Monday, November 25, 2013

Moroni 3

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Individuals are ordained to priesthood offices by the laying on of hands by those having authority.

1-4. Have you ever seen a record of someone's priesthood line of authority? What is the significance of being able to trace the line of authority directly to Jesus Christ?

"Clearly, acting with divine authority requires more than near social contract. It cannot be generated by theological training or a commission from the congregation. No, in the authorized work of God there has to be power greater than that already possessed by the people in the pews or in the streets or in the seminaries – a fact that many honest religious seekers had known and openly acknowledged for generations leading up to the restoration… We in the restored Church of Jesus Christ can trace the priesthood line of authority exercised by the newest deacon in the ward, the bishop who presides over him, and the prophet who presides over all of us. That line goes back in an unbroken chain to angelic ministers who came from the Son of God himself, bearing this incomparable gift from heaven." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, April 2005

Why do you think it is necessary for an individual to be ordained to a priesthood office by someone who already holds the priesthood? How is having the authority of the priesthood in the church or in your family of worth to you?

How important is it for a young man to prepare to receive the priesthood? How important is it for young women to prepare for priesthood ordinances and blessings? How can women help and bless the priesthood?

"Responsibility devolves upon bishops, counselors, fathers and mothers, that we should impress upon these young men the sacredness of blessing the Sacrament, and what the Sacrament means and it's purpose; and also the privilege of performing the ordinance of baptism. If these young men understand the full meaning of the sacrament and preaching repentance, they will become so interested that they will try to live lives in harmony with Jesus the Christ and say, as he said: "Wist ye not that I must be about my father's business?"" – Joseph L Wirthlin, GC, April 1956

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