why is it so important to avoid condemning and criticizing the actions, words and attitudes of others? Have you ever been guilty of poor judgment? How can these verses help ensure that you can see clearly good from evil?
"Realizing that you see others in an imperfect light will make you likely to be a little more generous in what you say." – Henry B Eyring, GC, October 2008 
"The Lord has said he would forgive and forget the sins of those who have truly repented. Ofttimes we choose to decide when a person has repented, and when we will forgive. We have been told mankind will be judged on the intent of the heart. No mortal can see into the depth of another. There is only one who can. His is the role of the judge-not ours. If you are prone to criticize or judge, remember, we never see the target and then aim's at in life. We see only what he hits… Forgiveness of others-imaginary or real-often does more for the forgiver than for the forgiven. That person who has not forgiven a wrong or an injury has not yet tasted of one of the subline enjoyments of life. The human soul seldom reaches such heights of strength or nobility as when it removes all resentments and forgives error or malice." – H Burke Peterson, GC, October 1983

19. What do we need to do to ensure that we have the light of Christ helping us make our judgments between good and evil?
"We can train our spiritual senses ... so that we can recognize our Heavenly Father's will for us. We train our spiritual senses by doing good things.… To lay hold upon every good thing means to look for good and do good. Then you will have good feelings. You can know which choice to make." – Michaelene P Grassli, GC, October 1989

20. Is it possible to lay hold on every good thing? If so how can you do this?
21. Why does it require faith to follow the light of Christ? What can happen if we exercise our faith by obeying the help we received from the light of Christ?
22. How does knowing that God knows all things make you feel?
22-26. In what ways does Heavenly Father seek to help you build faith in Jesus Christ? When is your faith in Jesus Christ hope you to lay hold upon a good thing or help to you to dismiss something evil?
23. What has God declared to us repeatedly through the words of his Prophets? Why is this such an important message that it gets repeated over and over? What role does repetition play in teaching? Why do you think you hear the same message so often? How much do you appreciate God's gift of his Son in your life? What can you do to better understand the need for and the role of the atonement in your life?
24. What is the source of all good things? Some people claim there is no God or that there is no Christ. If Christ is the source of all good things, what do you think life would be like without him? Do you think God would have ever let that happen to us, his precious children?
"On some days we will have cause to remember the unkind treatment the [Savior] received, the rejection he experienced, and the injustice – oh, the injustice – he endured. When we, too, then face some of that in life, we can remember that Christ was also troubled on every side, but not distressed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. To those who stagger or stumble, he is there to steady and strengthen us. In the end he is there to save us, and for all this he gave his life. However dim our days may seem they have been darker for the savior of the world." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, October 1995

25. What is faith? How can one be leave in and trust in someone and they have never met or seen? How strong is your faith? How do you strengthen your faith? What activities do you engage in that might not build your faith as much as you would like? Who do you need to exercise faith in in order to experience all the good things in life? Why?
"Faith is, quite simply, a confidence in the Lord." – Lance B Wickman, GC, October 2002

26. What assurances do we have that as we pray faithfully and sincerely our prayers will be answered? How difficult do you find it to exercise faith when you're asking the Lord for a blessing? How do you decide what you should petition the Lord for? What role does the Spirit play in your personal prayers?
"Trust that the Lord will lead you to a solution. Ask in faith, nothing doubting." – Richard G Scott, GC, April 1992

27. Have you ever witnessed or felt a miracle in your life? What feelings overcame you at that time?
"As a result of the many miracles in our lives, we should be more humble and more grateful, more kind and more believing. When we are personal witnesses to these wonders which God performs, it should increase our respect and love for him; it should improve the way we behave. We will live better and love more if we will remember that. We are miracles in our own right, everyone of us, and the resurrected son of God is the greatest miracle of all. He is, indeed, the miracle of miracles, and every day of his life he gave evidence of it. We should try to follow after him in that example." – Howard W Hunter, GC, April 1989

