Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Nephi 27

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord teaches the 12 disciples that his church should bear his name. Jesus Christ defines his gospel and teaches what we must do to stand guiltless before him. The foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that He did the will of His Father in accomplishing the Atonement. The Lord expects his disciples to emulate His works and become as He is.

1. Why did the disciples gathered together often being united and mighty prayer and fasting? In your own callings how often are you using mighty prayer and fasting to do the Lords work?
2. How does the Lord respond to sincere and mighty prayer and fasting? How did he respond in this verse? In your own case what is a more likely response for you to receive?
3. Why were the disciples so concerned about the need to give the church? What does the name often signify about the purpose of an organization and those who belong to? What was happening in the church that caused the disciples to be concerned about the name of the church?

"The name of the church was not obtained through study or research, but by revelation direct from the board. Does it not seem incredible that of all the churches in the world, there was not one that bore his name when The Lord restored his church in this dispensation? " --Legrand L Richards, A marvelous work and a wonder, P. 136

4. Why does it seem like the people just need something to fight about? Why would they choose to fight over the name of the Lord's true church? Why do people in our day fight and content over who has the truth and who doesn't?
5. If we understand the Scriptures then we know the name whereby the church should be called. How can this help nonmembers find for themselves the true church of Jesus Christ?
6. Everything we do should be done in the name of the Lord. How diligent and aware are you of the things that you do? Are your actions done in the name of the Lord?

"Every prayer we offer in his name. Every ordinance performed in his name. Every baptism, confirmation, blessing, ordination, every sermon, every testimony is concluded with the invocation of his sacred name. It is in his name that we heal the sick and perform other miracles of which we do, cannot, speak. In the sacrament we take upon ourselves the name of Christ. We covenanted to remember him and keep his commandments. He is present and all that we believe. " --Boyd K Packer

7. With blessings are we promised when we do everything in the saviors name?
8. Why is it important that the true church of Jesus Christ not only bears His name, but is also built upon His gospel?
9. How can we be sure that the things we pray for will be heard by the Father? What can you do in your life to unsure that you are doing things in the name of Christ, rather than seeking to fulfill your own agenda?
10. Ponder how you have personally seen Heavenly Father show His works in the church? Why is being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ important to you?
11. What promise is given to religious organizations that are not built upon the gospel of Christ?
12. How can you tell the difference between the two?
13. What is the gospel? Why is it so important to understand this definition of the gospel? Using verses 13-22, list some different aspects of the gospel. When someone invites us to live the gospel how are they inviting us to receive the ordinances and the power of the Atonement into our lives?

"Viewed from our mortal position, the gospel is all that is required to take us back to the Eternal Presence, there to be crowned with glory and honor, immortality and eternal life. To gain these greatest of all rewards, two things are required. The first is the atonement by which all men are raised in immortality, with those who believe and obey ascending also unto eternal life. This atoning sacrifice, was the work of our Blessed Lord, and he is done his work. The second requisite is obedience on our part to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Thus, the gospel is, in effect, the atonement. But the gospel is also all of the laws, principles, doctrines, rites, ordinances, acts, powers, authorities, and keys needed to save and exalt fallen man in the highest heaven hereafter." --Bruce R McConkie 
"The good news was that death and hell could be escaped, that mistakes and sins could be overcome, that there was hope, that there was help, that the insoluble was solved, that the enemy had been conquered. That good news was that everyone's tomb could one day be empty, that everyone's soul could again be pure, that every child of God could again return to the Father who gave them life." --Jeffrey R Holland, Ensign, Mar 2001

14. The Savior testified to His disciples that he came into the world to do the will of His Father. According to this verse, what was Heavenly Fathers will for His Holy Son?
15. How would you feel standing before The Lord to be judged if there were still wrong deeds you had not repented of? How grateful are you personal for the gift of the Atonement?
16. How would you feel standing before The Lord to be judged if there was no way to repent of any of the sins you had committed during your life? What does The Lord promise to those who repent?
17. How do you endure to that end? How do you endure through trials?
18. If the Lord says something we can be assured it will come to pass. What can we learn about our need to keep our promises and the things we say true?
19. What does the image of soaking a garment in blood bring to your mind? Can you imagine the clothing coming out as white as snow? How does this image teach us about the power of the Atonement, and the need for it in our lives? What does the soiled clothing represent? What sort of stain remover does the blood represent?
20. What does it mean to be sanctified? How does receiving the Holy Ghost bring us closer to being sanctified? Can sanctification happen without the Holy Ghost? What is the role of the Holy Ghost in sanctification?
21. The Savior was perfect. Why are we, who are imperfect beings, counseled to be like him and do the things we have seen Him do? What must you do to receive all the blessings of the Atonement and to prepare for judgment?
22. What gospel principle can you live better to ensure that you stand spotless before The Lord on the day of judgment? Ponder what it will be like to one day stand before Jesus Christ knowing that you have been made clean through His Atonement by obedience to the principles, commandments and ordinances of the gospel. Record how you think that would feel.
23. Why is it important to have a spiritual record of the dealings of The Lord with you in your life?
24. Why is it important to record how you respond to the word of The Lord in your personal journal? How can doing this strengthen you?
25. How does it make you feel to know that you will be judged based on what is contained in the scriptures and records of the words of the prophets?
26. How does it make you feel to know that all your thoughts, words and actions are recorded by the Father, and that you will be judged out of that record? Is there room in your life for more sincere repentance?
27. What kind of people are we supposed to be? Why would it be important for those who judge others to be like the Savior? What is the relationship between doing the works of the Savior and becoming like Him? What opportunities did I have yesterday to be like the Savior? How can I be more like the Savior today?
"That man is greatest and most blessed and joyful whose life most closely approaches the pattern of the Christ. This had nothing to do with earthly wealth, power, or prestige. The only true test of greatness, blessedness, joyfulness is how close a life can come to being like the Master, Jesus Christ. He is the right way, the full truth, and the abundant life." --Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, December 1988 
"Christ... Has set us the example of what we should be like and what we should do. While many men have admirable qualities, there is only one man who was without sin... Christ is God the Son and possesses every virtue in its perfection. Therefore, the only measure of true greatness is how close a man can become like Jesus. That man is greatest who is most like Christ, and those who love him most will be most like him." --Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, January 1973

28. Why are we commanded to pray to the Father in the name of Christ?
29. What promise and assurance do we have that our prayers will be answered? Do you have the faith you need to go to the Father in all your decisions and challenges?
30. What would it be like to live in a generation where none of them are lost? How great would be your joy under such circumstances? What can you do to bring this blessing to pass?
31. How does The Lord feel about His righteous, obedient and faithful children? How deserving do you feel you are of such a great love?.
32. What does Satan seek to have concerning us? How much power and influence does he have in your life?

33. Look up the word 'strait'. What are some qualities of the strait and narrow path you may have missed before? What do all the bends and turns signify? How easy is it to follow the strait and narrow path?

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