Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mormon 1

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Mormon, the prophet, was born in a time when almost everyone in the land was living in wickedness. At an early age Mormon is given charge of the sacred records. Wickedness and unbelief drive away gifts of the Lord and the influence of the holy ghost.

1. What does it mean to you to have someone describe you as a Mormon?
"While I sometimes regret that people do not call this church by its proper name, I am happy that the nickname they use is one of great honor made so by a remarkable man and a book which gives an unmatched testimony concerning the Redeemer of the world. Anyone who comes to know the man Mormon, through the reading and pondering of his words, anyone who reads this precious trove of history which was assembled and preserved in large measure by him, will come to know that Mormon is not a word of disrepute, but that it represents the greatest good - that good which is of God. " -Gordon B Hinckley, GC, October 1990

2. What does the word sober mean? What topics or situations in life do you think you should be sober about? What does it mean to be quick to observe? How could the character trait of being quick to observe help you in your everyday life?
"The word sober means serious, solemn, righteous, or godly. "
"A seemingly simple and perhaps under-appreciated spiritual gift-the capacity of being 'quick to observe' -is vitally important for you and for me in the world in which we do now and will yet live… Please consider the significance of this important spiritual gift. As used in the Scriptures, the word observation has two primary uses. One use denotes 'to look' or 'to see' to 'to notice' - as we learn and Isaiah 42:20… The second use of the word observe suggest 'to obey' or 'to keep' - as is evident and Doctrine and Covenants 54:6… Thus when we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey. Both of these fundamental elements - looking and obeying - are essential to being quick to observe. And the prophet Mormon is an impressive example of this gift in action. " -David A Bednar, Ensign, December 2006

3. How can watching, listening, and observing the attitudes and actions of society with the intent of making a spiritual record of those things, help you to see those things as they are through God's eyes? How can this help you see things more clearly? Can it help you make better decisions?
4. Why were the sacred records hid up away from the people? Have you ever hidden your journal? Why do you hide your journal? Is your reason for hiding your journal similar to the reason that the Lord might hide up his records from the wicked?
5. How can remembering the words of the prophet help you make decisions and choices in your life?
6. What feeling for the land did Mormon being as he moved south to Zarahemla?
7-9. What are some of the conditions you notice that Mormon grew up in? Contrast these things with the conditions you have grown up in or the conditions your children or grandchildren are growing up in. Are we needing to step up and become more like Mormon in our firmness and steadfastness in living the Gospel?
10. How might you feel if a fierce war was being fought in the borders of your home town? What might you do and feel in this circumstance?
11. How many people did these wars and contentions involve? Why were the numbers so large? In our day we fight a spiritual battle. Which side have you joined? How do you know you are fighting against evil? What can you do more fully engage in this war? Do you ever slip over to fighting for the wrong side?
12. What kind of peace is described in this verse? Is this the Lords peace?
13-14. What gifts of the Lord did the Nephites lose due to the wickedness that had entered their hearts and lands? What gifts do we lose when we rebel against or disobey any of God's Commandments? If you had lived in Mormons time, which of the gifts of God mentioned in this chapter would you most regret losing?
15. What did Mormon experience while the rest of the Nephites were losing the gift of the Holy Ghost and the other gifts of God? How do you think Mormon was able to have a spiritual experiences even though he was in the midst of great wickedness?
16. Why do you think Mormon was forbidden by the Lord to preach the gospel to the wicked people that surrounded him? How is willful rebellion different then falling away? Are they viewed differently by the Lord?
17. How does hardheartedness bring about the loss of blessings, not just spiritual blessings but all forms of blessings?
18. What indications existed among the people that secret societies were becoming strong? Do you see any of these indications in your day?
19. Ponder the conditions that Mormon grew up in. What most impresses you about him? What can you learn from his example? Do you ever feel like you're living in a day similar to what Mormon faced?

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