28. If you have faith in the Savior what things will you fill your life with? If you engage in anything of an evil source what does it do to your faith? How does it affect the goodness of your life?
"That faith that causes us to cleave unto every good thing comes by hearing the word of God, and this word is heard with more power in family home evening lessons and in family scripture study. There is no better place to build faith then in the home, or the lessons and practical applications are realized and lived day to day." – Francisco J Vinas, GC, April 2004

29-30. How do you feel knowing that there are angels who are ready willing and able to minister to your needs as you exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
"Jesus Christ wants to empower our lives, according to our righteous choices, to that dimension that, through our faith and our doings, the circumstances whose prisoners we were in the past will eventually change. In the Book of Mormon we learned that the Redeemer monitors our lives, together with a multitude of holy angels." F Enzio Busche, GC, October 2000

31. How do you become a chosen vessel of the Lord? What role do the covenants that you make with God play in becoming his chosen vessels? Who do you know of that is a chosen vessel of the Lord in our day and time? What is the role of these people? You may not be called as a prophet or apostle, but can you take upon your self some of the same work that they have been given? What is their work and how can you further God's purposes in your daily actions, words and thoughts?
32. Read Moses 1:39. What is the work of the Lord? In what manner do you observe the father bringing forth this great work and purpose in the hearts of mankind? In what way do covenants ensure that this work will roll forth?
33. What blessing are you promised if you have faith in the savior? How does this promise make you feel? Is there something in your life that you struggle to do? Could you exercise a deeper, fuller face in the Savior trusting that his purposes will indeed be realized in your life? Do you trust God's plan for your life or are you tempted to resist and seek your own way?  How can you be more faithful and trusting?
"Challenging times require greater spiritual strength."  – Kenneth W Pearson, GC, April 2009 
"Richard G Scott taught: 'You will gather the fruits of faith as you follow the principles God has established for its use.' One of those principles is to trust in God and in his willingness to provide help when needed, no matter how challenging the circumstance." – H Bruce Stucki, GC, April 2006 
"Never stop trusting in the Lord, and… Place all of [your ] faith in him. Occasionally, in the midst of our desperation, we seek other ways, other guides. But those who counsel us are not always prepared to help, because they do not understand our spiritual needs. They are not prepared to give us the Council and the revelation that we need in trying circumstances." – Eduardo Ayala, GC, April 1995 
"The Savior reminds us that faith, no matter how strong it is, cannot produce a result contrary to the will of him whose power it is.… That is why we cannot have true faith in the Lord without also having complete trust in the Lord's will and in the Lord's timing. When we have that kind of faith and trust in the Lord, we have true security in our lives." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, April 1994

34. How are baptism faith and repentance all related? How does baptism help strengthen you after you have repented? How do your baptismal covenants strengthen you and help you maintain the desire to repent of the mistakes and errors you make?
35. How does God show unto us the truth of his works? How does he show these things to us in power and great glory? What do we have to do to be able to recognize and receive these things? When we know these things are true and asked upon that knowledge miracles come into our lives. What miracles have you witnessed in your life as you have sought to know the truth?
36.  Will God ever withhold the power of the Holy Ghost from the faithful?
37. If there are no more miracles or ministering angels what condition exists among the children of men? Why does unbelief cause a sensation of the signs and wonders of God?
38. Why is faith such an important factor in our redemption?
"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ opens the door of salvation and exaltation." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, April 1994 
"The Lord will not force himself upon people; and if they do not believe, they will receive no visitation. If they are content to depend upon their own limited calculations and interpretations then, of course, the Lord will leave them to their chosen fate." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, October 1966

