Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Nephi 24

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Jesus Christ quotes the words given to Malachi regarding the second coming. At his second coming, Jesus Christ will purify his people.  If we return unto the Lord, he will return unto us.

1. What is prophesied in this verse?
2. What do the refiners fire in the fullers soap have in common?
3. What offering will we offer to the Lord in righteousness? How does the Lord refine us?

"Jesus Christ is compared to refiners fire and fullers soap because of what he will do at his second coming. He is compared to Silversmith, who purifies silver. To understand these verses, it is helpful to know that the process for refining silver requires the silversmith to hold a piece of silver over the hottest part of the fire to burn away the impurities. The refiner has to watch the silver closely, for if the silver is left even a moment too long in the flames, it will be destroyed. A Fuller is a person who cleans garments or whitens them using soap." --Book of Mormon study guide for homestudy seminary students page 271
"In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we passed through refiners fire, and the insignificant and that I'm important in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong. In this way the divine image can be mirrored from the soul. It is part of the purging toll exacted of some to become acquainted with God. In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the feet, godly whisperings of the divine shepherd. Into every life there come the painful, despairing days of adversity and buffeting. There seems to be a full measure of anguish, sorrow, and often heartbreak for everyone, including those who earnestly seek to do right and be faithful. The thorns that prick, that stick in the flesh, that hurt, often change lives which seem robbed of significance and hope. This change comes about through refining process which often seems cruel and hard. In this way the soul can't become like soft clay in the hands of the master in building lives of faith, usefulness, beauty, and strength. For some, the refiners fire causes all loss of belief and faith in God, but those with eternal perspective understand that such refining is part of the perfection process. " --Elder James E Faust, GC, Apr 1979

4. What does it mean to be refined? How does our being refined make the offering of Judah pleasing unto the Lord?
5. What image does swift witness bring to mind? Wickedness condemns the wicked. How does this fact cause the judgment of the Lord to be swift?
6. When the Lord assures us that he does not change, what comfort does this bring to your heart? Why?
7. We are counseled to return to the Lord. What can you do in your life to make sure that you are turning toward The Lord? How do the ordinances and covenants you have made with the Lord help you prepare for the second coming?
8. How faithfully do you pay your tithing? How generous are you in paying fast offerings? What blessings are associated with these commandments?
9. What kind of curse comes upon those who withhold their means from doing the work of the Lord? How is your willingness to give times and offerings to the Lord an indication of your faith in him?
"We can pay our tithing. This is not so much a matter of money as it is a matter of faith. " --Gordon B Hinckley, GC, Oct1985

10. Have you ever felt so blessed that you could not express what it meant to you? How does this feeling compare to the Lords promised blessings of opening the windows of heaven to you? What blessings have you received from obedience to the law of tithing?  How do you think keeping the Commandments to pay your tithes and offerings has helped you to spiritually prepare your self for the second coming?
11. What promise does the Lord give tithing payers in regards to the work of their hands? How do you feel about this promise?
12. Sometimes we looked out into the world and feel like they are being more blessed than we are as we try to keep the Commandments. How can the promises in verse 11 help you know that you will be greatly blessed for your faithfulness?
13. Have you ever been a little motored when you see people who do not serve God prospering and getting wealthy, well people living righteously are suffering and struggle just to get by? Have you ever felt you have not been blessed enough for doing what is right? How might this feeling make the Lord feel like we are speaking against him? Are we acting in faith when we indulge in such practices?
14-15.What would happen if every time someone did something right, he or she were immediately and outwardly blessed? What would happen if every time someone did something wrong, he or she was immediately and outwardly punished? What blessings that are often not seen come from doing what is right?
16-17. What did the Lord say about those who serve him faithfully? what process is required to become a beautiful shining jewel in the Lords hands? How does this process relate to the contents of verse two and three?
18. Why can't we always "discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not"?

"The Lord promises that secret acts of righteousness, seen only by him, will be rewarded openly. This open rewording, however, may not always be obvious in mortality. Period. In the meantime, as it continues to rain on both the just and that I'm just not properly motivated-and truly righteous-disciple is content with the inner peace he enjoys in service to and communion with God." --Daniel W Bachman, Ensign, March 1991

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