Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ether 4

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord shares additional truths with his children only as we demonstrate our spiritual preparedness, believe in the precious truths he has already revealed, and exercise faith in him. As we exercise great faith in the word of the Lord, he will, in his own due time and way, bless us with further revelation.

1-2. Do you keep a journal? How often do you write in it? What kinds of things might be included in a journal? Why do you think the Lord commanded the brother of Jared to record his experiences? What do you think the Lord wants us to record our experiences?
"Every person should keep a journal and every person can keep a journal." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, April 1979

3-4. The brother of Jared had some amazing things revealed to him. How was their importance conveyed in these verses? Why are these things still sealed up?
5. If the Lord seals something it is important. What character traits and attributes are required from us if we are ever to received the sealed portion of the book of Mormon? What Christlike attributes are you currently working on to improve your life and personality?
6. What requirement does the Lord place on us in order for us to be able to receive the sealed records?
7. How much faith do you have in the Lord? Are you able to step into the unknown trusting that the Lord will guide and protect you? How can you strengthen your faith to be able to do this? What does it mean to become sanctified?
"Those sealed plates constitute the sealed portion of the book of Mormon, which Joseph Smith did not translate. Furthermore, they will remain sealed, which really as well as figuratively, until future generations shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did… The full measure of this unprecedented and I'm excelled vision… are yet to be made known." – Jeffrey R Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, page 25

8. What happens to those who look for faults or imperfections in the words of the prophets? What happens to those who deny God? What do you think it means to contend with the word of The Lord? How can you identify those who contend against the word of The Lord? How much caution do you feel when you hear others criticizing or condemning the words of the Lords prophets? How can these feelings of caution help you avoid the road to apostasy?
9. Where have you beheld the power of God?
10. By what means do you receive the word of The Lord? Who are you really criticizing if you criticize the prophets and leaders of the church?
11. By what means can you know if the Book of Mormon is true? How does the Spirit help you yo gain this knowledge?
12. Who is the source of all good?
"Righteousness is a composite of all that is good. It embraces the principles of heavenly power and law by which all things of God are handled and controlled and governed." – William R Bradford, GC, October 1999 
"Each day will be a good day if we will think of the Savior and make him the center of our lives, for he is 'the light, and the life, and the truth of the world.' Following the Savior will help us be honest." – George I Cannon, GC, October 1991 
"To be good, one must seek after truth, the truth is the ingredient which, when inculcated into our lives, changes us for good." – Royden G Derrick, GC, October 1984

13. What great blessings come to those who seek to follow the Savior and live His gospel with exactness?
12-14. How can you know what choices will lead to the Savior? What choices have you made this past week that led to Jesus Christ? What choices did you make that took you further from him? How can you more consistently draw closer to the Savior? What blessings await you for doing this?
15. What would it be like to be able to rend or tear the veil between you and the knowledge of the Lord? How can seeking and desiring further revelation help you in doing this? What principles concerning revelation and how to invite it into your life do you learn from this chapter?
16. Who can seeking revelation and inspiration as he studied the Scriptures help you better understand the book of revelations in the new testament? We are taught that showing faith in the word of God which we have already received is required before the Lord will reveal more to us. Consider the following: daily prayer, following promptings you receive through the Holy Ghost, sustaining and following church leaders, studying the word of God in church and through personal scripture study, following the words of the prophets and living the Commandments. How does obeying God in these areas enable you to receive further revelation from the Lord?
17. What is one thing the bringing forth of the book of Mormon indicates to us as taught in this verse? How does it make you feel to know that you live in a time when the Lords work has begun? What responsibilities do you feel as a result of that knowledge?
18. What kind of signs follow the believers? What signs have you personally witnessed and born testimony of in your life?
19. What incentive do you have to remain faithful to the Lord? How strongly do you desire the blessings he has promised the faithful?

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