39. What is one characteristic that all members of the Lord's true church should have? How do you cultivate this characteristic? How does meekness help a person be faithful?
"The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ… The scriptures teach us that faith comes by hearing the word of God. That Word, which comes to us by Scripture, by prophetic teaching, and by personal revelation, teaches us that we are children of God, the Eternal Father. It teaches us about the identity and mission of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son, our Savior and Redeemer. Founded on our knowledge of those things, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a conviction and trust that God knows us and loves us and will hear our prayers and answer them with what is best for us.… In fact, God will do more than what is best for us. He will do what is best for us and for all of our Heavenly Father's children. The conviction that the Lord knows more than we do and that he will answer our prayers in the way that is best for us and for all of his other children is a vital ingredient of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, April 1994

40. What role does hope play in developing and maintaining faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
"Hope in our Heavenly Father's merciful plan of happiness leads to peace, mercy, rejoicing, and gladness. The hope of salvation is like a protective helmet; it is the foundation of our faith and an anchor to our souls." – Dieter F Uchtdorf, GC, October 2008 
"There are tremendous sources of hope beyond our own ability, learning, strength and capacity. Among them is the gift of the Holy Ghost. To the marvelous blessing of this member of the Godhead we can come to know the truth of all things. Hope is the anchor of our souls."– James E Faust, GC, October 1999

41. What do you ultimately hope for? How does the atonement of Christ give you stronger hope, a motivating hope?
"This kind of hope is both the principle of promise as well as a commandment, and, as with all commandments, we have the responsibility to make it an active part of our lives and overcome the temptation to lose hope."  – Deiter F Uchtdorf, DC, October 2008 
"When you were baptized, he became participants in the first great hope, the atonement of Christ. Every time you worthily partake of the sacrament, you have the opportunity to begin again and do a little better. It is like burying the old, unworthy part of your life and starting over with a new life." – Julie B Beck, GC, April 2003 
"Even when the winds of adversity blow, our Father keeps us anchored to our hope.… Even when our trials seem overwhelming, we can draw strength and hope from the sure promise of the Lord: Be not afraid nor dismayed… For the battle is not yours but God." – Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, October 1998 
"It is… repentance, based upon faith in Jesus and hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal... This is the repentance which would lead men to a solution of all their problems, individual and collective. This is a repentance to which Jesus Christ, our Lord, calls us." – Marion G Romney, GC, October 1980

42. How do hope and faith support one another? Why must you have both qualities in order to have one of them?
"As we daily confront a world full of negativity, doubt, fear, and even dread can creep into our hearts... We must exercise faith to take on life's challenges and changes. It is how we learn and progress." – Steven E Snow, GC, April 2009 "Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other." – Thomas S Monson, Ensign, March 2009 
"Faith, hope, and charity complement each other, and as one increases, the others grow as well. Hope comes of faith, for without faith, there is not hope. In like manner faith comes of hope, for faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is critical to both faith and charity. When disobedience, disappointment, and procrastination erode faith, hope is there to uphold our faith. When frustration and impatience challenge charity, hope braces our resolve and urges us to care for our fellowmen even without expectation of reward. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity." - Dieter F Uchtdorf, GC, October 2008 
"If we daily exercise faith, meekness, charity, and lowliness of heart, confessing that Jesus is the Christ, and accepting His Atonement, we will be blessed with the strength and hope to face and overcome the trials and pains of this life." - Ademar Damiani, GC, April 2005

43. What is meekness? How would you explain a lowly person? What does it mean to be humble? Why must a person be both meek and humble in order to have faith and hope? Why would pride and impatience hinder one who wishes to acquire the virtues of faith and hope?
44.How is the gift of hope such a great blessing in the life of a peaceable follower of Christ in times of great wickedness? What characteristics are required in order for you to have the faith and hope that Mormon spoke of?
"The things we hope FOR lead us to faith, while the things we hope IN lead us to charity. The three qualities - faith, hope, and charity working together, grounded on the truth and light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, lead us to abound in good works." -Dieter F Uchtdorf, GC, October 2008 
"Meekness is vital to becoming more Christlike. Without it one cannot develop other important virtues... Acquiring meekness is a process. We  are asked to take up the cross daily. Our lifting should not be an occasional exercise. More meekness does not translate to weakness, but it is the presentation of self in a posture of KINDNESS and GENTLENESS. It reflects certitude, strength, serenity; it reflects a healthy self-esteem and a genuine self-control." -H David Burton, GC, October 2004

