Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ether 11

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1. What is a common theme of the teachings of the prophets? Why is this such an important message for us to take to heart and internalize?
2. What often happens when the people reject the prophets and cast them out from among them?
3. How are we blessed when we listen to and heed the words of the prophets? What blessings have you received for listening to and following the prophet?
4. What causes rebellion between family members? What is the source of contention? How can you guard against contention amongst your own family members? How can you be a peacemaker in your family?
5. When one desires the death of the prophets their prophecies are imminent. What is in store for the people when they allow the prophets to be killed? Do the calamities that come stir the people to a remembrance of their God?
6-7. What was in store for the people who chose not to repent? We may not always face physical death for our hard hearted ways, but in what way do we reap the same dearth spiritually as these people had come upon them?
8. Even when The Lord chastens us, he is still willing to bless us when we turn again unto Him? How generous are you with those who may have offended you, but have repented and turned to The Lord? Are you willing to 'bless' them in your thoughts and actions toward them?
9-11. How long will The Lord permit such great wickedness upon the land? What will ultimately befall those who choose wickedness?
12. How does the appearance of and preaching of prophets indicate the need for repentance? Does The Lord require his righteous prophets to remain among a hardened people when their words are rejected? What always befalls the wicked when the presence of the righteous is gone?
15. What has happened to the peace, security and unity that once existed among this people? Is this a society that you would enjoy living in? Why or why not? Describe what you think it would be like living among these people.
20. What significance is there to  the fact that The Lord has sent prophets yet again to this people? How does this action indicate the great love he has for his people, even when they choose to live in wickedness? How strongly do you feel the love of The Lord for you? What can you do to be more aware of His great love? How can you share that knowledge and that feeling with others?
22. What caution can you find in the fact that those who are engaged in secret societies consistently reject all the words of the prophets?

23. How are secret societies at the root of causing people to live their lives in captivity? What can you do to help root out secret combinations in your family, community and country?

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