Monday, November 25, 2013

Ether 15

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Rejecting the Prophets leads to misery. War brings pain and sorrow. Anger and vengeance lead us to make choices that hurt ourselves and others.

1-3. How did Corianumr feel when he realized that all of Ethers prophecies were coming true? What regrets did Coriantumr suffer from? How does being obedient to the commands of the Lord through the words spoken by his Prophets help us avoid the agony of regret? How do you feel when you follow the prophet? What specific blessings have you received in your life from following a prophet?
18-19. Why did Shiz refuse to accept Coriantumr's offer? Why must we guard against the temptation to rationalize away the need to repent?

20-32. The history of the Jaradite's provides a vivid example of what happens to people when they collectively reject God's repeated efforts to convince them to repent. What feelings will you experience if you reject the Lord's warnings to repent? How can these feelings help you to move closer to the Lord? How can these feelings help you move toward repentance?
"I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fullness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience." – Neil L Andersen, GC, October 2009

Is there anything you might be doing that may be interfering with the influence of the Holy Ghost in your life? How might you draw upon the power of Jesus Christ's atonement to make the necessary changes that will help you receive the Spirit and resist the power of Satan?

What consequences might uncontrolled anger have on the family or another relationship? Is there a situation in your life where you might need to forsake feelings of anger revenge?
"When someone has hurt us or those we care about, that pain can almost be overwhelming. It can feel as if the pain or the injustice is the most important thing in the world and that we have no choice but to seek vengeance. But Christ, the Prince of peace, teaches us a better way. It can be very difficult to forgive someone the harm they've done us, but when we do, we open ourselves up to a better future. No longer does someone else's wrongdoings control our course. When we forgive others, it frees us to choose how we will live our own lives. Forgiveness means that problems of the past no longer dictate our destinies, and we can focus on the future with God's love in our hearts." – David E Sorensen, GC, April 2003

When have you or someone you know experience healing and freedom after choosing to forgive?

"You can overcome any feelings of anger and revenge if you will turn to Jesus Christ and receive the power of forgiveness and comfort through his atonement. Remember to turn to the Lord in prayer for the help you may need in those situations." – Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home study Seminary Students, page 310

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