45.What part of Mormons description of charity stands out to you? Which attribute of charity can you work on and get better at in your life? How many of these attributes teach of patience? How patient of a person are you?
"The Book of Mormon provides insight into the relationship between patience and charity. Mormon,... goes on to name the 13 elements of charity, or the pure love of Christ. I find it most interesting that 4 of the 13 elements of this must-have virtue relate to patience...From these defining elements it is evident that without patients gracing our soul, we would be seriously lacking in respect to a Christlike character." – Robert C Oaks, GC, October 2006 
"When we become other-oriented, or selfless, we develop an inner beauty of spirit that glows in our outward appearance. This is how we make ourselves in the Lord's image rather than the world and receive his image in our countenances." – Susan W Tanner, GC, October 2005 
"Only the pure love of Christ will see us through. It is Christ love which suffers long, and this kind. It is Christ's love which is not puffed up easily provoked. Only his pure love enables him – and us – to bear all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endure all things." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, October 1989

46. Why is charity or the pure love of Christ the one thing that will not fail? What do you think it means that charity will never fail? How is it possible for charity to see you through everything you face?
"In the covenant path we find a steady supply of gifts and help. Charity never faileth, love begets love, compassion begets compassion, virtue begets virtue, commitment begets loyalty, and service begets joy. We are part of a covenant people, a community of Saints to encourage, sustain, and minister to one another." – D Todd Christofferson, GC, April 2009 
"The best way to reclaim charity is to uncumber myself and simply love and serve The Lord... We start each day by kneeling in prayer to our Father in Heaven, we hear His words through daily scripture study, and we follow the guidance we receive. We put Christ first, restoring charity's circular love." - Bonnie D Parkin, GC, October 2003 
"Charity is a gift of the Spirit... and this gift is multiplied as it is used. Both the giver and the receiver are blessed. For charity purifies and sanctifies all it touches." -Elaine L Jack, GC, October 1991 
"The world today speaks a great deal about love, and it is sought for by many. But the pure love of Christ differs greatly from what the world thinks of love. Charity never seeks selfish gratification. The pure love of Christ sees only the eternal growth and joy of others." -Ezra Taft Benson, GC, October 1986

47. Why is charity so important for us to develop and live by in order to receive eternal exaltation?
"The reason charity never fails and the reason charity is greater than even the most significant acts of goodness [Paul] cited is that charity, the pure love of Christ, is not an act but a condition or state of being. Charity is attained through a succession of acts that result in a conversion. Charity is something one becomes. Thus, as Moroni declared, except men have charity they cannot inherit the place prepared for them in the mansions of the Father."  – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 2000

48. How do we obtain charity?
"Iniquity hampers our ability to see , feel, and love others. Being quick to remember The Lord by praying with all the energy of heart and bringing to mind our spiritual experiences expands our ability to see and feel the things of Christ." - Walter F Gonzalez, GC, October 2012 
"If our righteous desires are sufficiently intense, they will motivate us to cut and carve ourselves free from addictions and other sinful pressures and priorities that prevent our eternal progress. We should remember that righteous desires cannot be superficial, impulsive, or temporary. They must be heartfelt, unwavering, and permanent. So motivated, we will seek for that condition described by the prophet Joseph Smith, where we have overcome the evils of our lives and lost every desire for sin... As important as it is to lose every desire for sin, eternal life requires more. To achieve our eternal destiny, we will desire and work for the qualities required to become an eternal being... Eternal beings forgive all who have wronged them... and they love all of God's children." -Dallin H Oaks, GC, Ensign, April 2011 
"As the sons and daughters of a living God, a living Heavenly Father, we should stay close to him by humble prayer. We should stay close to him with a clean life, that our hearts may find peace in all of life's sacred opportunities and blessings. " - Bernard P Brockbank, GC, October 1979