Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ether 13

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If we reject the Lord's warnings to repent, His Spirit withdraws and Satan gains power over our hearts.

1. Why is it so important for us to know the final outcome – the destruction – of the Jaredite people? How does seeing something or someone being destroyed make you feel?
"The Jaredite became a great nation and flourished upon this land for approximately 1900 years, or almost the exact length of time that has elapsed since the birth of Jesus to our own day… The Jaredite's loved this land and enjoyed its blessings, as we have done. The Lord promised them that there should be no greater nation on the earth than the one which he should raise up for them upon this land." – Sterling W Sil, GC, April 1958

2. How does the Lord feel about the American continent? If this land is choice above all other lands what responsibility do we have to the Lord for such a blessing? What can you do in your life to display gratitude to your Father in Heaven for the privilege of living in a free land? How did the Jaredite in Ether's day respond to his teachings? In what ways did rejecting Ether as a prophet lead to the Jaredite's destruction?
3-4. What special city will exist on this free land? What is another name for the city of New Jerusalem? What can you do to prepare to dwell in holy places such as Zion and the Celestial kingdom of God? Through what process do you become clean and holy?
"Here is our nations destiny! To serve God's eternal purposes and to prepare this land and people for America's eventual destiny, the Lord established the Constitution of this land by the hands of wise men whom he raised up to this very purpose." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1976 

5. What did Ether say about the city of Jerusalem?

20-22. In what ways have you seen people in our day harden their hearts and reject the Lord's servants? What will you do to keep yourself strong in the faith and heating the words of the prophets? What are are the consequences that come from rejecting the Lord's warnings to repent?

1-31. What does this chapter teach you about the consequences of seeking for power and gain, and the effects of letting anger and revenge grow in our hearts? Are there any feelings in your heart that you need to repent of?

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